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Icewolf 11-07-2004 18:36

you're welcome, we are using TeamSpeak as well and could use some more ppl for Grendels tree hugging action *g*

cu starside

AllFather 11-07-2004 20:14

Hehe :)
Im going to change sides from TR then, and see if the char i had 7 months still excists.

I dont know how it works, as I deleted the game, when I had a char on werner called allfather. When i tried to "remake" the char as TR i got told the name was taken.

Hopefully by me :)

Leviathan 12-07-2004 02:15

Your siggy is nice dude but I think im gonna have an epileptic fit :p

Icewolf 12-07-2004 08:55


Originally posted by AllFather
Hehe :)
Im going to change sides from TR then, and see if the char i had 7 months still excists.

I dont know how it works, as I deleted the game, when I had a char on werner called allfather. When i tried to "remake" the char as TR i got told the name was taken.

Hopefully by me :)


You can create chars on 2 empires per server afaik, so you don't need to delete him.
And BR4 is done within 30-60mins, just doing training anyway *g*

cu starside

AllFather 12-07-2004 10:29

Hehe, well aparently AllFather nick was deleted, and I can use it now. (its the one i reregisterd with).

And "Omnipotent" nick is still mine and reserved on the other two servers :)

Leviathan: Got bored, needed something to kill 15mins in photoshop :p

Icewolf 12-07-2004 11:52

Ok, so no more excuses, get a mic, join the TS Server and #planetside on IRC - i need more ppl for our squad so i can raise my CR :p

cu starside

AllFather 12-07-2004 12:38

Im not athome ffs :p
Will be back tuesday, and I will see if i have a mic around somewhere. If you dont mind someone talking Arnold English with a dark dark voice that is :p

(TS is free i hope :p )

Niktorius 12-07-2004 14:20


Originally posted by AllFather
(TS is free i hope :p )

Icewolf 12-07-2004 14:30

AllFather: are you from austria? Or why do you sound like Arnold? *g*

AllFather 12-07-2004 14:42

Cause Im norwegian, and for some reason (unknown to me) i speak english like germans do :p.

"Like Arnold" because my voice in general is dark, and the way i talk english ;)

Icewolf 12-07-2004 15:32

ah ok, i asked because i am german, and yes - afaik does those two languages have the same origin and a lot of words in common.

cu starside

Niktorius 12-07-2004 15:37


Originally posted by AllFather
Cause Im norwegian, and for some reason (unknown to me) i speak english like germans do :p.

"Like Arnold" because my voice in general is dark, and the way i talk english ;)

hmm norwegians speak far better english than germans...we just type like shit :p

Link 31-07-2004 19:16

there are exceptions, but I like to believe that most norwegians when not typing 1337-language type ok english

Valhalla 01-08-2004 01:50

Norwegian people on the internet should log off and go back to school if they can't "speak" english hehe :p

Ogami 01-08-2004 02:19

I type semi english :/

Leviathan 02-08-2004 02:30


Originally posted by Ogami
I type semi english :/
liez, your just a penguin.

Niktorius 02-08-2004 14:55


Originally posted by Leviathan
liez, your just a penguin.
well we joke about everyone that lives in northern norway have "icebears" in the streets (its not true unless your really high/drunk) but penguins........?

Link 06-08-2004 17:02

"icebears" (=

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