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Zhukov 16-10-2003 20:22

Re: i dont get it

Originally posted by LilMissSweden
How is it possible that my thread has turned into a "blowjob-beer drinking" forum with breathmints being served at the door? 8-O :=)
Welcome to the Legion Forum! *HEHEHE*

And besides, Ive seen alot worse.. atleast on irc!

/me gives LittleMissSweden the naughy look

z3n 16-10-2003 20:27

The time you have spent and wasted Def2k, the utter utter shame.
If it's true that when you die, your life passes before your eyes, I will hope that you will be confronted with all of them, and I mean ALL !

Btw, hello LilmissSweden, I am z3n. Def2k's personal nemesis :).


/me strolls away on his medication again.... damn that vicodine...

Def2K 16-10-2003 20:41

/me hugs his neighbour :D

LilMissSweden 16-10-2003 21:17


Originally posted by z3n
The time you have spent and wasted Def2k, the utter utter shame.
If it's true that when you die, your life passes before your eyes, I will hope that you will be confronted with all of them, and I mean ALL !

Btw, hello LilmissSweden, I am z3n. Def2k's personal nemesis :).


/me strolls away on his medication again.... damn that vicodine...

who do i love?

Def2k >>> Red light district

:=) YOU off all people could think of that !!!!

and hello to you aswell z3n... must be a hard job being his nemesis?! or do you actually enjoy it? How does he pay you? Breathmints or morning blow-jobs?! LOL :p :rolleyes:

Zhukov>>> whats "naughy" look? should i give one back? :rolleyes


Zhukov 16-10-2003 22:25

Re: eeehh

Originally posted by LilMissSweden

Zhukov>>> whats "naughy" look? should i give one back? :rolleyes

I have no idea :)

LilMissSweden 17-10-2003 08:12

As time does pass, and all thru the year
I find it amazing, some stories I hear

Rumors hurt many, and not just a few
These stories of fiction, not actually true

Each time they are told, little facts seem to change
But I guess that is normal, its not really strange

They are stories of passion, and stories of lust
They are stories of others, and of who not to trust

They are told with abandon, to those we call friend
With no regard ever given, to the results in the end

From just a small fact, we build a story quite grand
Reputations are ruined, even though its not planned

None are immune, to these stories that spread
Its not always fact, just because its been said

But we need to type something, so why not have fun
And tell stories of others, and of what they have done

The answer is simple, and here is your clue
The next rumor you hear, could be about you

(Just thought this thread is missing a poem) :rolleyes: so just to even things out.... i posted one of my awardwinning poems :yes: )


LilMissSweden 18-10-2003 12:37

lmao.. :=) :=) :=) :=)

best way of killing :dead: a thread = post a poem LMAO :yes: ;-p :=) :=)

ive learned my lesson.... never to post a poem again :p

Def2K 18-10-2003 13:36

what did you expect?

A bunch of sensitive poetic guys? heh :D

razor 18-10-2003 14:11

i am :D:yes:

...when i sleep

DeEvil 18-10-2003 18:06


Originally posted by Def2K
what did you expect?

A bunch of sensitive poetic guys? heh :D

guy´s ?? some of us are... dunno ´bout you tho...

LilMissSweden 18-10-2003 19:46


Originally posted by DeEvil
guy´s ?? some of us are... dunno ´bout you tho...

your not only a "guy"... your THE guy... or MAN in my eyes :)


Zhukov 18-10-2003 20:14

Im such a sensetive guy. Really, I am! :)

To prove that, Im gonna write a poem too!!! hehe

A tank can drive trough a forest.
A tank can kill hundreds of soldiers.
A tank can do anything
It has just one fault, its commanded by people.

a free interpretation from my mind, of a part of a poem of Bertholt Brecht, in the collection called "german war abc".

If this doesnt show "deepness" I dont know :)

DeEvil 18-10-2003 20:59

;( ;(

that was.... *sobs*....the most...*wiping away some tears* beatiful thing i ...*start sobbin again *... ever have read...

i can´t believe it...
coming from a guy ??

you can´t have that many feeling´s right Zukov ?
Or has your GF taken over your computer now again ?

]x[ 18-10-2003 22:09

LOL you don't want me posting poems :D so plz stop it or i'll throw in some nice ones :)

LilMissSweden 18-10-2003 22:41


Originally posted by ]x[
LOL you don't want me posting poems :D so plz stop it or i'll throw in some nice ones :)
c'mon... i dare ya.... well actually... if you do write i'd like to read them... :)

Zhukov 18-10-2003 23:15


Originally posted by DeEvil
;( ;(

that was.... *sobs*....the most...*wiping away some tears* beatiful thing i ...*start sobbin again *... ever have read...

i can´t believe it...
coming from a guy ??

you can´t have that many feeling´s right Zukov ?
Or has your GF taken over your computer now again ?

feelings... Will have to look in the box where I put em some years ago :)
Dont expect me to find the box in near future though :p

(but hey, if you read the real poem by Brecht, its actually a nice peom and you will understand its deeper meaning)

Ashlie 19-10-2003 08:11

Oh boy, let me get up-to-date. I live in the US. 19! Will be 20 on November 15th. 1 beer - I am wasted ... A very light drinker!


