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Leviathan 10-03-2004 09:12

You pvp your names turn purple. This shows people youve either just been fighting some1 for either good or bad reasons and you shouldnt be judged. You go around and bash the crap outa people all the time and your name is red... then ppl know your an avid PKer and you get a bit of hassle. Id say by lvl 50+ Ill be red all the time :D

Tanis 10-03-2004 09:21

Pretty much the same as UO... except when you became uber red you could only ressurect yourself from dead at EBUL shrines and everytime you died you suffered a small stat loss which was easy enuff to regain but it meant that ppl couldnt spend their entire lives pking and had to have some downtime smashing monsters between to give the little people a rest.

I used to enjoy immensley breaking into ppls houses in uo with a friend and murdering ppl when they logged in... then stealing all their stuff while they ran around in ghost form going OOOooOoOooo OO OooooooOOoOoOo at us. Then rezzing them and laughing as the air turned blue with insults.

Hey if your gonna play a game where pvpis on all the time and its possible to burgle peoples houses you really should chill out a bit when it happens hehe.

Leviathan 10-03-2004 09:36

Ya but in Lineage 2 if your red your will 95% of the time drop a random item from your inventory and slightly less chance but can drop from what your wearing... this is the downfall of pvping to much then getting an ass kicking.

Tanis 10-03-2004 11:24

In uo when you died whoever killed you was able to loot ALL your clothing. But that applied to everyone not just pk`s. Also if you died you only had a certain amount of time until your corpse turned into a skeleton making it open to be looted by everyone. And picked dry. And that was wether you died by pk or npc. Very harsh way of living in uo.

devildawg 12-03-2004 14:08

castles came into play in beta, heres a pic from the first siege


Spitterman 12-03-2004 16:21

holy shit thats impressive....looks like lag city too

devildawg 12-03-2004 16:43

I wasn't there but from what I've heard there wasn't much lag. And most of the people that were lagging had shitty computers.

Siegeing is going to be fun. Only problem is you loose xp when you die so there is a chance of deleveling. But as you go up in level the % of xp you loose decreases.

I've heard it gets to 1% at like level 50

Spitterman 12-03-2004 16:50

cool.....but WoW is gonna be better;p

devildawg 12-03-2004 18:01

yes, but till WoW there is Lineage 2 :D

Leviathan 13-03-2004 02:30

1% at lvl 50 is still alot of xp hehe. and WoW wont be better unless your down with Carebears online. :p

Spitterman 13-03-2004 04:34

u know nothing levi!

plus your on drugs if you think WoW won't have good pvp system

Leviathan 13-03-2004 04:45

sorry did you say somthing about World of Wank ? my bad. Yes Ceabears online im sure will have a decent pvp system but not what Im after hehe. Each to their own.

Spitterman 13-03-2004 05:56

we'll see when ur playing;p

Leviathan 13-03-2004 06:55

Some1 ban the word WoW from Spitterman and Im sure this thread would be alot more constructive. Die Wold of Carebears.

Spitterman 13-03-2004 09:16

i'm not the only one that wants wow....

Tanis 13-03-2004 11:54

I might try lineage until wow. But Lineage seems very very harsh on your pc and not everyone has godlike pc`s. Whereas like I said before the graphical style of WoW will leave it looking good at low settings and amazing at high. Lineage looks leagues outside of what my pc is capable of handling.

Xenius 16-03-2004 08:20

lineage II looks good.. whats the cost of playing?!? and i think wow will be better 8)

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