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Firefly 20-05-2004 03:54

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War

The game looks and sounds really good, but I'm worried that the game won't have a storyline. Does anybody know how well Relic does with storylines for its games?

Gatewayy 20-05-2004 04:03

It looks very interesting to me, I have played Homeworld pretty much all the way through and I though the plot was pretty nicley done. I know only a little about WH 40K but I do rather like the Tau and I am sad that you will not be able to play as them. Anyways, the game looks good to me and I would like to give it a try.

Firefly 20-05-2004 04:11

I was hoping the Tyranids and the Necrons would be in the game, but I guess you can't have everything. Maybe they'll be in an expansion:D

Leviathan 20-05-2004 04:24

Dont worry about storyline dude, when it comes to in depth background and storylines the guys from Gamesworkshop have that covered almost better than anything I can think of. Warhammer and Warhammer 40K have been around for many years and I actually used to buy the books to read from them as I wasnt much of a model collecter heh. Think the game will just need to rely on its Devs ability to create good gameplay and gfx.

Leviathan 20-05-2004 04:25

Oh and if I get it no question Id want to be Khorne Chaos Marines :D


Firefly 20-05-2004 04:37

:=) :=) :=)

I hope your right; the last couple of Warhammer games I've played haven't been that good.

Gatewayy 20-05-2004 05:39

I really like the books they make, ive only played a few games as my old roomie was obsessed with the whole thing and not a bad model maker, im bad at it but the books and back story are great! :D

Benjy 21-05-2004 12:56

apprently there's a trailer knocking around on the internet, can't find a free place to download it.

Shaitan 21-05-2004 13:48

No Imperial Guard :(

will have to make do with Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines then...

oh well

/me joins Levi


Firefly 21-05-2004 17:23

Wow, I don't think I've ever met anybody who liked the Imperial Guard.

Firefly 21-05-2004 17:31

Oh I found a free place to download that trailer, and I got to say it looks great.

You'll have to download it, the online version doesn't seem to work.

Psychor 21-05-2004 19:27

GW has some awesome content indeed. I got into WH40K when Rogue Trader was still kicking around, but a couple of years ago my playing (of the table top game) pretty much stopped after I got out of college. Just took too much time to collect, paint and actually play. I didn't really enjoy the painting aspect either.

I had a pretty big Space Wolf army and a decent sized Khorne army. I even wrote up a PC/Palm program for managing the lists, etc. (http://forge.thedigitalfoundry.com). 8)

While their table top games are awesome the computer games that have been based on them have completely sucked. I blame the development companies, but you would think GW would have nagged them a bit on the quality assurance side of things.

None the less I made myself play all the "GW" games, even back to the original Space Hulk for DOS. I have high hopes for this new one though as the developer is a good one, but we will see. What GW should do is make their table top game into a PC game and they would make a killing, especially with add on sales where they could add the races in expansion packs or something. The problem is I think they are scared if they do that more of the table top players will dissapear, which is very possible. :no:

Also, they are working on a Warhammer MMO in case you guys didn't know.

Tobler 21-05-2004 19:49

Since playing AO I alway said I would never play another mmorpg but I could almost make an exception for Warhammer just for the old memories of playing the tabletop game as a kid like many here.

SS of the Warhammer mmorpg don't look great :/ They did have some realy great artists that did most of thier work in the early days, gave it a real gothic feel in place, that seems to be missing from the mmorpg.

Benjy 21-05-2004 22:07

hehe didn't know u were into the ol' Games workshop as well :D
I'd kill for a Warhammer 40k mmorpg but the old style warhammer was always more popular :(

Tobler 21-05-2004 22:10

I only played the the fantsy version of the tabletop game. Used to be a huge painter of the figures though. Won the regional heats a few times for the gold deamon award but was no were good enough to win the whole thing. Played alot fo Epic space marine though but never realy 40k.

Ogami 24-05-2004 19:21

my Eldar army is gonna pwn u all :D

Gatewayy 24-05-2004 21:20


Originally posted by Ogami
my Eldar army is gonna pwn u all :D
Eldar suck :P

Shaitan 24-05-2004 22:48

What I cannot crush with words,
I will crush with the tanks of the Imperial Guard!!!!



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