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Link 26-05-2004 06:41

Death Watch
Introduction to a new questing area. And you can craft your own Mandalorian armor.


Can't wait until i get my own mandalorian armor :D

what do you guys think? didn't they bend the official storyline a little by introducing the death watch in to the game?

Xenius 26-05-2004 20:24

a LITTLE bend :) lol @ SWG storyline :) Mandalorians suddently reapear in the world... go get that armor Boys!!!

Saybel 26-05-2004 21:53

guess a lot of people been quitting SWG lately... ;/

Precursors 26-05-2004 22:17


Originally posted by Saybel
guess a lot of people been quitting SWG lately... ;/
they're a bit too late to turn SWG into SWG

darmok 27-05-2004 00:42

DWB is *fun* :). It maybe a strange idea on SOE's side to implement content for a small minority (simply too hard for your average player) two publishes in a row but well, I like it :).

And yes some have quitted SWG, some come/came back, some new join the game. Overall i didn't notice a real population drop on eclipse the last months.

Link: If your sig is accurate about your skills, you cannot wear it. Mandalorian armor is only wearable by Bountyhunters, Commandos, Squadleaders and Rangers (masters to be exact). And judging from the overall first impression (difficultywise) I expect it to be at least as rare as RIS anyway :).

Xenius 27-05-2004 06:54

do you think WoW will be better then SWG.. in PvP?.. or will SWG Jump to lightspeed make the game way more superior then WoW? just wondering.. cant deside what to play

]x[ 27-05-2004 10:20

Dont know sc0rp but i do know that they make more bunkers like this. I want to go to them more often :D Was very nice last night :)

Firefly 27-05-2004 17:22

I've never played SWG, I've heard a lot of mixed reviews about it, and I may try it someday in the future, but right now I'm going to stick to WOW.

Xenius 27-05-2004 22:44


Originally posted by Firefly
I've never played SWG, I've heard a lot of mixed reviews about it, and I may try it someday in the future, but right now I'm going to stick to WOW.
i dont listen to much to reviews.. if i like a game.. i play it.. if not.. i stay away from it... WoW will be lovely i hope.. waiting for PvP info though ...

darmok 28-05-2004 00:21


Originally posted by Sc0rpi0
do you think WoW will be better then SWG.. in PvP?.. or will SWG Jump to lightspeed make the game way more superior then WoW? just wondering.. cant deside what to play
No idea, as the whole setting of Warcraft does not interest me /at all/ I didn't look much into it. Add to this that I prefer PvE over PvP and I hardly can make any reasonable statement on this :-).

Link 28-05-2004 06:44


Originally posted by darmok
Link: If your sig is accurate about your skills, you cannot wear it. Mandalorian armor is only wearable by Bountyhunters, Commandos, Squadleaders and Rangers (masters to be exact). And judging from the overall first impression (difficultywise) I expect it to be at least as rare as RIS anyway :).
by the time I get a hold of my own mandalorian armor I'll be a Master Bounty Hunter. If I get some armor (pc shops, etc) before that I'll just hang on to it.

edit: sig is a little out of date

]x[ 29-05-2004 11:56

Update your sig pe0n, and by the time a single person gets a full mando armour. And got it all on his own im gonna shoot the DEVS :p Second trip there last night , battle for more then an hour in the big room where the key guy should have spawned but didnt. Every noob that tried to run back died in our room so we could clean up the SBD's and other f00kers :/

Link 30-05-2004 11:39

meh. when I get around to it :p

don't know about alone, but one or two bounty hunters could probably make it. they'd have to have an artisan with them though...

Emohawk 30-05-2004 12:26

From what I've heard is you will need about 20 experienced players and a Droid Engineer. Like ]x[ just said even when you do have a group like that ready, you may not even get the correct spawns :/

Shev 30-05-2004 13:38


Originally posted by Link
meh. when I get around to it :p

don't know about alone, but one or two bounty hunters could probably make it. they'd have to have an artisan with them though...

No offence, but hahahaha :D

We survived in there with a group of about 10, but we still don't even know how to craft the damn armour heh - let alone have all the pieces we need for just one part of a suit.

Link 02-06-2004 09:35

I read on SWG forums that many people are wondering if it is even possible to craft the stuff, since noone has experienced a drop of the right stuff. But I was under the impression that you also have to extract from the mines beneath the bunker...

edit: updated my sig btw

^sFw^ 02-06-2004 23:55

we hit it with ..hm 17 ppl i think..mostly ppl that played for awhile just to check it out..
the super battle droids in there was close to impossible without the riflemen and someone to tank it while they shoot it..took ages to take one down and they kept respawning ever3-4 minutes or so..
a few bh's or a few anything in there would prolly die in the first room with an sbd:)

but it was fun in there tho:p

Link 04-06-2004 06:35

yeah. I ran in to those when I tried it out. 45k life I think they had. which is silly, because even Anakin at the age of 9 could have knocked the down and kicked their heads off...

^sFw^ 08-06-2004 00:37

well ur not anakin...so i take it they beat the crap out of u..

Link 08-06-2004 12:01

you took that well. then again, my swg charcter isn't a precicse and correct promotion of me in real life.

Xenius 12-06-2004 16:57


Originally posted by Link
you took that well. then again, my swg charcter isn't a precicse and correct promotion of me in real life.
if it where a correct promotion of you in rl the game would kinda be boring

: ask Link if he wants to join a big Hunt.. nah.. hes just sitting in his house infront of the PC...

would be a waste of money playing SWG if your player sat infront of the pc all day :)

darmok 12-06-2004 22:23


Originally posted by Link
you took that well. then again, my swg charcter isn't a precicse and correct promotion of me in real life.
Your character isn't exactly "anakin" either. Or maybe Lucas just didn't show us the days that Anakin spent with camping and building campkits :P.

Link 14-06-2004 22:37

I feel dizzy and can't recal replying, or even making this thread

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