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Quinn 27-02-2003 16:13


Originally posted by razor
dunno how u can stack em up ;)
Shoot a guy with each and see who's deader?

atolla 27-02-2003 16:32


Originally posted by Quinn
Shoot a guy with each and see who's deader?
I heard they use pigs and rabbits :no: pooreh animals

Zhukov 27-02-2003 23:34

I really dont see the point of putting 12.7 or .50 (the same right) in handgun, must be very unprecise.

Quinn 28-02-2003 00:02


Originally posted by Zhukov
I really dont see the point of putting 12.7 or .50 (the same right) in handgun, must be very unprecise.
The Desert Eagle is pretty precise due to the long barrel.

Def2K 28-02-2003 01:17


Originally posted by Zhukov
I really dont see the point of putting 12.7 or .50 (the same right) in handgun, must be very unprecise.
Take in mind that with that calibre it doesnt really matter a lot WHERE you hit them.. as long as you manage to hit them. And most of those weapons aren't that inaccurate. Especially the desert eagle. Its huge, cumbersome and totally unpractical and therefore an typical american weapon but, i have to admit, it is pretty accurate for its calibre.

The recoil aint that bad either :D

steam 28-02-2003 01:37

hm i wonder what you all are talking about , a weapon is deadly , it doesnt really matter which calibre , its not like it is in the film where the good hero gets shot in the arm , takes out his sock, wraps it around his arm and fights the evil.

Most people dont die of the direct weapon impact , they simply die of shock

I bet you wouldnt care much whether you have been hit by a deagle or a .32 ladykiller , both are equally lethal , maybe the deagle will do 2 holes , but i promise you will have better things to think of that particular moment .

And if you get a chest hit , and theres no emergency response team sitting right the next table , both weapons will kill you.

Def2K 28-02-2003 01:54


Originally posted by steam

And if you get a chest hit , and theres no emergency response team sitting right the next table , both weapons will kill you.

This isnt entirely true. Altho I admit that it wont go as in movies I know of numeral occasions were a guy managed to run away after he was shit in the shoulder. This usually happens when one is hit by "low impact" bullets. IE: relatively slow, big bullets.. strange as it might seem, the bullet pushes the organs out of the way instead of piercing them.. (if yer VERY lucky). This is the one advantage big bullets have.

Smaller bullets tend to pierce more. but its a smaller hole. a small hit in the shoulder really wont stop you. If there isnt much bloodloss, that is.

We are talking about normal bullets here. As soon as we get to the "frazed hollow point" ones I prefer not being the test victim.

Altho I completely agree with steam here, I must add that there are numerous occasions in which the impossible happens and people surive 12 chest-shots.. usually they die of 1 tho :)

razor 28-02-2003 08:18


Originally posted by Def2K
...were a guy managed to run away after he was shit in the shoulder...
u cant get out no more these days without getting shit in the shoulder
where is this world comming to :(

Def2K 28-02-2003 13:04


Originally posted by razor
u cant get out no more these days without getting shit in the shoulder
where is this world comming to :(

You know, I actually suspected I had made this type heh. I didnt dare to check this thread for a looooooong time :D

razor 28-02-2003 13:15


Originally posted by Def2K
You know, I actually suspected I had made this type heh. I didnt dare to check this thread for a looooooong time :D
its either shot or hit my dutch friend
there is no shit comming out of rifles and guns

Def2K 28-02-2003 13:16


Originally posted by razor
its either shot or hit my dutch friend
there is no shit comming out of rifles and guns

Well, there is a lot of shit comming from using guns tho.. :D

But, yes, I admit, even I, flawless Def2K, the perfect one, has made a slight typing error.

Spare me. Begone eviiiiiil :D

devildawg 04-03-2003 03:27

notta AR but still phat http://www.pozland.com/guns/guns1/G3_Sentry.jpg

and i own the 500 yard like with a open sight M16 a2 so im partial them

Lantador 05-03-2003 16:43


Originally posted by devildawg
notta AR but still phat http://www.pozland.com/guns/guns1/G3_Sentry.jpg

and i own the 500 yard like with a open sight M16 a2 so im partial them

pwnage picture :D

Valhalla 28-03-2003 12:26


Originally posted by steam
if you really want some kickass gun ,

check out thisone :


Comes with :

Tunigbarrel, Frontbottleconnector with Antiliquidsystem, Bottomline, Vertikalfeed, Volumizer, Doublefingertrigger , Antidoublefeed,Rearcocking System, Dropforward with Regulator and Manometer

Effective range is about 50 metres at 300 bpi

Shot frequency around 60/minute

Great gun , i use it aswell and killed literally hundreds of persons with it :)

Let's play then...
I got a Shocker

Blyr 28-03-2003 23:08

oooh a SHOCKER......my friend had an angel but it broke :( oh well, at least he was on the number one team in south florida :)

hey wait.....isn't this post supposed to be on SWG guns???

Blyr 28-03-2003 23:09

i need one more post to get a banner so here goes:


yay 3 posts now i can get a banner.

