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Spent 19-01-2006 21:37

Here I am! I just signed up for the forum with intentions of applying to your WoW ... er, department - hopefully soon!

You may have seen me in vtsapp chat as Miyakata, the happy huntress. (I might add that the reason why I'm not using that name in here I 'cause I kinda hate the name -- it was just something I squeezed out of a name generator, never expecting that she'd eventually be my main character.)

I used to play on the European RP servers so I'm not what you'd call a real power player type. I still haven't seen 60 with any character (shame on me!) and therefor I still have a lot to learn. But I'm getting there.

Well well, this was just meant to be a short "Howdy!" so I'll stop here. Just thought I'd make a proper entrance before I start spamming your WoW section and sending Empress gifts and poems. XD

Tootles! :cool:

Icewolf 20-01-2006 06:04

Welcome :)
and ignore TeHaR :P

Spent 20-01-2006 09:24

TeHar > Define female. :rolleyes:

Icewolf > Thaaaanks!

Gaijin 23-01-2006 14:03

too bad i forgot my own loging details for wow us
was really looking forward of the vtsapps channel and the powerlvling opportunities the candidates would offer for my lvl 40 and 20 toons s:

]x[ 23-01-2006 16:24


Originally Posted by Gaijin
too bad i forgot my own loging details for wow us
was really looking forward of the vtsapps channel and the powerlvling opportunities the candidates would offer for my lvl 40 and 20 toons s:

Damn you n00b how can you forget your login details :/

But hello new person, enyoy your stay here and please don't touch the pancakes :rolleyes:

Savahl 23-01-2006 17:00

hello!! /wave

Leviathan 23-01-2006 23:29

Get Out Before Its To Late!

sLak 24-01-2006 09:48

welcome to your doom!

Spent 28-01-2006 08:02

Well, I'm not exactly a member just yet. In fact I just joined the Flames of Azeroth. They were willing to take me in even though I'm only lvl 49, so I'll be hanging out with them until lvl 60.

I'm staying at 49 for a bit, though, to do battlegrounds and PWN EVERYONE! Haha!

And thanks again for welcoming me. *politely takes off her hat and bows*

MonstaH 01-02-2006 09:53


Molotov 02-02-2006 11:48

i'm guessing which = wish ani? ;p

Animoy 02-02-2006 12:46


Originally Posted by Molotov
i'm guessing which = wish ani? ;p

gg...and 3 times in a row O.o

Leviathan 07-02-2006 00:06

silly norwegian spelling :(

Empress 07-02-2006 00:11


Originally Posted by Spent
sending Empress gifts and poems. XD

Tootles! :cool:


Toxi 07-02-2006 05:11

y helo thar

razor 07-02-2006 11:31

welcome indeed

Viciuu 07-02-2006 14:49

Omgz omgz omgz more girls ! Welcome :D

Empress 07-02-2006 16:48

u guys are pathetic :tongue:

Savahl 07-02-2006 19:55


Originally Posted by Empress
u guys are pathetic :tongue:

I agree :/ If i were in applicant stage and this was what happened, id run a mile :p

Ninja 07-02-2006 19:57

hehe welcome

ramp 07-02-2006 20:08

some people..;

Anyway, welcome.

razor 08-02-2006 14:32


Originally Posted by Savahl
I agree :/ If i were in applicant stage and this was what happened, id run a mile :p

running is healthy

Gaijin 08-02-2006 14:44


Originally Posted by razor
running is healthy

at least sav manages to run 1 mile compared to you

Icewolf 08-02-2006 15:00

As you can notice she hasn't posted for some time, maybe she is too scared already - I blame Levi!

cu starside

Savahl 08-02-2006 19:19

You dirty old men probably scared her off!

Leviathan 08-02-2006 23:22


Originally Posted by Icewolf
As you can notice she hasn't posted for some time, maybe she is too scared already - I blame Levi!

cu starside

Oh thats right just blame it on me!

It must be somthing to do with the whole *DOOM* thing :/

TeHaR 09-02-2006 10:31

censor suxx :(

razor 09-02-2006 14:41


Originally Posted by Gaijin
at least sav manages to run 1 mile compared to you

I'll do the mile eventually, with a beer in my hand :)

steam 09-02-2006 15:10


Originally Posted by razor
I'll do the mile eventually, with a beer in my hand :)

And a wheelchair to assist you ! :)

Leviathan 09-02-2006 23:28


Originally Posted by steam
And a wheelchair to assist you ! :)

No no no, what hes referring to is a liquid breakfast whilst driving to work :P

razor 10-02-2006 13:07


Originally Posted by Leviathan
No no no, what hes referring to is a liquid breakfast whilst driving to work :P

glass sandwiche :)

]x[ 11-02-2006 05:17


It must be somthing to do with the whole *DOOM* thing :/
Aren't you Doom's messenger then ???

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