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-   -   Old versus New (http://www.legionhq.org/showthread.php?t=21797)

Fred 17-10-2006 23:37

Is it really 4 years since PA was over for Legion? Time flies and I thought it was only a short time ago.

Yes people have different attitudes than when they were playing a while ago. You do however get the urge to come back and see how things are going.

Lo Steam and yes I was amused with your sig you gave me :) but changed it as I felt I would be a little more active on the forums and irc than I was.

Some-one told me I should use messenger these days but thats something you younger folk do ;). Back in my day we use to think 2 cans and some string was pretty fancy :D I still remember the first PC I used had 4k RAM and that was impressive back then... even if it was an Apple :(

Empress 17-10-2006 23:59

2 cans and a string ftw!

Hello fred.. ta for the vote of confidence in your "HC list" but well i've pretty much hung up my command hat for now (fictional and otherwise :tongue: ).

Taking a very long break from wow legion and other games atm. (life just gets in the way of gaming now :/)

I think in regards to legion its changed far to much to do an old versus new as we all have varying degrees of what that really means. ppl like us that have been around since PA those that were part of AO at its earliest conceptions and ofc SWG at the start of us becoming a legion gaming community. All really can claim they are "old" members.

I think at this point we are all either legionnaires that understand what legion is about.. be it the legion elitism but not at the expense of your fellow legionnaires and not for individual gain but for the good of the guild and preserving that family we've held onto for years and those that see us as a means to an end. Those that fall into the first category will be here 5 yrs from now (if legion still exists then) doing what we've always done. cause drama and have fun :p those that fall into the second.. well dont let the door hit your ass on the way out is all i have to say to them.

Ppl have changed, grown up, made life altering decisions over the last 4-5 years since pa has ended and legion has changed along with them. Good or bad, right or wrong .. we've either gotta accept what legion has become or move on. sadly many of our compatriots have chosen to move on.

I am glad tho that you have decided to come back and post again (even the rare irc visit!! omg!) You've been very much missed my friend so i hope you continue to hang around. Besides Bob needs you to stablize him from time to time :o

luv always

DeEvil 18-10-2006 11:38

well.. i dont wanna call myself a new member of Legion (most because i havent yet been accepted properly), some say im allready a legionnaire some say im not.. well anyways..
ofcourse i sometimes want/wish Legion just to sign up in PA again, Shake the cage, show what we/Legion was to new guys in PA.. that would be soo great fun!

As u dont know know me, nor i you, little fact behind me/gamin life:

started play PA rd2, quit rd7, reason fkdup life
started playing AO
signed up here cause of Athena told me to
started play SWG
enlisted to Legion 3 years ago, got denied for some reason
got accepted for being as SWGlegionnaire
quit AO
quit SWG for simple reason': fkdup life, fkd up gameplay
almost 2 years of absence...
started play WoW
enlisted to Legion again, no replies yet..
still playing WoW

to most ppl in Legion i guess im a "new" face, cause i havent really talked to anyone, kinda like in my RL, heh
sure i have played with some, small talked to some, but mostly thats it..

as i havent been deply inside Legion yet i have only watched it from the surface and ive seen small changes as the things ppl talkin about.. good things, bad things..

i dunno where im headin with this either, kinda like some1 said.. mostly bored :biggrin:

but sure, i would like to see MANY from Legion sign up to a game of something new, quik game, not steal-ur-life-away kinda game.. but something small and just have some good old fun!

and empy.. i do hope Legion will be here after those 5 years, cause if not its gonna be awful lonely here for me :wink:

Precursors 18-10-2006 12:42

i feel yer pain man:tongue:
i'm also still a "Registered User" after PA,AO,SWG,WOW
oh, and Risk :biggrin:

but I also have ADD :rolleyes:

Saybel 18-10-2006 14:14

I are oldie now! ;x

Molotov 18-10-2006 14:29

Thinking of PA still makes my eyes bleed, and i only really played rounds 5-7, how you all made it from 1-7 i'll never know.

Anyway imo Tob and Rip for a dual dictatorship and Benjy for their figure head!

Being a nobody member would be fun again :frown:

DeEvil 18-10-2006 15:33

i just wanted to ad, that if i double my posts right now, the number would suit me better...


just +333 to go


edit: Saybel, i think we where talkin about how long ppl have been here, not the age =P

oh and if thats the case.. im older then you.. thats makin me even more sad

Saybel 18-10-2006 15:56

I have been here just as long as you gimp! :p

DeEvil 18-10-2006 20:00

oh i love it when u callin me bad things... =P
but im still 4 months older then u !! heh

hmm but u have pretty more posts then i.. :frown: :confused:

edit: was at a friends house 2day.. he has my old puter. found some pics of u Saybel. Nice indeed! =)

Molotov 18-10-2006 21:22

Saybel always manages to derail topics :frown:

although DeEvil the would be Saybel stalker isn't helping much either :frown:

Tobler 18-10-2006 22:35

So ironic Mol!

Molotov 18-10-2006 22:46


Muteki 18-10-2006 23:31

i am the mighty fleet commander of doom!

Tobler 19-10-2006 01:04


Originally Posted by Muteki (Post 252689)
i am the mighty fleet commander of doom! And I take pitty on my poor lesser brother Keldrys who walks in my shadow!


hinch 19-10-2006 07:48

dont i count?

round 2/3 of pa were best anyway with the regular server fuckups and mad thief runs all your ships are belong to me

Valhalla 19-10-2006 08:20

IMO DeEvil you should just send me some swedish girls and i will send you some seal blubber back.
How's that? :p

Tbh i thought you were Legion....

I'm old legion furniture it feels. Can't believe it's 6 years?

DeEvil 19-10-2006 13:21


Originally Posted by Valhalla (Post 252714)
IMO DeEvil you should just send me some swedish girls and i will send you some seal blubber back.
How's that? :p

Tbh i thought you were Legion....

I'm old legion furniture it feels. Can't believe it's 6 years?

dunno what a seal blubber is, but sure! im game :biggrin: how do u like em?
blonde, brunettes, dark, short, petite, fullgrown, huge...?? :wink:

Yeah well.. my second application is still in the enlistment thread, still a virgin, just caressed a few time..
As i wrote in that one, i was accepted into SWGLegion, but not a full member..
but u aint the only one who thought i was.. theres a few others who asked me the same, and one day i thought i had been accepted cause i have access to the closed forums.. and then i noticed a had access all over the site.. hehe

but that was quikly fixed and now i only can spam, bump, enoy ppl on the open and SWG forums...:rolleyes:

Saybel 19-10-2006 15:48

haha, it's okay ;D And it's not my fault for derails :(

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