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__Thor__ 06-12-2014 16:49

fascinating with so few people playing they still care about top 100

androme 07-12-2014 11:07

The excessively big font is hard to digest on my phone -_-

Anyway, congratulations on the win. Well deserved as an alliance. We actually crashed quite big on the final 2-3 hours. I was given permission to arrange the final TP - as I had done for that entire week - and I was given special permission to break any of the 3 NAP's we had if I saw fit - of p3nguins, Black Flag and Rainbows (considering we warred Rainbows half the round then they wanted a NAP = lol).

I decided not to break the NAP with p3nguins or BF as both of you have proved to be good to us this round and you haven't backstabbed us this round = <3

So for the final TP, I decided we should raid 2:2 with Norton Airlines (just think of it as a large BG that ALWAYS lands) and then pick the t5 planets in Inferno as a whole (I inlcuded Pommeh in 2:2's raid because he narrowly beat me in r3 and was on my shitlist), t5 in Conspiracy and t5 in ROCK and a few in t10. The reason for being so: we couldn't win as our decision to be valued based this round lost out (with all due respect) to XP whores.

I thought who gives a shit about #2 spot? So I told everyone to 3 fleet and not to defend at all (a few ppl didn't listen as they wanted to hold onto their precious roids not realising they had more to gain with the targets I put up than they would lose) and also not to care if they crash - so don't bother JGP'ing :D several people crashed in spectacular fashion that lost us #2 spot and we lost several thousand roids - but did we care or emo? NO :D

Whilst I should have joined p3nguins this round, the Apprime core of ULTPRIME is my core family after I retired from PA after r7 and returned r53. The next round, R54, we won PA in spectacular fashion and I haven't looked back - which included your Jintao who came #2 for us just behind agar3s. We're a crazy bunch of mofo's and we don't care as much about defence and most people got great amounts of sleep this round - something I can say most alliances can't say they had as a whole.

Next round is going to be my last round (at least for a while). I've told Assman I'm interested to finally play with you lot but he told me there's a big list. So we'll watch this space. agar3s has told me Ultores is coming back as a whole unit so may end up joining them.

To summarise, congratulations p3nguins :-) for being good to us, we let you take that top spot - otherwise we could have caused an upset ;)

sigrid 07-12-2014 11:28

Oi Androme..
It was a pleasure meeting you in #legion and visiting your caves with Jintao.
Epic epic crash last day on 2.2...it surely pissed them off a bit! GO NORTON!

sigrid 14-12-2014 11:35


[Didn't think i'd ever play in a galaxy with this banner again....but I do.

stojke 26-01-2015 22:29

sigrid where u hiding now ?


Willzzz 04-03-2016 17:13

I did actually enjoy reading this log

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