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Trys 19-01-2004 16:13


Originally posted by Leviathonss
[B]I fear for one thing and one thing only - bunches of nansy fags running around in WoW cos there is no PvP

What type of PvP will you offer?
We know that the player vs. player (PvP) option is very important to many gamers. Therefore, we plan to incorporate a form of player conflict into the World of Warcraft. However, players who do not wish to be participate in PvP combat will not be required to do so. Announcements regarding PvP options in the World of Warcraft will be announced in the months ahead.

Was there any other news that I missed considering PvP?

Bullseye 19-01-2004 19:14


Originally posted by montie
CT.. you see many of the old 144:20 crew? trying to get hold of em.. but not much luck
Actually, I haven't seen anyone except for jung (on ICQ and 90% idle :D) for a long time, but there might still be a few hanging around somewhere on IRC or even on PA boards, I'd dare trying a "hello 144:20 of r4" thread if I could be arsed to go there... :D

Leviathan 19-01-2004 23:13

Last time I had looked it wasnt going to be pvp heh - so atleast they have looked into it - but even by the sounds of those sentences its not going to be very vast.

Xenius 22-01-2004 13:59


Originally posted by Leviathonss
Last time I had looked it wasnt going to be pvp heh - so atleast they have looked into it - but even by the sounds of those sentences its not going to be very vast.
There are pvp in zone`z i think.. and Epic battles where u choose side.. like SWG? well it looks good thats for sure..

/me is going to be a Orc 8)

Valhalla 23-01-2004 11:42

I doubt it will have the complexity of SWG.
I also doubt blizzard will make a bad game.

I'm pretty sure it all comes down to what you like.

If you prefer to kill red dragons with your purple axe wearing your green armor and be a dwarf, then WOW is the way to go.
If you hate jar jar binks and wanna kill all his relatives then i suggest SWG is the way hehe..

Personally i like it both and i'll have to try and play both for a period of time before i make up my mind on how they are.

Xenius 23-01-2004 12:46


Originally posted by Valhalla
I doubt it will have the complexity of SWG.
I also doubt blizzard will make a bad game.

I'm pretty sure it all comes down to what you like.

If you prefer to kill red dragons with your purple axe wearing your green armor and be a dwarf, then WOW is the way to go.
If you hate jar jar binks and wanna kill all his relatives then i suggest SWG is the way hehe..

Personally i like it both and i'll have to try and play both for a period of time before i make up my mind on how they are.

I think ill play both games to... but with a main focus on SWG.. .cuz as u say.. jar jar binks and his kind suck ass..

Spitterman 23-01-2004 15:53


If you prefer to kill red dragons with your purple axe wearing your green armor and be a dwarf, then WOW is the way to go.

that line makes me ...sad....i know you don't truely mean it but just reading it made me want to cry:o

the whole basis of WARCraft is alliance vs horse....i'm pretty sure they will put some cool stuff in pvp wise

Xenius 24-01-2004 18:39

im pretty sure Blizzard wont dissapoint.. they never dissapoint their fan`s.. so im 100% that WOW will own in all Aspects :)

Tenaglia 25-01-2004 00:21

*cough* It's clearly that EVE-Online owns them both ..

nuff said :)

Spitterman 25-01-2004 00:32

no comment

Icewolf 25-01-2004 08:22


Originally posted by Tenaglia
*cough* It's clearly that EVE-Online owns them both ..

nuff said :)

nice to have dreams, but don't believe into them too much *g*

Xenius 25-01-2004 19:29


Originally posted by Tenaglia
*cough* It's clearly that EVE-Online owns them both ..

nuff said :)

EVE online :) right
:=) Aint that the fishy game.. where u fly for hours without any action?

Spitterman 25-01-2004 20:04

yea and when you get action its a bunch of suped up "space pirates"...that you'll never see cause they kill you that fast....i think thats how it goes;p

Xenius 25-01-2004 20:09


Originally posted by Spitterman
yea and when you get action its a bunch of suped up "space pirates"...that you'll never see cause they kill you that fast....i think thats how it goes;p

LoL that sounds like a game worth playing :)

Spitterman 25-01-2004 21:10

yea for like one day(my playtime on EVE;p

Xenius 27-01-2004 07:43

back to WoW
Can u have player cities on WoW?
or player housing?

Spitterman 27-01-2004 17:07

not for release, probly an expansion

Xenius 27-01-2004 20:17


Originally posted by Spitterman
not for release, probly an expansion

gameworld dont look so big.. is it big in size.. can u walk for hours just for walkings sake? or is it like.. walk 10 mins from town to town.. guess anyone dont have that answer for me yet..

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