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Bowlsey 14-05-2007 16:44

Hello Old Timers!

/me does a little dance!

Not seen or heard from many of you in years!! I did something very sensible and took a few years of from gaming to complete my degree....yes its true...but all that time i saved ended up being spent in the pub :/ oh well.

Now I'm in full time work I have lots of spare time in the evenings \o/ After a few weeks of PA i have realised why I left that sh** game in the first place...damn you Furbie for getting me involved again.

Anyways, i see you have a forum section for Warhammer....with nothing in it...You guys thinking of playing!? Was thinking of either that of Age of Conan....not quite decided yet.

Anyways, I need to get back to work ;)

Hugs and kisses

Toxi 14-05-2007 18:28

I am 99.9% sure we will have a presence in WAR to some degree :]

Bociwen 14-05-2007 19:23

What Toxi said, a fair number of lego's, particularly from the WoW group, seem interested in Warhammer for some reason :P

Bowlsey 14-05-2007 20:03

It's quite obviously going to be a superior game ;) The Warhammer Realm has such has such a rich and epic storyline to it. The ultimate Fantasy World, and lets face it, it's had about 30 years to evolve so it should be! I've been a fan since I was about 12! :p

Chirnovnik 14-05-2007 21:53

I'll be there. I've been playing tabletop Warhammer and 40k since the age
of 10. I can't pass up the opportunity to see the world breathe.

Bowlsey 14-05-2007 22:32

Precisely, I've been playing table top for quite some time. Took a break for uni and have gotten back into it. Tho admitidly more 40k than fantasy. Gotta love the Chaos Chosen tho! They look incredibly menacing :D

Anunnak 14-05-2007 23:27

Skaven... Yes-yes we sneak-snea... Run away!!!!
Skaven rock.

From what I understand those that are going to play Warhammer online will be siding with disorder. Well at least those that I know are going to play.

Chirnovnik 15-05-2007 01:53


Originally Posted by Bowlsey (Post 274470)
Precisely, I've been playing table top for quite some time. Took a break for uni and have gotten back into it. Tho admitidly more 40k than fantasy. Gotta love the Chaos Chosen tho! They look incredibly menacing :D

I play Sisters of Battle (Witch Hunters). Nothing says triumph like beating you
with women... and nuns at that.

Bociwen 15-05-2007 02:30

Never played fantasy, but love 40k, havent played in awhile, but still have my figures ^^

Bowlsey 15-05-2007 07:15


Originally Posted by Chirnovnik (Post 274480)
I play Sisters of Battle (Witch Hunters). Nothing says triumph like beating you
with women... and nuns at that.

Lol, love it. I have Imperial Fists, some Inquisition troops and Tyranids...and about 95% unpainted....I started up again and bought loads of ebay ;) Take forever to paint!

TAZ 15-05-2007 09:07

Well I quit WoW and thankfully glad for it, got so bored :( now im looking eagly forward to a game to keep me entertained, and ive loved warhammer since i was a kid so looking forward to it

Bowlsey 15-05-2007 10:08

Sounds like there are a few takers, anyone looked at entering Legion into the Guild Beta?!

Chirnovnik 15-05-2007 10:21


Originally Posted by Bowlsey (Post 274487)
Lol, love it. I have Imperial Fists, some Inquisition troops and Tyranids...and about 95% unpainted....I started up again and bought loads of ebay ;) Take forever to paint!


This is an older picture... the ones in the back are in various stages of unpaint.
But I recently stripped 'em to go back and do red armor with white cloth. The
living saint stays in white with gold trim, though =p

Icewolf 15-05-2007 10:53


Originally Posted by Bowlsey (Post 274498)
Sounds like there are a few takers, anyone looked at entering Legion into the Guild Beta?!

multiple people did, hope that won't screw us :/
But I also guess we might just be too big to get an invite.

Tobler 15-05-2007 11:03

Everyone is still hoping Gren goes Order so the rest of us can gank him :p

Bowlsey 15-05-2007 13:06


Originally Posted by Tobler (Post 274511)
Everyone is still hoping Gren goes Order so the rest of us can gank him :p

LOL :biggrin:

Mythic have said they are looking for guilds of all sizes, from the very large to they very small....so i think there is a good chance Legion would get in. Especially if u have a very large member base

JRL 15-05-2007 14:27

war looks like wow to me, not very interesting right now.

Bowlsey 15-05-2007 14:31


Originally Posted by JRL (Post 274525)
war looks like wow to me, not very interesting right now.

Depends what it is you dont like about wow. WAR is more Realm vs Realm....and not 5 hour instances etc....

