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Johnny Rico 24-02-2003 16:36

Good point.

This is what I found regarding the use of the force in public:

"When you use the Force in public, or display any sign of your Jedi Heritage outside of the chat channels, you will automatically gain a Temporary Enemy Flag (TEF) from all Players and NPCs who witness it. This means that any of those Players or NPCs can attack and kill you without repercussions until the TEF runs out."

If this is the case, you better have someone watching your back during Jedi training (or train in a secluded area if possible) because until you become strong enough to be able to protect yourself, your training is definitley going to draw some negative attention.

I certainly know that the first time I see someone use the force I will be so excited that I will probably have to change my drawers. ---Maybe more information than you needed. Sorry.


Quinn 24-02-2003 16:57


Originally posted by Johnny Rico
I certainly know that the first time I see someone use the force I will be so excited that I will probably have to change my drawers. ---Maybe more information than you needed
At least it makes us know that you change them from time to time...

Johnny Rico 24-02-2003 17:04


Link 25-02-2003 08:53

roflol! :=)

Def2K 26-02-2003 01:02

Perhaps people will even raise their chars to be fully armed and well prepared to defend themselves before they use their force sinsitivity. IE: Build some cookie cutter first, and then learn it to be a jedi..

best of 2 worlds...

Def2K 26-02-2003 01:02

Perhaps people will even raise their chars to be fully armed and well prepared to defend themselves before they use their force sinsitivity. IE: Build some cookie cutter first, and then learn it to be a jedi..

best of 2 worlds...

Quinn 26-02-2003 01:27


Originally posted by Def2K
Perhaps people will even raise their chars to be fully armed and well prepared to defend themselves before they use their force sinsitivity. IE: Build some cookie cutter first, and then learn it to be a jedi..

best of 2 worlds...

Remember that the char will be just as permadead whether he pursues Jedi training at 1nce or if he does something else first. If he dies before he tries to become a Jedi he will have to start all over.

Then there's the thing that Jedi powers are skills just like all other skills, so he'd be down quite a few points before stating cultivating his FS.

Johnny Rico 26-02-2003 14:19

Although we don't know definitively how its all going to play, as was already mentioned, there will be "known Jedi lists" out there. Bounty hunters galore will be on your ass (both player and NPC) as soon as someone sees you use the Force. It is going to be seriously difficult for the average gamer to become a Jedi. The only people who will make it are going to be hardcore gamers with a support group. Who knows if anyone will make it to JM status. There were only 4 Jedi Masters in the first trilogy and this is the time period when SWG takes place. If someone by dumb luck stumbles into a FS slot they will most likely give up trying after they die 10 or 12 times.

OBi-Wan didn't live in a cave on some dead rock of a planet for nothing.


Bowlsey 28-02-2003 21:27

I'm sure I read some where that you have to become a 'light-jedi' before you can become a 'dark-jedi', ie u become corrupt. I was under the impression that u have to be either Neutral or aligned with the rebels to become a 'Light-Jedi' (ie a good jedi). Then you fall into becoming a 'Dark-Jedi' (a bad Jedi). Hence if you aligned with the imperials you wouldn't be able to unlock FS.

I'm prolly wrong etc but it would make sense

Johnny Rico 28-02-2003 21:56

Until the expansion comes out you won't have the ability to become a Dark Jedi. Considering that you must become a Jedi first, most people won't even have the opportunity to fall to the dark side until after the expansion is released. The Devs plan to add the Dark Jedi capability in an early update. They are creating the Jedi system to take into account Dark Jedi. However, you won't be able to become a Sith Lord in the game, because the films explicitly state that there are only two Sith Lords at any given time, and the two during the time of Star Wars Galaxies have been clearly identified as the Emperor and Darth Vader.

"I was under the impression that u have to be either Neutral or aligned with the rebels to become a 'Light-Jedi' (ie a good jedi). Then you fall into becoming a 'Dark-Jedi' (a bad Jedi). Hence if you aligned with the imperials you wouldn't be able to unlock FS."

