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Savahl 26-06-2007 12:17

LOL you look like a murderer.

much more friendly!

Ripcat 26-06-2007 13:33

I prefer the one with the beard....

The comapny I work for wanted to ahve all our pics on their website so I grew a beard specially for it ;)

Icewolf 27-06-2007 10:06


Originally Posted by Empress (Post 278580)
Added me too.. tho i dont know if my pic loaded or not heh. Does it count that i USED to be in england Sav?

I can see your pic at least :)

DeEvil 27-06-2007 16:43

added, but cant upload pic yet. comin l8r to scare u all...

edit: real funneh idea this!

patsz 06-07-2007 21:02

weve done this before i think (might have been that manno thingy? :S)

Emohawk 06-07-2007 23:23

Got it working now, even with a cheesy pic :frown:

steam 06-07-2007 23:35

why is raveland missing there ?

Icewolf 08-07-2007 21:54


Originally Posted by patsz (Post 279165)
weve done this before i think (might have been that manno thingy? :S)

It was the manno map: http://www.frappr.com/mannorothians

Savahl 08-07-2007 21:58

need more women on this!! only me, Uu and empy so far :<

Volarath 09-07-2007 04:52

I need to get a new pic of myself from someone heh. Spreading waves of h8 from san antonio anyway!

Emohawk 09-07-2007 09:57


Originally Posted by Savahl (Post 279237)
need more women on this!! only me, Uu and empy so far :<

I agree, more women please especialy in the Lincoln area; failing that, Savahl I demand you move to Lincloln :tongue:

Sabre 09-07-2007 12:02

added :)

montie 09-07-2007 22:18

added myself ;) need to get a photo to a pc with net though

Icewolf 10-07-2007 07:46

created a new, shorter url for the map:

tried to get thelegion or vts, but both are hold by single persons currently (thelegion has no admin anymore, so I send a message to frappr and for vts it's someone called slack, will send a msg to him as well).

cu starside

iRighti 10-07-2007 16:47

added myself and it set it to manchester :-/ far too close to hawk for comfort!

changed loc now tho :)

]x[ 22-07-2007 09:48

Added myself so waiting for admin to accept :)

Icewolf 25-07-2007 16:27


Originally Posted by ]x[ (Post 279937)
Added myself so waiting for admin to accept :)


TAZ 27-07-2007 03:45

woot im the first one from NZ !

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