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razor 07-10-2003 07:36

Ok, the avatar with more suited size you can download at the bottom of this message.

Once you downloaded it you need to go to 'Control Panel' (there is a link on the left side of the screen at www.legionhq.org). In there, choose 'Edit Options at the top'. At the bottom of that page, press 'Choose avatar'. At the bottom of teh page you can see: 'You can upload an avatar from your computer'. Select the file u downloaded and press 'Submit Modifications'. If that doesnt work it means you have to put it online somewhere. In that case shout and ill help ya out

LilMissSweden 07-10-2003 09:00


Originally posted by razor
Ok, the avatar with more suited size you can download at the bottom of this message.

Thank you Razor!!! I dont know if it worked yet... guess i will after this posting. Can you help me resize the siggy i made for DeEvil aswell? (if its not asking too much).



razor 07-10-2003 11:06

Np my pleasure - in attach you can find DeEvil's siggy - had to adjust it a bit coz it was a bit big hehe

fierypies 07-10-2003 13:16

hi :P

LilMissSweden 07-10-2003 14:28


Originally posted by fierypies
hi :P
and a hello to you aswell :)



(god i love people with few words) hehe

fierypies 07-10-2003 14:57

Not putting alot is soo much easier when your in a hurry. + i don't really say anything interesting when i talk more anyway, therefore your prolly better off just keeping it down to the 1 or 2 words :D

Zak 08-10-2003 13:26


Originally posted by fierypies
Not putting alot is soo much easier when your in a hurry. + i don't really say anything interesting when i talk more anyway, therefore your prolly better off just keeping it down to the 1 or 2 words :D
In the case of some people :) It might be better if they didn't post at all

:p :p
:yes: :yes:
:p :p

LilMissSweden 08-10-2003 14:20

OOh myyy GOD !!!
OOHhhh my GOD....

i just notised it doesnt say "target drone" anymore.... HELP i'm now "going downhill"8-O ... is that dangerous? Do i need a rope or something to get up? Am i gonna die? :dead:

This is sceary !!! Please someone... ANYONE... hold my hand !!! ;(

*hugs* ;-p


(special hugs to DeEvil whom i'm now going on the sloaps going downhill* hehe :rolleyes: )

LilMissSweden 08-10-2003 23:20

Hmmm *thinking*
Hhmmm... *thinking*


Out of 342 people that has viewed this post... there is only 43 (and that is counting my own replys) answeres.

Is that good or bad?

Does it mean that people are just curious and they cant type for some reason or does it mean that they cant find there keyboards? :=)

It's kind of hard to get to know people if one is talking to oneself :D but since i dont know myself that well yet... maybe it aint all that bad LOL.

*just a thought*

*hugs* (and special ones to DeEvil) min råtta ;)


Zhukov 08-10-2003 23:23

Im such a shy boy, thats why :)

LilMissSweden 08-10-2003 23:36


Originally posted by Zhukov
Im such a shy boy, thats why :)

I cant see you
I cant hear you
I cant smell you
I cant hurt you (yet) LOL

so no need to be shy... i cant see the colour anyway :p



Valhalla 09-10-2003 12:18

Re: shy?

Originally posted by LilMissSweden
I cant smell you

Probably for the better :D

Athena 09-10-2003 16:43


Originally posted by Zhukov
Im such a shy boy, thats why :)

Shy.........COUGH .... Ofc..... ehm

Zhukov 09-10-2003 16:51


Originally posted by Athena
Shy.........COUGH .... Ofc..... ehm
Shush with you :D

DeEvil 10-10-2003 03:48


[i]Originally posted by Athena
Shy.........COUGH .... Ofc..... ehm [/B]


Originally posted by Zhukov
Shush with you :D

:=) :=) :=) :=)


LilMissSweden 10-10-2003 13:10

DeEvil... i need to get ahold of you. Check PT.... but i dont know if you can see my txt there.... beause i havent gotten anything back and i know youve been home.... i have a message to you from someone that is importent....


Def2K 10-10-2003 16:24

Well, this forum seems alive like never before :)

DeEvil 10-10-2003 16:28

yeah... hmm ... is that a good thing ? or are we braking the idler-rule in here 2 ?

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