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Lantador 27-02-2003 11:03

Yea... from what we were told, supposedly if you hit someone in the arm, it would potentially be capable of ripping off the entire arm... Don't know if thats true or not, but it is a very impressive piece of weaponry.

razor 27-02-2003 12:38

New .50 Magnum can kill a bear

AP - Smith & Wesson has introduced its biggest handgun ever, a .50-calibre Magnum that can kill a bear.

The five-shot revolver with an 8 1/2 inch (23cm) barrel weighs about 4 1/2 pounds (2kg) - roughly a pound (450g) more than the big black .44 Magnum wielded by Clint Eastwood in the Dirty Harry movies.

It fires a new .50-calibre cartridge that the company said produces nearly three times the muzzle energy of the .44 - or enough stopping power to bring down a charging bear.

"The primary market for it is hunting big game," spokesman Ken Jorgensen said.

Steve Comus, publications director of the Safari Club International, said he expects Smith & Wesson to sell several thousand of the weapons to sportsmen interested in hunting with handguns.

Some questioned the wisdom of producing a more powerful handgun.

"It boggles the mind," said Tom Ortiz, executive director of the Violence Policy Centre. He predicted the new Magnum would create "a new order of threat to law enforcement."

Smith & Wesson first brought out the .44 Magnum in the 1950s.

The new gun, which sells for $US989 ($A1,660), is one of nine models Smith & Wesson introduced this week at a trade show in Orlando, Florida.

President Roy C. Cuny said it was the largest number of new introductions in recent years.

The introduction of the big gun marks a sharp departure for the 150-year-old company, which for the past five years has concentrated on the development of lightweight revolvers using alloys of rare metals.

Among the other new guns being introduced by Smith & Wesson is the industry's lightest ever: a .44 Magnum that has a 4-inch (10cm) barrel, scandium frame and titanium cylinder, and weighs in at 1 pound, 10 1/2 ounces (750g).

"We see this as an opportunity for backpackers," Cuny said. "A light firearm of this caliber, in fact, provides protection against bears and other big things."

Despite a spike following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon, handgun sales have long been on the decline in the United States, and Smith & Wesson has struggled along with other gunmakers.

But Smith & Wesson, long the industry leader, also lost business in recent years after striking a deal with the Clinton administration in 2000 to install safety locks on all its guns and change its marketing practices.

Other gunmakers decided not to follow Smith & Wesson's lead, and gun advocates accused the company of selling out.

In 2001, the ailing gunmaker was sold by its British owner to an Arizona startup company that all but abandoned the agreement with the government and adopted an aggressive and unapologetic marketing stance.

Quinn 27-02-2003 13:48

How does that one stack up against the Desert Eagle .50?

razor 27-02-2003 13:52


Originally posted by Quinn
How does that one stack up against the Desert Eagle .50?
dunno how u can stack em up ;)

Quinn 27-02-2003 16:13


Originally posted by razor
dunno how u can stack em up ;)
Shoot a guy with each and see who's deader?

atolla 27-02-2003 16:32


Originally posted by Quinn
Shoot a guy with each and see who's deader?
I heard they use pigs and rabbits :no: pooreh animals

Zhukov 27-02-2003 23:34

I really dont see the point of putting 12.7 or .50 (the same right) in handgun, must be very unprecise.

Quinn 28-02-2003 00:02


Originally posted by Zhukov
I really dont see the point of putting 12.7 or .50 (the same right) in handgun, must be very unprecise.
The Desert Eagle is pretty precise due to the long barrel.

Def2K 28-02-2003 01:17


Originally posted by Zhukov
I really dont see the point of putting 12.7 or .50 (the same right) in handgun, must be very unprecise.
Take in mind that with that calibre it doesnt really matter a lot WHERE you hit them.. as long as you manage to hit them. And most of those weapons aren't that inaccurate. Especially the desert eagle. Its huge, cumbersome and totally unpractical and therefore an typical american weapon but, i have to admit, it is pretty accurate for its calibre.

The recoil aint that bad either :D

steam 28-02-2003 01:37

hm i wonder what you all are talking about , a weapon is deadly , it doesnt really matter which calibre , its not like it is in the film where the good hero gets shot in the arm , takes out his sock, wraps it around his arm and fights the evil.

Most people dont die of the direct weapon impact , they simply die of shock

I bet you wouldnt care much whether you have been hit by a deagle or a .32 ladykiller , both are equally lethal , maybe the deagle will do 2 holes , but i promise you will have better things to think of that particular moment .

And if you get a chest hit , and theres no emergency response team sitting right the next table , both weapons will kill you.

Def2K 28-02-2003 01:54


Originally posted by steam

And if you get a chest hit , and theres no emergency response team sitting right the next table , both weapons will kill you.

This isnt entirely true. Altho I admit that it wont go as in movies I know of numeral occasions were a guy managed to run away after he was shit in the shoulder. This usually happens when one is hit by "low impact" bullets. IE: relatively slow, big bullets.. strange as it might seem, the bullet pushes the organs out of the way instead of piercing them.. (if yer VERY lucky). This is the one advantage big bullets have.

Smaller bullets tend to pierce more. but its a smaller hole. a small hit in the shoulder really wont stop you. If there isnt much bloodloss, that is.

We are talking about normal bullets here. As soon as we get to the "frazed hollow point" ones I prefer not being the test victim.

Altho I completely agree with steam here, I must add that there are numerous occasions in which the impossible happens and people surive 12 chest-shots.. usually they die of 1 tho :)

razor 28-02-2003 08:18


Originally posted by Def2K
...were a guy managed to run away after he was shit in the shoulder...
u cant get out no more these days without getting shit in the shoulder
where is this world comming to :(

Def2K 28-02-2003 13:04


Originally posted by razor
u cant get out no more these days without getting shit in the shoulder
where is this world comming to :(

You know, I actually suspected I had made this type heh. I didnt dare to check this thread for a looooooong time :D

razor 28-02-2003 13:15


Originally posted by Def2K
You know, I actually suspected I had made this type heh. I didnt dare to check this thread for a looooooong time :D
its either shot or hit my dutch friend
there is no shit comming out of rifles and guns

Def2K 28-02-2003 13:16


Originally posted by razor
its either shot or hit my dutch friend
there is no shit comming out of rifles and guns

Well, there is a lot of shit comming from using guns tho.. :D

But, yes, I admit, even I, flawless Def2K, the perfect one, has made a slight typing error.

Spare me. Begone eviiiiiil :D

devildawg 04-03-2003 03:27

notta AR but still phat http://www.pozland.com/guns/guns1/G3_Sentry.jpg

and i own the 500 yard like with a open sight M16 a2 so im partial them

Lantador 05-03-2003 16:43


Originally posted by devildawg
notta AR but still phat http://www.pozland.com/guns/guns1/G3_Sentry.jpg

and i own the 500 yard like with a open sight M16 a2 so im partial them

pwnage picture :D

Valhalla 28-03-2003 12:26


Originally posted by steam
if you really want some kickass gun ,

check out thisone :


Comes with :

Tunigbarrel, Frontbottleconnector with Antiliquidsystem, Bottomline, Vertikalfeed, Volumizer, Doublefingertrigger , Antidoublefeed,Rearcocking System, Dropforward with Regulator and Manometer

Effective range is about 50 metres at 300 bpi

Shot frequency around 60/minute

Great gun , i use it aswell and killed literally hundreds of persons with it :)

Let's play then...
I got a Shocker

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