Actually, this isn't the case. Your main character does not become a Jedi. Rather, the actions of your main character can unlock an additional character slot which is Force-sensitive. Characters created in this additional slot can then advance through the Jedi skills as well as any of the other skills in the game (subject to perma-death of course). Each player account allows for only one potential Jedi slot and the mysterious method to unlock it won't be the same for every player. So it may not make a difference who your main character is alligned with before your FS slot is opened. However, we really have no idea what it will take to open a FS slot, so ultimately you could be right!!!


Quinn 01-03-2003 05:30


Originally posted by Johnny Rico
Until the expansion comes out you won't have the ability to become a Dark Jedi
Considering that the dev team thinks it will be at least a year before an FS slot is unlocked, isn't it fair to assume that the expansion will be available around that time?

Bowlsey 01-03-2003 12:36

Cheers for the info JR :p

DeEvil 31-03-2003 02:28

keep on posting about the subject...very interesting...
i do really need to get the game :yes:

Blyr 31-03-2003 22:51

not to contradict everyone or anything, but.........

I was reading on swgalaxies.net that you can't have permadeth on your jedi UNTIL YOU REACH JEDI KNIGHT. Good info for us all :). So you can be a baker all you want and die as may times as you can; permadeth doesn't kick in till you become a jedi knight.

Also keep in mind that when you progress to jedi master, permadeth is a little less...."Permanent." When you die as a jedi master, you become one of those blue ghost things like obi-wan became when he died, making you unable to influence the physical world, but you can still float around and whatnot.

I dunno if i still want to do a jedi. EVERYTHING is AWESOME about them, but this permadeth is kickin my ass, and i'm sure many people will agree with me there. Why go through ALL THAT WORK for nothing?? huh??

wheres your god now, moses?? huh???

Blyr 31-03-2003 22:53


Originally posted by Quinn
Considering that the dev team thinks it will be at least a year before an FS slot is unlocked, isn't it fair to assume that the expansion will be available around that time?
That's a fair assumption quinn.

I'd say that having a character before the expansion may have something to do with unlocking the FS slot.

I dunno

theres my 2 credits.

Icewolf 01-04-2003 09:26

i'm pretty sure the expansion has nothing to do with unlocking a FS char, and there are enough evil powergamers out there, who will find a way to unlock their FS char within a few months :/

cu starside

Blyr 01-04-2003 16:10

wish i had that much time :(

DeEvil 02-04-2003 11:10


Originally posted by Blyr
wish i had that much time :(
set aside something else... you allways have time to do what you want i believe.
Its just about planning your free time better ( read play-time ):D

Blyr 03-04-2003 01:11

i wish i could :(
between school and karate i just have no time.

Although i do have a nice 45 minute HTML class that i use to post on this forum hahaha

:=) :=) :=) :=) :=) :=)

fierypies 04-04-2003 03:36

Blyr erm regarding your jedis don't get permadeath till they reach jedi knight. I'd recommend reading the offical site not others as i'm sure the dev team stated that the perma death is there to limit the number of jedi by both killing them when they get to jm status but also by stopping many people who unlock the fs slot from even getting that far.

At least thats the way i understood it. It also stated that there will most likly be 3 chances or so before you actually die permently to account for lag kill, but thats a different story. :D

Blyr 04-04-2003 16:06

yeah--i read the site and it said that permadeath doesn't kick in till you reach full jedi knight (and you get 2 or 3 allowed deaths for lag issues or whatever). they did that because they expect you to die several times during your training for jedi. that's what i read at swgalaxies.net. maybe i misunderstood them. I'll check their site one more time then i'll post again.

Blyr 04-04-2003 16:10

oops you're right.

but another question:
each time you gain a rank, do you get another 2-3 deaths you can have

like...if i die twice as a padawan...can I die twice as a jedi?

fierypies 04-04-2003 17:55

I don't think so it but its not very clear so possibly :) hope so it would make life easier.

DeEvil 17-04-2003 18:35

would be easier IRL 2 if it was like that :D

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