DeEvil 29-03-2003 01:10

ofcourse the AK-47 is the best "ass-rifle " throout history.

Have you seen the movie "The sum of all Fears" when the plaines is attacking the Hangarship?
The minigun who shots ...well...trying to shoot down all the missiles...thats a gun...:D
there you have your metalfuturegun...

but i use the HK MSG90...

MSG90 Technical Specifications
Caliber 7.62x51mm (.308 )
Modes of fire Semi-automatic
Ammunition feed Staggered magazines; 5- and 20-round capacity
Sights 6x scope
Weight: with empty magazine 14.11 pounds (6.41 kg)
Barrel length 23.62 inches (600mm)
Overall length 45.87 inches (1,165mm)
Width 2.56 inches (65mm)
Height 10.23 inches (259.8mm)

Zhukov 29-03-2003 04:20


Originally posted by DeEvil
Weight: with empty magazine 14.11 pounds (6.41 kg)

With 6.5 kg, this one aint any fun talking with you in a real war.

DeEvil 29-03-2003 10:48


Originally posted by Zhukov
With 6.5 kg, this one aint any fun talking with you in a real war.
couldnīt agree with you more...
but i like sniping and if it goes to that, sneek up on the enemy and draw my knife :yes:

i know it is not the best sniping rifle, but it looks good... :=)

Blyr 29-03-2003 16:41

I'm not understanding the whole sniper rifle thing.......

You have to put your eye so close to the scope; wouldn't the recoil knock your eye out? Or is there hardly any recoil on those.......this has always baffled me.

Zhukov 30-03-2003 05:03


Originally posted by DeEvil
couldnīt agree with you more...
but i like sniping and if it goes to that, sneek up on the enemy and draw my knife :yes:

i know it is not the best sniping rifle, but it looks good... :=)

In my army service I had a rifle who was 4.2kg without ammo, and that was more than heavy (and clumsy) enough for me.

Lantador 30-03-2003 10:23


Originally posted by Zhukov
With 6.5 kg, this one aint any fun talking with you in a real war.
Aint that bad, in the danish army the Infantry LMG they use is an 11-kilo one. But I'd say thats the limit of whats fun to carry around.

DeEvil 30-03-2003 21:39


Originally posted by Blyr
I'm not understanding the whole sniper rifle thing.......

You have to put your eye so close to the scope; wouldn't the recoil knock your eye out? Or is there hardly any recoil on those.......this has always baffled me.

well... ofcourse there is a small recoil on them also...but not much.. depends on how you use it and what type of rifle you use..

and with the different weight things...hmm...yeah some are heavy some are not...just work out more perhaps..;)

Zhukov 31-03-2003 01:49


Originally posted by Lantador
Aint that bad, in the danish army the Infantry LMG they use is an 11-kilo one. But I'd say thats the limit of whats fun to carry around.
aye, but Im lazy :D

Blyr 31-03-2003 16:41


Originally posted by Zhukov
aye, but Im lazy :D
ah.....come on bro....11 pounds........geez my laptop is 11 frigging pounds :=)


Originally posted by DeEvil
well... ofcourse there is a small recoil on them also...but not much.. depends on how you use it and what type of rifle you use..
if these guns don't have much recoil, why doesn't someone design some badass gun that has super accuracy and like no recoil.

Another Question: Do is there any advantage to using bolt action as opposed to semi?

Lantador 31-03-2003 16:44

Regarding the sniper rifles, then theres a reason the part of the scope you put your eye into is made of rubber.

Theres also a reason you hold it hard against your shoulder when you fire it.

But when I was in the army I still saw recruits exit the firing range with bleeding eyebrows after playing with weapons, especially with the Heckler & Koch 7.26mm rifles, since they have a lot of recoil.


killerbee 31-03-2003 19:16

sa 80
ok, its the only rifle i used except .22 cadet rifles. but iam 20, a student in the uk and have only been in the cadets...

all i can say is that the sa 80's design just felt right, light enough, x3 sight as standard making it quite damn accurate for an assault rifle. also the 'bull pup' (spelling?) degign, (cartrage behind the trigger) just feels betta than the standard layout of a rifle.

just my 2cents

if they have got the reliability sorted out on the latest version then it has to be concidered as one of the best.

Lantador 31-03-2003 19:53

Yea... its has reliability problems, you can't pour mud into it without getting functionality problems... Any colt rifle will keep shooting, even in a mud bath..

Zhukov 01-04-2003 01:12


Originally posted by Lantador
Regarding the sniper rifles, then theres a reason the part of the scope you put your eye into is made of rubber.

Theres also a reason you hold it hard against your shoulder when you fire it.

But when I was in the army I still saw recruits exit the firing range with bleeding eyebrows after playing with weapons, especially with the Heckler & Koch 7.26mm rifles, since they have a lot of recoil.



I got a slightly bad cheek after shooting with the HK G3.. Probably becouse I got quite long arms, and should have gotten a longer "elbow part".

