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-   -   Planetarion has come to an end... (http://www.legionhq.org/showthread.php?t=25862)

Icewolf 12-10-2009 12:54

iPhone app would really make me think about trying it again as well, trying some other small games on it right now, but they don't really have any tactics at all.

gOL 17-10-2009 14:51

i wanna try to play again.. hehe. if someone wants to invite me why not..

Willzzz 18-10-2009 21:53


Originally Posted by gOL (Post 307838)
i wanna try to play again.. hehe. if someone wants to invite me why not..

The new round starts in a couple of weeks. Come onto irc.netgamers.org and join #legion youll find us in there

sigrid 22-12-2009 17:30

shit, thats what you get when you log in ONCE a year only....

I would have played that last round ..darn.

ah well.

Gatewayy 14-02-2010 08:49

Mwh PA still sucks IMO. :/

Willzzz 05-03-2010 22:34

it unfortunatly didnt die, although they have brought back private gals for this round which starts end of march. if anyone would be interested in maybe creating a legion private gal for amusement look me up

Gatewayy 09-03-2010 14:56

I hear the new owner is making a Facebook app for it. They think that will bring more layers I apparently.

nano 07-04-2010 09:27

OMGz0r ppl are still playing pa ? lol :o

sepa 25-04-2010 06:51

I had a sudden urge to play. Maybe b/c it's been 10 years this month, since it all began?

Thalira 10-05-2010 12:43

Oh wow,,, guess I have to check the dates on these threads before I respond. :/

Slayer 10-05-2010 14:24

lol, yeah, i was curious about how this story ended rounds ago

Willzzz 16-05-2010 14:56

Still going. New round starts in 2 weeks. Its a bit noob friendly now though (ie can que constructions/reaserch and set ur fleets to launch 11+ hours in advance) so dont even have to be up to early hours.

BlueArmy 21-05-2010 18:50

and useless cunts like me keep ending in the top spots without doing shit..

Riva 06-06-2010 17:28

horus where are you!

anyone else playing PA in r37?

Maddix 08-06-2010 18:47


Originally Posted by Riva (Post 311015)
anyone else playing PA in r37?

Is that some kind of a joke?

Horus 08-06-2010 19:10


Originally Posted by Maddix (Post 311039)
Is that some kind of a joke?

germans are not very famous because of their humor.....

remember darmok :p

Vladel 09-06-2010 19:13

i played again from round 26 and then retired at the end of 32... Did some Bcing and HC'd Newdawn for 3 rounds i think..... It's never going to be like it used to.

Riva 09-06-2010 19:45

well Hours
here is a lil taste of the world's famous austrian humor

sincerely The Marmeladinger

ps: will lose some roids next tick

Horus 10-06-2010 07:05

this is not humor

this is pure reality... ive been in fucking already


i hope you get roided really bad....!!!

Willzzz 19-06-2010 14:29


Originally Posted by Maddix (Post 311039)
Is that some kind of a joke?

well apparently a few rounds back you were :p

Maddix 24-06-2010 18:58

A 'few'?

That game has warped your sense of time (or ability to count) my friend :p

Valhalla 27-06-2010 12:14

Maddix, you're still grumpy i see....

Maddix 28-06-2010 19:14

Damn right!

Horus 28-06-2010 21:39


Originally Posted by Maddix (Post 311277)
Damn right!

insult me maddix; so i know that you remember me!!!!

why arent you playing swg emu? merlins armor is even worse than yours!!!

jung 21-07-2010 14:48

swg emu live?

Zhukov 21-07-2010 22:56

wtf is people talking about??

Maybe Im getting old.

Willzzz 25-07-2010 11:27

Im sure you have saw me post these threads many many times before over the last 2-3 years regarding returning back to the game which of course made all of this possible (ie the Legion community) Where we all stood proud, putting fear into any other player outside of this close community.

We walked away and of course swore never to return to this game. Over time we have branched out to many other games but, lets face it, no matter how we try to ignore/forget our past we will ALWAYS be linked back to that boring text based game which made us all what we are today.

Shortly Round 38 (yes you read that right round 38) will be taking place. At the moment round 37 has just ended and is in its havoc stage.. oh the old fun we used to have on those days leaving our tags and crashing into each other. Anyway here is a general anouncement of dates for Round 38:


I know last time we all grouped togther and played under a tag known as 'Jenova' it didnt go too well and myself well.. i did my usal vanishing act. But i have been asked to HC another alliance this round. More of a fun based alliance, where the tools are all open and everyone can step upto the plate and run Defence or Attacks as everything is open tools etc. Small tag to control the people recruited in (quality over quantity) And most importantly, i am writing this thread as i would like to see more ex Legion players within this community return, even if just for a summer fun round, and come play alongside me once more.

Legion will never return to this game, we have all faced that. But the spirit is still there, and i ask you all to come and join me in playing as a community within a different tag. For fun, why not? Give somthing back to the game which created us all.

Feel free to mail me on here or of course drop by irc.netgamers.org and speak to me in #legion


For people who cant see the members area ^^

Rock 31-07-2010 22:08

even I have gone in to retirement r2-maybe r35 or 34. Might play a winter round again but nothing when its warm outside.

Maddix 01-08-2010 21:46


Originally Posted by Horus (Post 311278)
why arent you playing swg emu? merlins armor is even worse than yours!!!

My armour was the shit, as my bank balance attested too :tongue:

Empress 02-08-2010 01:55

it should've been with the amount of time u spent making it and slicing it :p

Sabre 02-08-2010 12:17

are people actually playing the swg emu? I had a look at it a while back but there was no one around and you didn't have to do anything to skill up, just choose your which skills you wanted.

Nuke ZX 29-08-2010 17:48


Originally Posted by Maddix (Post 311631)
My armour was the shit, as my bank balance attested too :tongue:

well, Starpilot's armor was the best on Eclipse, but yours was best compared to price. :)

always bought comp armor in stock at Neo Rome. :biggrin:

fantasy 01-09-2010 20:41

PA lives on? OMG
EMPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How goes it ?
last logged in 2008 seems I been away abit longer than I thought

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