Icewolf 15-05-2007 14:39


Originally Posted by JRL (Post 274525)
war looks like wow to me, not very interesting right now.

except that it might hopefully have some real PvP :)

Tobler 15-05-2007 14:56


Originally Posted by JRL (Post 274525)
war looks like wow to me, not very interesting right now.

I remember alot of people commenting on the way WoW looked and how cartoony it was yet everyone played it :p

JRL 15-05-2007 15:09


Originally Posted by Tobler (Post 274532)
I remember alot of people commenting on the way WoW looked and how cartoony it was yet everyone played it :p

Oh i wasnt talking about the graphics.

Cyrt 15-05-2007 15:34

Itīs WAR or AoC for me, but 80% WAR.

Bowlsey 15-05-2007 15:43


Originally Posted by Cyrt (Post 274535)
Itīs WAR or AoC for me, but 80% WAR.

took a look at AoC and have to admit i prefer the look of WAR :)

Icewolf 16-05-2007 08:39

I never was interested in AoC until I talked to one of their guys on a RPG Convention. What really makes it interesting are the guild PvP servers they are planning, where you can build cities and get attacked by other guilds. Not sure how they will implement it, but it might be perfect for Legion.

Also on the same event I was able to play a WAR battleground, pretty much similar to WoW, but I hope the PvP will not just be battlegrounds, that would suck.

We have to wait for more details on both games I guess...

cu starside

Chirnovnik 16-05-2007 10:49


Originally Posted by Icewolf (Post 274574)
I never was interested in AoC until I talked to one of their guys on a RPG Convention. What really makes it interesting are the guild PvP servers they are planning, where you can build cities and get attacked by other guilds. Not sure how they will implement it, but it might be perfect for Legion.

Also on the same event I was able to play a WAR battleground, pretty much similar to WoW, but I hope the PvP will not just be battlegrounds, that would suck.

We have to wait for more details on both games I guess...

cu starside

There are actually several ways to PvP. The battlegrounds are a component
of the land control system. In this way, they are functionally different from
the pvp instances in WoW (at least back when I was playing WoW, unless
they've altered the system to make it have an impact on the game world).
So even if it is a similar game of capture the flag, the goal is a component of
a larger strategy of conquering territory, which is a significant difference. I
recommend going to www.warhammeronline.com and watching the
pvp/battlegrounds podcast andthe RvR podcast.. They explain how the land
control scale is balanced. I like the system the way they describe it. Taken as a
whole, it has nuances that WoW lacks (or lacked when I was playing). If WoW
is that nice T-Rex skeleton you see in the Smithsonian, then WAR would be the
monstrocity. Sure they're the same species, but one is more fleshed out.
that chased down the trucks in "Jurassic Park."

Bowlsey 17-05-2007 08:41


Originally Posted by Icewolf (Post 274574)
I never was interested in AoC until I talked to one of their guys on a RPG Convention. What really makes it interesting are the guild PvP servers they are planning, where you can build cities and get attacked by other guilds. Not sure how they will implement it, but it might be perfect for Legion.

If they can pull this off then that will certainly change things. This is a great idea :biggrin:

I do so like the Chaos Chosen tho....

Chirnovnik 17-05-2007 10:42

Well, Shadowbane has that. We're not playing that, are we? I remember
playing it briefly with some other friends of mine a while back. I think it's free
now as well.

Emohawk 17-05-2007 15:59

If there was a Warhammer 40k I'd play...

Tobler 17-05-2007 17:19


Originally Posted by Emohawk (Post 274698)
If there was a Warhammer 40k I'd play...

All things come to those that wait :p

40k the mmorgp is in the planning stage atm.

Toxi 17-05-2007 17:25

In addition we are also thinking about a trek to Pirates of the Burning Sea. But a WAR division is definite and i dont care were going destruction. Enough of this alliance bs.

Bowlsey 17-05-2007 17:37

Can't wait for a 40k version!

Destruction is the only way forward ;) Can't beat a little bit of blood and mayhem :p

sLak 17-05-2007 21:14


Originally Posted by Bowlsey (Post 274425)
Hello Old Timers!

Anyways, i see you have a forum section for Warhammer....with nothing in it...You guys thinking of playing!? Was thinking of either that of Age of Conan....not quite decided yet.

Am i missing the WAR section? Where is it? :(

Toxi 17-05-2007 21:56

The section is there, the forums are not currently implemented. When we get closer to launch / more ppl in beta then they will be added until then there are some threads floating around.

Zaric 18-05-2007 02:01

I would love to play Warhammer online..

Relifex 27-05-2007 23:18

I will 100% surely be in warhammer.

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