Originally posted by Leviathonss
My stars are my own - I get hugs from elsewhere :D
He was talking about me here!!

Hmm.. And Roses are red, Cabbage is green. My face is funny but your is a scream!

What a fun thread! : )

Leviathan 19-10-2003 09:54

:D 8) :D

Athena 19-10-2003 14:25

Re: i dont get it
[QUOTE]Originally posted by LilMissSweden
[B]How is it possible that my thread has turned into a "blowjob-beer drinking" forum with breathmints being served at the door? 8-O :=)

Can it have something to do with u?

]x[ 19-10-2003 15:05

pld 8-O

LilMissSweden 19-10-2003 22:56

Re: Re: i dont get it
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Athena

Originally posted by LilMissSweden
How is it possible that my thread has turned into a "blowjob-beer drinking" forum with breathmints being served at the door? 8-O :=)


Originally posted by Athena
Can it have something to do with u?

i hope to gawd not ! ! ! :-|

Def2K 19-10-2003 23:05

perhaps its true what they sasy about blondes :D

Zhukov 20-10-2003 02:19


Originally posted by Def2K
perhaps its true what they sasy about blondes :D
so what they say, care to tell? hehe

LilMissSweden 20-10-2003 11:40


Originally posted by Def2K
perhaps its true what they sasy about blondes :D
yeah what do they say? about blondes that is...

i dont know because i'm a brunette :yes:
(its me on the siggy thingy)

Def2K 20-10-2003 22:38

In that case, that what they say about blondes, counts for brunnetes aswell. heh :D

Zhukov 20-10-2003 23:27

Who cares if a girl is blonde or brunnete???

I dont, I care about other stuff about em :)

(Def2k dont care about girls, as he is ghey and dreams about leghump0ring german guys in lederhosen)

razor 21-10-2003 07:49


Originally posted by Zhukov
Who cares if a girl is blonde or brunnete???

I dont, I care about other stuff about em :)

(Def2k dont care about girls, as he is ghey and dreams about leghump0ring german guys in lederhosen)

lederhosen lmao :=)

Def2K 21-10-2003 10:13

OMG.. die painfully!

DeEvil 23-10-2003 11:06

How does one die not painful ?

Give some examples pls :D

would be nice to know...

Def2K 23-10-2003 11:23


Originally posted by DeEvil
How does one die not painful ?

Give some examples pls :D

would be nice to know...

Ok.. let me be more specific:

The time at which I would like you to die painfully, is 'now' :D

hehe :D

Bullet to the head: cant say you feel much of that really :D

Iminay 23-10-2003 12:59

who cares if a girl is a blonde or a brunette
If she passes inspection
I'd say they usualy are fuckable

Leviathan 23-10-2003 13:01


Originally posted by Iminay
who cares if a girl is a blonde or a brunette
If she passes inspection
I'd say they usualy are fuckable


Zhukov 23-10-2003 14:26


Originally posted by Iminay
who cares if a girl is a blonde or a brunette
If she passes inspection
I'd say they usualy are fuckable

I smell honesty.
Beware :D

DeEvil 23-10-2003 19:25


Originally posted by Iminay
who cares if a girl is a blonde or a brunette
If she passes inspection
I'd say they usualy are fuckable

lmao :=)

hell yeah.. someone couldn´t be more true in his words..
Just wondering what standars procedure that inspection involves...


LilMissSweden 24-10-2003 21:18


Originally posted by DeEvil
lmao :=)

hell yeah.. someone couldn´t be more true in his words..
Just wondering what standars procedure that inspection involves...


well considering that goats pass his tests... ummm... i would say that the standards are set kind of low... i could be wrong thou... in some countries the goat is of high value, like the cow in India... and further more... some guys DO consider there girls to be or at least become cows after a few times of dating LOL

so all i have to say in this matter is: Muuuuu, bäaaaa ;) :=)

Athena 24-10-2003 21:45


Originally posted by Iminay
who cares if a girl is a blonde or a brunette
If she passes inspection
I'd say they usualy are fuckable


DiabZ 24-10-2003 23:16

Levi likes highschool girls \o/ :D 8-O

Ashlie 25-10-2003 01:10

Or.. College girls like meee! : )


Haha, just an avatar, but you get the idea!


DeEvil 25-10-2003 08:17


Originally posted by Ashlie
Or.. College girls like meee! : )


Haha, just an avatar, but you get the idea!


8-O 8-O ;-p


montie 25-10-2003 10:13

how old is ashlie? ;)

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