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-   -   Legion: Nazi Symbolism (http://www.legionhq.org/showthread.php?t=19142)

Gravitas 13-04-2006 22:58


We do have Germans in Legion.. That must really make you think we're filled with Nazi's to the brim... doesnt it?
The demographics of your guild have never been a field of study of mine, nor should they have. Beliefs transcend political boundaries.

Relifex 13-04-2006 22:58

A little educational story:

The eagle as a symbol appeared in ancient greece as a sign from zeus and were supposed to be a sign of favor by the gods. Greek citizens cultur and religion spread across the mediteranian, which is why it appeared in Italy.

Each legion (usually consisting of 5000 men) had one standard made with a golden eagle. Which became the very symbol and pride of the roman armies.

Hitlers use of the eagle is as 90% of everything else of symbolism he used, stolen from greater days of greater men/civilizations. The iron cross was the mark of a teutonic order (knights during the medieval days), the "nazi cross" or "sun cross" originates from norse mythology. The "nazi" salute was also used by the roman armies to their leaders.

Since Hitler "percieved" or atleast used these to promote his ideas of the supreme being "übermench" (flatly stolen from nitczhe) and the supremecy of the Arian race he used these ancient symbols which most people respected and blatantly used them for his own gain.

German armies NEVER had legions, there has never been an army (except the french foreign legion) after the roman empire that used "Legion" as a term of size of a unit. Germany used the modern expressions of armies IE, troop, batallion, corps, division etc etc.

There are still several nation/armies that use some form of eagle as a symbol still. USAF is one example of such, the german armies still have the iron cross on its tanks/aircrafts.

www.google.com is your friend before making stupendos posts.

zyrtec 13-04-2006 22:58

<3 forum trolls

Agamemnon 13-04-2006 22:58

We have bets going on what sorta education you're currently taking to cause for such a warped perception of reality, please explain!

Venethor 13-04-2006 23:00

That we are a french RP guild?

EDIT: What we find out when we're in the inner circle...

Waywatcher 13-04-2006 23:02

The Nazi party borrowed a lot of symbolism from ancient history. In fact, the swastika itself is derived from an ancient symbol for good luck (4 "L's" bound together to mean "Luck," "Life," "Love," and "Light."

The cross on the Legion banner - as well as practically every thematic device we use, from our banner motifs to our motto ("Victuri te Salutant" - Latin for "We, who are about to succeed, salute you;" a more positive take on the old gladiator adage) - are derived from the ancient Roman empire.

I think more people took offense to the fact that you actually thought that any large modern organization of people in as mainstream a medium as a video game could actually form a guild based on National Socialism or what the party stood for.

Regardless, let's consider any such misinterpretation dispelled now.

We apologize for our overreaction. We will not, however, apologize for our being offended by your very question.

Please take care.

The watcher.

Imsdal 13-04-2006 23:02

We are all lil hobby nazi's, and we're playing WoW to spread our propaganda in sekrit, that way we can take over the world in 50 years time!

PS: Please don't tell anyone

Kyrealean 13-04-2006 23:03


Originally Posted by Agamemnon
We have bets going on what sorta education you're currently taking to cause for such a warped perception of reality, please explain!

He is Canadian. We have to overlook his naive perception of the world due to his sheltered life in the Great White North.

kacklon 13-04-2006 23:04


Originally Posted by Gravitas
Far from stupid.

Consider my point of view: I know nothing about your guild. I come to this site, and instantly identify that symbol with its most current usage, as many others would. I had a strong reaction to it, and rather than be quiet and remain in interpretative limbo simply so I don't ask a "wrong question," I proceed to determine the truth. I was unaware the Roman Empire adopted that symbol as well, and now it's clarified, but my interpretation remains far from invalid.

It's also quite likely that the Nazis borrowed this aspect of Roman symbolism, as the comparisons between the two empires are mulitple and apt.

I can only wonder if this was at all considered when the guild was being created.

The eagle as a symbol is being used in countless ways if you havent noticed. Is this how do you react when you see an eagle symbol in general or just ours?
Either way I pity you.

Ares42 13-04-2006 23:04

Sometimes the person seeks the answer, sometimes the answer seeks the person. I seriously doubt the second is the case here. You're the first person I've ever met that didn't instantly relate this guild to the roman empire.

Benjy 13-04-2006 23:06


Originally Posted by Imsdal
We are all lil hobby nazi's, and we're playing WoW to spread our propaganda in sekrit, that way we can take over the world in 50 years time!

PS: Please don't tell anyone

Quiet Gunter!

Tiddy 13-04-2006 23:06

Well I know some ppl that always chose the Axis team in ET... maybe you're on to something heh.

Gravitas 13-04-2006 23:08


Originally Posted by Agamemnon
We have bets going on what sorta education you're currently taking to cause for such a warped perception of reality, please explain!

Warped would be if I thought your guild symbol was identifiable with the M-Arch, and that you're all proponents of fatty foods, globalism, and runaway capitalism.

Please, have you and your friends elaborate exactly how my perception of reality is warped.

Agamemnon 13-04-2006 23:09


Originally Posted by Ares42
Sometimes the person seeks the answer, sometimes the answer seeks the person. I seriously doubt the second is the case here. You're the first person I've ever met that didn't instantly relate this guild to the roman empire.

Thus our wondering about what his education is.. Most experiences with people who are searching for a truth that would be intreaguing more than plausible or even possible, are quite simply of semi-educated quasi-intellectuals with immense egos, that think they know something nobody else does.

kacklon 13-04-2006 23:09


Originally Posted by Gravitas
Warped would be if I thought your guild symbol was identifiable with the M-Arch, and that you're all proponents of fatty foods, globalism, and runaway capitalism.

Please, have you and your friends elaborate exactly how my perception of reality is warped.

Omg. Please go away.

Imsdal 13-04-2006 23:10

no please stay, this is more entertaining than the lag in bwl

Stijn 13-04-2006 23:11

Rascal even fought in WW2,
True story!
for the allied forces that is :o

Waywatcher 13-04-2006 23:11


Warped would be if I thought your guild symbol was identifiable with the M-Arch, and that you're all proponents of fatty foods, globalism, and runaway capitalism.

Please, have you and your friends elaborate exactly how my perception of reality is warped.
I think immediately associating a symbol currently utilized by a half dozen governments (including your democratic neighbors to the south) with the Nazi party is fairly warped. You couched this assumption in the form of a query when most people, I believe, could immediately have realized the real theme of our guild.

It seems to me you either willfully sought to create drama here, or your pre-cognitive impulses (associating icons with meaning) are, indeed, "warped."

The watcher.

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