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-   -   Legion: Nazi Symbolism (http://www.legionhq.org/showthread.php?t=19142)

Iminay 14-04-2006 14:40

bob, where is that sex machine of a brother of yours ?!
promise he will be on teamspeak tonight so i can cyber him?

addis 14-04-2006 14:45


Originally Posted by MEGUNT
I just wanted to say HI

I love you BOB come have nazi gay sex with me and I'll give you a reach around


Z_Abea 14-04-2006 15:19

Some of the responses in this thread are quite perplexing. While I do fully realize that Legion guild members are in the right mind to be insulted by such inquiries, the manner in which some went about during the construction of their posts could be perceived as rude, even more-so than that of the original question's content. Sure, it is correct to be offended by mentionings of Nazism and possible linkings to guild insignia, but bringing it to the point of a "flame-war" is a route this shouldn't have reached.

However, the attempts to link a guild of which obviously has Latin roots to the atrocities of the Nazi empire explain more about the original poster than that of the guild in question. Either he was trying to find a guild that followed his beliefs, and thought it to be such an abrubt end to his search that he had to further indulge into his findings (i.e. wonderment in regards to the Eagle symbol) - or, he's simply such a confused person that cannot relate Latin slogans to Roman symbolism. Whichever it may be, a post with such content shouldn't have made it to public viewing, and would have been more appropriate if handled in a system like private messages to guild leaders. If it was something as innocent as the latter (confusion), then your means of defense throughout postings, Grav, were more geared toward an initiative of trying to tarnish the entire Legion community. Thus, you eminated a sense of "retardism," in that your research was only geared at a single symbol and not the entire picture.

A flame-war was not necessary, but before asking about allegiances so frowned upon like Nazism, you may want to delve further into the entire picture in the future, Grav. Such unprofessionalism (you seem quite interested in historical matters - job hope/major?) could lead you into considerable trouble in the work force.

JRL 14-04-2006 19:01

sticky pls!

Florisha 14-04-2006 19:55


Originally Posted by JRL
sticky pls!


montie 15-04-2006 12:09

gravitas.. you get the feeling that alot of the people in legion are not high school drop outs and you really really picked on the wrong people? ;)

Leviathan 17-04-2006 07:33

1: Thread Delivers

2: Quality

3: Hes not just Canadian, me thinks its highly likely hes French-Canadian - Emphasis on *French*


The symbol aside, did you read those huge fuckoff words The Legion and the motto Victuri Te Salutant before you posted? Did you notice that you posted on a forum known as the "colosseum"? Did the thought "ANCIENT ROME" not quite frankly drop out of the sky and smack you in the face like stone cold steve austin wielding a 2x4? Then to add insult to injury, you come onto a forum on the internet expecting not to be flamed for such stupidity and to cap it off for the irony of all ironies you call yourself "Gravitas".

All I want to know is how you are going to beat this fantastic feat of stupidity.
Quite possibly the best post in this thread.

Animoy 17-04-2006 12:51

Now..i'm pretty slow at finding the posts everyone hiding in ^^

Anyways, my 2 cents...

1: I can see the missunderstanding, and he isnt the first. Wheat he does wrong tho (unlike others that have wondered the same thing) is to come on the forum and ask directly. Thats begging for a flame war. PM/Mail/ingame pm to one of the leaders of this gaming org would have answered your question without stiring up this much shit.

2: K, some of you are over-reacting. While I see how some can be offended by the question, his manner of asking wasnt an attack.
Heck, I had family executed by the nazi's and parts of my family was forced to flee to sweden, and I still didnt find the question personally offencive....just asked in the wrong place

HobbieRogue4 18-04-2006 03:22

Why. Is. This. Thread. Still. Open. ?.

Rival 18-04-2006 06:21

im so late for this thread :mad:

sLak 18-04-2006 06:47


Originally Posted by HobbieRogue4
Why. Is. This. Thread. Still. Open. ?.

entertainment value

Iminay 18-04-2006 08:25


Originally Posted by Rival
im so late for this thread :mad:

your siggy is mesmerizing

Mordea 18-04-2006 11:22

This reminds me of that post about the guy who thought legion was a cult :D

Paperjockey 18-04-2006 13:50

We're not a cult?? Bugger, now i have to throw away my blue jump suit and white tennis shoes. I blame Soly!

ramp 18-04-2006 16:28


Originally Posted by HobbieRogue4
Why. Is. This. Thread. Still. Open. ?.

I think 10 pages is enough ;p archive time!

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