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SSJ-Vegeta 21-03-2008 13:51

Planetarion as if you ever would play it again
Oi all :)

Just played PA speedgame round 25, we did well hehe :)

So I even signed up the real game and guess what a lot of old Legion players are still playing, Willzz,Ninja,Ronin etc...

We all in the same alliance, to bad it aint called Legion but anyway we have a lot of fun and the game is getting so much better the the first 7 rounds, way more races options, skills etc... it is really a challange now.

Well to make a long story short, we need more old Legion friends to join with us, not to proof we are the best, just to have fun with the game it all started with :)

Hope I see you on the #vts channel in irc.netgamers.org



Willzzz 21-03-2008 13:59

Nice post :p

The round itself (round 26) Signups open today at 20:00gmt And the ticks start ticking on the 28th of March so a week from today.

Well again here is a list of a few of the people who are deffinatly still playing PA from some old names you right remmember not all within the same alliance but i thought i would give you an idea of whos still around:


There is just a few to be honest. I am currently working on Dirtball, Athena, Horus and Ogami (hi guys) and i would like all the members that played with us last time to come back. Come and see us as Vegetta said on netgamers irc in the channel #vts We welcome all of you.

nano 21-03-2008 14:41

Join us for a round or so and a small reunion for old times sake and have a little fun :D

Molotov 21-03-2008 15:06

you guys suck, let it die!!! :p

Willzzz 21-03-2008 16:55


Originally Posted by Molotov (Post 288853)
you guys suck, let it die!!! :p

frightend you cant keep up with the pace anymore old friend? :p

Problem is if anyone has been online on the legion server latley youll see its dieing. No one even bothers with wow anymore. PA gave birth to Legion so id like to see us put somthing back into that game and keep it alive. Plus its fun :p

Horus 21-03-2008 17:08

i wont play.....

cant be arsed

Willzzz 21-03-2008 18:51

your usless you told me you didnt have time you lied!

Horus 21-03-2008 19:13

yeah willzzz - i cant be arsed to waste my time

and my homofaggy doesnt want to play either...

censor 21-03-2008 21:24

I am more likely to try a round when they get to round 50 :smile:

But damn, we did have fun though...

I remember we used to make the servers crash when we launched our big assaults. We actually lost a round to Fury/STS where we should have won in the final assaults, as _all_ our ships were lost in tick-space-contiuum (we got second place, and I got a T-shirt and a mousepad I think).

Censor (formerly of Ithaka, PA round 3-5 methinks)

DeEvil 21-03-2008 22:00


Originally Posted by censor (Post 288865)
as _all_ our ships were lost in tick-space-contiuum

if u ever dare to play again, u should claim those ships to start with as a token of good will from the devs..

censor 22-03-2008 06:43

Great idea !
I am sending them the shipping details right now.
With some light modifications, those PDS units would make a great automatic watering system for my garden... :biggrin:

Willzzz 22-03-2008 09:46


Originally Posted by censor (Post 288873)
Great idea !
I am sending them the shipping details right now.
With some light modifications, those PDS units would make a great automatic watering system for my garden... :biggrin:

pds doesnt exist anymore my friend :p

If your interested anyway let us know and dont listen to Horus hes just a bitter git becuase Ronin beat him :p

Anyway the alliance is called Jenova a lot of you have played with us before. own irc and great tools etc by a great tech team. So come and play with us :p

Horus 23-03-2008 10:16


Originally Posted by Willzzz (Post 288876)
dont listen to Horus hes just a bitter git becuase Ronin beat him :p

good try...

but i wont become weak.....
ogami doesnt want to play either and without my personal army of twats (like bob and ogami used to be last time) im useless anyway!!!

Willzzz 23-03-2008 14:32


Originally Posted by Horus (Post 288889)
good try...

but i wont become weak.....
ogami doesnt want to play either and without my personal army of twats (like bob and ogami used to be last time) im useless anyway!!!

He doesnt want to play becuase you dont want to idiot :p

Like dealing with kids

MQ 24-03-2008 04:47


Originally Posted by censor (Post 288873)
Great idea !
I am sending them the shipping details right now.
With some light modifications, those PDS units would make a great automatic watering system for my garden... :biggrin:

that was like round 3 or round 4 and was on 2002 .. you must be in the stone age huh ?

censor 24-03-2008 09:41

While your mom was still changing your diapers (and I think we have more than enough information here to indicate that she is in fact still doing this), some of us ol' timers were out there building the foundations of this fine alliance :cool:

And, it wasn't the stone age my adolescent friend, it was more like pre-cambric...

As an aside, I am pretty sure that I can make a nice sprinkler system out of whatever they are throwing at you spoilt youngsters out there. Oh, I remember well the times when all you needed to take over a galaxy or ten was a laser carabine, a leather jacket and some light banter. These days the young 'uns are screaming for more fancy gfx on their mousepads and have no understanding of the old days (sic!)