Blyr 01-04-2003 16:49

lol zhukov

i guess i wasn't thinking about bracing the rifle against your shoulder....duh <someone smack me>

sure automatics are nice, but i prefer shotguns :) your aim doesn't have to be so good to shoot someone with those

Lantador 01-04-2003 16:57


Originally posted by Zhukov

I got a slightly bad cheek after shooting with the HK G3.. Probably becouse I got quite long arms, and should have gotten a longer "elbow part".

Sorry, meant 7.62mm of course!

Lantador 01-04-2003 16:59


Originally posted by Blyr
lol zhukov

i guess i wasn't thinking about bracing the rifle against your shoulder....duh <someone smack me>

sure automatics are nice, but i prefer shotguns :) your aim doesn't have to be so good to shoot someone with those

Wtf good will a shotgun do you if you spot an enemy at 300 meters and he has a rifle, and he spots you as well?

Zhukov 01-04-2003 19:37


Originally posted by Lantador
Wtf good will a shotgun do you if you spot an enemy at 300 meters and he has a rifle, and he spots you as well?

aye, thats why I would prefer a G-3 or a M-16 instead of a MP5 in real combat.

DeEvil 02-04-2003 11:06


Originally posted by Lantador
Wtf good will a shotgun do you if you spot an enemy at 300 meters and he has a rifle, and he spots you as well?

:=) couldnīt agree with you more :=)

And Blyr, the post was about rifleīs, assult even, but anyway.
Shotguns are best used indoors, with small narrow turns and short corridors ( hope i spelled that right )

Blyr 05-04-2003 05:57

you betcha.

you should see my awesome bolt action full auto shotgun sniper rifle.

:=) :=) :=) :=) :=)

Lantador 05-04-2003 18:30


Originally posted by DeEvil
:=) couldnīt agree with you more :=)

And Blyr, the post was about rifleīs, assult even, but anyway.
Shotguns are best used indoors, with small narrow turns and short corridors ( hope i spelled that right )

I don't agree.

The single use shotguns has in any army aspect, is blowing in doors when doing "house cleaning".

Indoors, in buildings, vs personnel, a H&K MP5 with a Maglite or similar is preferred by virtually any western AT and special unit.

Its light, can be hung around ur neck and will thus be at ur chest so you can climb/jump/fastrope and so forth, its accurate at short ranges, you can use the Maglite as aim in darkness (and to "flash" enemies), you can clip two magazines together, and it has 3-shot burst capability, which is ideal, plus it will penetrate fragmentation armor at short ranges.

Also I'm not sure how to explain it in english, but you can have a bullet "ready" in the chamber, which will go off just by pulling the trigger without the moving peice having to go back and forward again.

DeEvil 05-04-2003 21:19


Originally posted by Lantador
I don't agree.

The single use shotguns has in any army aspect, is blowing in doors when doing "house cleaning".

Indoors, in buildings, vs personnel, a H&K MP5 with a Maglite or similar is preferred by virtually any western AT and special unit.

Its light, can be hung around ur neck and will thus be at ur chest so you can climb/jump/fastrope and so forth, its accurate at short ranges, you can use the Maglite as aim in darkness (and to "flash" enemies), you can clip two magazines together, and it has 3-shot burst capability, which is ideal, plus it will penetrate fragmentation armor at short ranges.

Also I'm not sure how to explain it in english, but you can have a bullet "ready" in the chamber, which will go off just by pulling the trigger without the moving peice having to go back and forward again.

hmm...yes ofc...thereīs alot of weapons better used indoors then a shotgun, what ever shotgun you use.

But, my point was from the use of a shotgun.
THE SHOTGUN is better used indoors then outdoors :)

and that you would agree on, right ?

Blyr 05-04-2003 22:39

i'm wondering when someone will make a practical laser rifle

sure would save us a lot of bullets:rolleyes:

and ja, i agree with you on the shotguns+indoors thingie you'd have to be stupid not to ERHEM

<pronounced 'Bly-er think like a pirate would pronounce it. Blyer. Blier. Blyr. not blur not blir. Bly-er.>

DeEvil 07-04-2003 20:38


Originally posted by Blyr
i'm wondering when someone will make a practical laser rifle

sure would save us a lot of bullets:rolleyes:

and ja, i agree with you on the shotguns+indoors thingie you'd have to be stupid not to ERHEM

<pronounced 'Bly-er think like a pirate would pronounce it. Blyer. Blier. Blyr. not blur not blir. Bly-er.>

ok ok i think we got that sorted out a long time ago Bly-Er
and about the bullet versus energy hmm
pretty far fetched right now i think

Lantador 07-04-2003 20:48


Originally posted by DeEvil
hmm...yes ofc...thereīs alot of weapons better used indoors then a shotgun, what ever shotgun you use.

But, my point was from the use of a shotgun.
THE SHOTGUN is better used indoors then outdoors :)

and that you would agree on, right ?

I would agree on that yes! :D

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