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streaz18 14-04-2006 07:40

By posting such an obviously inflamitory question on public boards you're just asking for negative attention. Have a little discression next time.

You frenchies and your loud mouths. Always getting everyone all riled up and shouting at one another.

Ramp or someone else: close the thread & ban user please.

sLak 14-04-2006 08:01


Originally Posted by Gravitas
Nope. The intent of an earnest question is not to insinuate, but to discover. Answers should be treated accordingly.

The problem comes at the level of interpretation, where people ignore the fact that something is asked, rather than imposed.

Again, if it was your earnest intent to discover, there were a million other ways to ask.

As for asking a question just being a question... I am sure one of history's most insightfull thinkers (and all who came after him for that matter) wouldn't call his dialectic method 'just questions'. :)

Gravitas 14-04-2006 08:03


Originally Posted by streaz18
By posting such an obviously inflamitory question on public boards you're just asking for negative attention. Have a little discression next time.

You frenchies and your loud mouths. Always getting everyone all riled up and shouting at one another.

Ramp or someone else: close the thread & ban user please.

No, I simply have no fear of consequence. Either people would be calm and rational in response, or they would be belligerent and antagonistic. The choice was always entirely yours. I've seen and heard it all before, and neither way bothers me, and the latter way admittedly becomes very entertaining--but I didn't seek it out.

Besides, this thread has gone a long way in ascertaining the character and intelligence of many of the people in Legion, and certainly ensures that once people leave this thread alone, none shall here hear from me again.

Gravitas 14-04-2006 08:06


Originally Posted by sLak
Again, if it was your earnest intent to discover, there were a million other ways to ask.

As for asking a question just being a question... I am sure one of history's most insightfull thinkers (and all who came after him for that matter) wouldn't call his dialectic method 'just questions'. :)

Believe me, there's no fun way to ask the question.

And I'm not Socrates.

Rids 14-04-2006 08:07


Originally Posted by lokken
In an ancient Roman context, the word gravitas communicated a sense of dignity, seriousness, and duty. Gravitas is one of the several virtues that Ancient Roman society expected men to possess, along with pietas and dignitas.

Hi lokken,


sLak 14-04-2006 08:13


Originally Posted by Gravitas
Believe me, there's no fun way to ask the question.

Hello there, what are the origins of the legion logo?

[insert 1000 pseudo-intellectual / historical legionnaires' comments here]



Originally Posted by Gravitas
And I'm not Socrates.


Rids 14-04-2006 08:17


Originally Posted by BDB

u either die which hey thats fucking great for me

or understand that your makeing more of an ass out of your self by posting this shit then fisting your self

either way fuck off and die slow and plz plz plz dont have fucking kids u dumb twat cumlicking fucktard


I love you bob.

Gravitas 14-04-2006 08:25


Originally Posted by sLak
Hello there, what are the origins of the legion logo?

That wasn't my question. Since people are conscious of the social stigma placed on Nazis, it was always my impression that if any Nazi movement existed here, it would be covert, with only an overt nod toward their ideology, as I stated way above, given by the guild's emblem.

Believe me, nothing short of a direct address would have been sufficient.


I just knew you'd say that.

Iminay 14-04-2006 08:26

I missed good quality drama because I was using my european timezone hack to sleep :frown:

what I find most amusing about this thread, and some parts of history in general, is that the desired effect of nazi propaganda still rings true in the future.

50 years ago, a national socialistic party decided to "borrow" symbolism from other civilizations in a gest to make their own look "superior".

In most cases, we do not remember the old civilization or culture that used those symbols (the swastica for example) but only their more modern implication.

anyway, the eagle nowadays is more associated with the USA then with any other culture, I truly dont understand why you would link it to the use of it by Axis forces in the second world war. You do realize, the americans were using their eagle aswell by this time?.

As someone put it down in big words which it is too early for me to comprehend fully due to a severe lack of cafeine;

You had an answer, and you were looking for the question, yet formulated it as a question. :rolleyes:

That is what we call prejudice and guardian behaviour.

I have a very big penis

Gravitas 14-04-2006 08:31


Originally Posted by Iminay
anyway, the eagle nowadays is more associated with the USA then with any other culture, I truly dont understand why you would link it to the use of it by Axis forces in the second world war. You do realize, the americans were using their eagle aswell by this time?

The style of its portrayal (check the picture in the OP).


You had an answer, and you were looking for the question, yet formulated it as a question. :rolleyes:

That is what we call prejudice and guardian behaviour.
I had a suspicion, not an answer. How many times must I explain this?

addis 14-04-2006 08:33


Originally Posted by Iminay

I have a very big penis

Your GF left you again? :biggrin:

Matro 14-04-2006 08:36

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Gravitas
I was mildly aware of the relation, but if there was any chance of a Nazi implication I needed to know.

You should realize that some people's lives and histories are profoundly influenced by certain large-scale events, and so specific associations are more readily in their minds. I'm Jewish, if this helps you to understand my vector better.

Hi, I'm Russian.
This is my country's state Coat of Arms. Do you have any questions about Natzi symbolic in it for me too?

P.S. Welcome to the boards, hope you don't mind our forum trolls? They are just bored and it was soooo long since last drama...

Iminay 14-04-2006 08:37


Originally Posted by Gravitas
The style of its portrayal (check the picture in the OP).

I would suggest looking up American naval uniform tags during the 44-45 period ;)

Gravitas 14-04-2006 08:46


Originally Posted by Iminay
I would suggest looking up American naval uniform tags during the 44-45 period ;)

So there are similar designs. It doesn't invalidate my question. The Nazis still used that design, and that was the connotation salient in my mind. There's not much more to it than that. I'm far more used to seeing that symbol, in its current style, in conjunction with Nazis than America.

I do find it fairly odd though that America would take such a similar design for their emblem concurrent with the end of the war, though.

sLak 14-04-2006 08:48


Originally Posted by Gravitas
That wasn't my question. Since people are conscious of the social stigma placed on Nazis, it was always my impression that if any Nazi movement existed here, it would be covert, with only an overt nod toward their ideology, as I stated way above, given by the guild's emblem.

Believe me, nothing short of a direct address would have been sufficient.

I hope you will find many covert neonazi gaming communities that use nazi symbolism in a cryptic fashion in order to conceal their ongoing efforts to indoctriate other gamers with neo-fascistic and/or neo-nazi propaganda.

Sherlock, it's time to light your pipe, kick back and enjoy the unraveling of this hidden conspiracy!

Savahl 14-04-2006 08:52

If you had questions about the origins of the guild logo, name or motto then simply ask. you dont need to make suggestions :p

What did you expects by turning up and just asking "hi are you nazi's?", especially with the fact that we do have a largely european member base, and many in countires that suffered greatly during the war.

Common sense imo :o

I cant believe i missed 8 pages of drama!

Gravitas 14-04-2006 08:53


Originally Posted by sLak
I hope you will find many covert neonazi gaming communities that use nazi symbolism in a cryptic fashion in order to conceal their ongoing efforts to indoctriate other gamers with neo-fascistic and/or neo-nazi propaganda.

Sherlock, it's time to light your pipe, kick back and enjoy the unraveling of this hidden conspiracy!

Funny, but I bet you that at least one or several exist.

Savahl 14-04-2006 08:58

Also, gravitas, if i were you I'd quit now. You arent gunna win this one, no-one is gunna turn around and apologise for the flames, you made a stupid, ignorant post, and while you apologised for the "disruption" it caused, you keep defending the things you implied.

All you will be doin now is feeding the flame :(

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