More seriously: good to learn that they have updated some units out there!

MQ 24-03-2008 10:23

all i wanted to say is no more PDS .. may be my word is so hus.. you dont have to be that mean :frown: sorry dude

censor 24-03-2008 14:49

Man, I wasn't being rude - just kidding around.

If I really wanted to hurt your feelings, you would be amazed at how much more effective my assault would be ! :biggrin:

In the meantime, read up on Irony and Sarcasm. Ref diaper statement: how much information do I really have about you - enough to conclude on who changes your diapers? I think not. (Now, that previous part actually contained a not very profound
nor very well disguised insult - meant again only in a non-offensive manner. See if you can find it...). Also, make note of the fact that my original post about pds was written in the same manner and tone, and that the subsequent posting about the old days followed in much the same manner and tone. The switching there to "seriously" about pds is also a strong indication for the ordinary (or even less than so) reader that the narrator is in the previous part not actually all that serious.

Add to this that I have absolutely no idea of who you are, nor any interest in dissing you apart for my small dissemenation here.

Live long and prosper.


DeEvil 24-03-2008 16:56


Originally Posted by censor (Post 288873)
With some light modifications, those PDS units would make a great automatic watering system for my garden... :biggrin:

haha yea, i think that would be nice looking! :biggrin:

Shaitan 26-03-2008 00:30

come join us, it's gonna be fun

Fedaykin 26-03-2008 09:33

Why do i find all these threads just before the start of the round eh?!

Get Rids in and i'll have a think about it

jung 26-03-2008 10:57


Fedaykin 26-03-2008 11:00

asd;lkfjasdf Ello matey hows it going - you coming back to the PA fold then? ;)

Ninja 26-03-2008 14:46

just played 3 rounds in a row, not playing no more
got my final university exams coming up very soon, also a lot of essays need completion, also got new gf etc. PA can bugger off :P

Chocotoff 01-04-2008 20:23

omg I joined, never played it though :)

Fedaykin 02-04-2008 08:37

Here's a dangerous idea...... http://speed.travian.co.uk

If we could get 20+ of us i'm fairly sure we'd dominate..... I've only played one round so far but i'm really enjoying it (and its free to a point)

There's about 22k people on the server and the map (universe) is absolutely huge.

Barely any of the alliances seem to use IRC to communicate and co-ordinate. Thus far i've only bumped into Starfish from Fury in my alliance that seems to think it'd be a good idea.

Carpeia 02-04-2008 16:41

hey Fedaykin :)

Travian is so god damn fun ! :)

I play speed and 1 normal on Norwegian servers,

id join in on a fresh start on uk if there is something going on in the near future :)

Valhalla 03-04-2008 18:34

This thread reminds me of Pat Sharp

jung 03-04-2008 19:22


Originally Posted by Fedaykin (Post 288974)
asd;lkfjasdf Ello matey hows it going - you coming back to the PA fold then? ;)

I would love to but I fear id let the side down by not being about much.

Bots still illegal? :)

jung 03-04-2008 19:27


Originally Posted by Valhalla (Post 289149)
This thread reminds me of Pat Sharp

oh oh oh what was that show he used todo? motormouth? or something weird

(dont google, that would be cheating)

Tobler 03-04-2008 19:53


Originally Posted by Valhalla (Post 289149)
This thread reminds me of Pat Sharp

Oldman val showing his age! :p

Tenzo 04-04-2008 09:00

Pat Sharp was the Fun House legend.. (and the twins)

Cue Music - Fun house, it's a whole lot of fun, prizes to be won.....

jung 04-04-2008 22:59

ahhh yeah! its a real wacky show where anything will go!!

Vladel 05-04-2008 01:51

can't believe you didn't mention me willzzz :P


Ninja 05-04-2008 15:16

Willzzz isnt even playing himself :p

Vladel 15-04-2008 15:09

If we can prove there are enough interested anything can happen


BlueArmy 29-04-2008 08:33

the legion is still the big evil in planetarion... though they are now named The Jehovas...

Fedaykin 29-04-2008 11:35

Thing is, i very much doubt any of us have the dedication that we did 'back in the day' I know that if i get up at 3 in the morning nowadays i'm going to be rough as a badger the next day for work.

I think i'll just stick to playing WoW till 3am instead ;)

sigrid 18-05-2008 19:12

dear god, is PA STILL going on?
i am sooo tempted....
then again ill be sorry after a week etc.

Burkey 29-09-2008 10:25

Round 28 was good
Just finished round 28 (a week premeture due to working away from this evening for the week) and it was quite a good round

New options like construction is now buildings and research is all different in stages for needing to mine roids, cov-ops abosutely suck though but to get roids you don't need asteroid scans you just initiate

The ships are much better too and it's more tactical how you build your fleet


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