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Raccoon 16-10-2005 10:43

Just stopping by to say hi
Long time since i've talked to any of the old AO legionnaires >_<

How yall doing?


Maxflier 16-10-2005 20:42

Hi Raccoon. What's been up bud?

Saybel 17-10-2005 15:46

Rakkoon!!!!!!111111 :D :D

Ninja 17-10-2005 18:47

hello hello 8)

SBS 18-10-2005 11:24

Hehe stopping by to say hello as well :p

"Welcome, SBS.
You last visited: 01-12-2004 at 22:04 " ;)

Read something about Planetarion on another forum and wanted to check if you guys were still at it.

Playing WoW as my only online-game atm and I see that you chose the darkside (alliance) :p

Horde FTW!

Carpeia 18-10-2005 12:11

What server are you at?

SBS 18-10-2005 12:18

Skullcrusher EU, 60 dr00d


not the best gear, but I'm not that hardcore either :p

Sabre 18-10-2005 12:39


Originally Posted by SBS
Playing WoW as my only online-game atm and I see that you chose the darkside (alliance) :p

Horde FTW!

It's all Gren's fault... we wanted Horde :(

steam 18-10-2005 14:27


Originally Posted by Sabre
It's all Gren's fault... we wanted Horde :(

aye seriously:/

razor 18-10-2005 19:00

hey SBS m8, long time no see - im playing a lvl 60 horde mage on hellscream (eu) (lag server :()

Eureka 23-10-2005 08:06

hellooooooo ;)

Soly 23-10-2005 09:18


Originally Posted by Raccoon
Long time since i've talked to any of the old AO legionnaires >_<

How yall doing?


frand hai long time no see!

Animoy 23-10-2005 18:22

Never too late to reroll!!

Raccoon 24-10-2005 04:56

8) I play on the european Stormscale server, horde ofc.

Used to have a 60 NE rogue on the same server wich got deleted, swedes tend to make the community rot quite fast >_<

Now grinding epic's with my guild Loot Factor, ironically named since Alliance on the same server claims horde is all epic no skill (PvP wise that is, bwahaha).

Currently pretty annoyed since all we tend to get down in MC is felheart or cenarion *sob*

Saybel, how are you doing? still most bang for the buck eh? lol ^^;

Soly, still keeping it strong tankwise? =) *im def specced, sucks to be MT, at least pvp wise*

Maxflier how's the agent doing? =)

Btw, I liked the old forum better, at least there I had access to the juicy private stuffs o.O

Cheers all, time to kick some ass in DoTA before i stroll off to bed again.

Valhalla 24-10-2005 13:49

Bjarne Bjarne He's our man
If he can't do it noone can!


Raccoon 24-10-2005 16:26

omg GEIR!


How's it going man? got MSN? ^^:

Soly 24-10-2005 16:54


Originally Posted by Raccoon
Soly, still keeping it strong tankwise? =) *im def specced, sucks to be MT, at least pvp wise

hahahah no :( I haven't been playing alot due to spending 6 weeks in Mexico and a whole semester in London (where I'm at currently). And tanking sucks in WoW, only reason it was fun in AO was cause I had mongo and PvP and tanking used the same setup. Arms/Fury 4tw. CP point decay makes me cry, I've lost more ranks than most people have gotten in total I bet :(

Raccoon 25-10-2005 05:58

LOL Soly, yeah well you gotto go thru some nasty PvE before you really can get the groove on imo >_< just look at the 2h sword nefarian drops. Or that polearm bloodlord in ZG, *drool* the proc crit on that one is nasty.

Tanking in WoW is quite the challenge once you get the hang of it, I had a long time thinking thru wheter or not I wanted to be the MT. It's very hard compared to AO thats for sure, and omg the buttons, I thought rogue had buttons but god damnit Warriors have it twice as much.

Btw go to warcraftmovies.com and search for warrior movies, find the korean warrior pvp movie and dl it, if you haven't seen it before you should, awsome stuff.

Trelf 25-10-2005 06:21

Hey Raccoon,Long time no see :)

RobbyLuv 25-10-2005 06:32

ew rakoon =[

Soly 25-10-2005 09:20


Originally Posted by Raccoon
LOL Soly, yeah well you gotto go thru some nasty PvE before you really can get the groove on imo >_< just look at the 2h sword nefarian drops. Or that polearm bloodlord in ZG, *drool* the proc crit on that one is nasty.

Tanking in WoW is quite the challenge once you get the hang of it, I had a long time thinking thru wheter or not I wanted to be the MT. It's very hard compared to AO thats for sure, and omg the buttons, I thought rogue had buttons but god damnit Warriors have it twice as much.

Btw go to warcraftmovies.com and search for warrior movies, find the korean warrior pvp movie and dl it, if you haven't seen it before you should, awsome stuff.

its ok though cause we have 28937982734897 warriors. I let them do the work I play "try and OD the rogues" game. Usually with quite some success. Just wait till I get an epic weapon and wtfpwn their damage.

Chaosengine 25-10-2005 12:05

Urgh, whats this fat rat doing back on the forums!!! :p

Hows it going man? Long time no hear!

Animoy 25-10-2005 12:15

oh, hows that "sleep thingy" going?

Leviathan 25-10-2005 13:04

sup ugly :P

Raccoon 25-10-2005 20:34

Hehe Soly, you'll have some challenge once the rogues get their epixxx.

Lol, hey CE, whats up?

Levi, eww >_< you damn dingo.

What sleep thingy?

Nanobio 26-10-2005 10:53

Hiya Raccoon :)

Valhalla 27-10-2005 15:09


i think :p

If you see a drunk fat bastard naked infront of a webcam there it's the right adresse 8-O

Starblitzer 27-10-2005 18:16

hEY KOon!!! LonG time no see. So i'm GuessinG u dropPed l2 ;) hee hee...*HuGGles* hopE u are having FUn.

Raccoon 28-10-2005 04:50

Trelfy!! :)

How are you doing?

Heya Nanobio! whats up?

Star, yeah I ditched L2, with ease. Rather spend countless hours down in MC/BWL than do mindnumbling grind for levels in L2 to say it like that ;p no phatz there!

How are you doing Star? what are you playing now? that counts for all of you, what are you guys playing now?! >_< WoW? AO? L2? somerandomnobgame?

Imsdal 28-10-2005 06:05

Rocco! Skjer'a bish?

Raccoon 29-10-2005 01:42

Ikke mye det, WoW >_<

Ser du spiller rOUge :p


Valhalla 01-11-2005 13:33

Imsdal spiller bare på slurva, og han er rævva til det også :=)

Raccoon 01-11-2005 20:56


Leviathan 01-11-2005 23:36

Useless Norwegians... ;P

Carpeia 07-11-2005 08:23


Originally Posted by Leviathan
Useless Norwegians... ;P

TSssssh :P

Keldrys 10-11-2005 03:00

Who's your daddy and what does he do?

Raccoon 10-11-2005 21:02

Keldrys you gimp!

mccheese 11-11-2005 03:06

rofl kel, sup racc!

Raccoon 13-11-2005 16:11

keepin it real, you know the usual, ballsonchinin etc

no but seriously, im studying game development aiming for leveldesigner and nerding my self out in WoW.

Valhalla 14-11-2005 09:15

Fiddling your nuts while playing Super Mario isnt studying game development 8-O :p

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