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Xenius 21-12-2007 00:29

My Application
Greetings Legionnaires!

My real name is Thore, and I am from Great Norway.
I am currently 22 years old, in human years. On my last year of Uni, where I study for a Bachelor in Geographic Informationssystems. My interests in life revolves around computers, friends, and alcohol, the general good stuff you can combine in life. For more information about this person(me), use facebook(if someone has corrupted you to use it).

You may know me by either:
Xenius & Sc0rpi0

My Legion history

I made my forum account on this forum back in 05-04-2003, and since that day I trolled The Colosseum with my random jibber-jabber. I did not play with The Legion back in the PA days, nor the SWG/AO days. I first played with The Legion when Gaijin picked me up from The Colosseum and tricked me into playing EVE.

During that time, Gaijin got Rampage to setup an EVE section on the forum. In the process of giving me access to that forum, I somehow ended up with "full-access" to all Legion forums. Since that day my random jibber-jabber has been seen on the cantina aswell as in the WoW forums. :)

While In EvE legion I was the guy who usually just kept a low profile, except from the time i got 3 officer drops during 2 weeks. Made lots of new friends in EvE Online, ppl I didnt know within The Legion community from before my EvE carieer. Hoping for some vouches here guys :)
But around the time EVE got abit serious and people started getting recruited into BOB i quit EVE. Not because of the people pouching though, but found out it was not the game for me. Had a period of casual gaming, and EvE was not casual enough. Small WoW breakdown got me to play eve in the first place. If someone is in need of a 9mill Raven pilot just bug me, I wont be using him again.

My Next gaming experience with Legion people was in Noiratenalp[Crypted for your consideration] when Willzzz desided it would be fun to play, he was half right. Out of that experience I atleast got to know DodgyDave and DeEvil, so it was fun in a "social" way.

Why i am making this application

This community has a history of excelling in anything it puts its fingers at, either it be PA, EVE, SWG or AO. I think this has to be the finest gaming community I have ever had the honor to be part of. During my time on here, ive made tons of new friends that I have regular contact with. And so I am making this application because I want to be officially part of The Legion, and not just have access.

While like most people on this forum I just sit around waiting for the next game this community is gonna involve itself into. The Legion forum is on my daily reading list and it has been so for the last years. The Joy of the random posts in Cantina, or the WoW related posts in the WoW forum makes for interesting reading. And always a joy to read Molotov`s fine frontside news hehe.

Its starting to become years since ive gotten full access to the forums I though it was about time to write an application and try to become a true legionnaire.

with regards,


Bociwen 21-12-2007 00:35

Le vouch, scorp is definition of win.

Animoy 21-12-2007 00:39

The non-member member ^^

Vouch with ease

Shev 21-12-2007 00:41


OK, maybe a vouch :P

Olorin 21-12-2007 05:24

Letting this guy in is a really bad idea!

Vouch :p

Pitlord 21-12-2007 06:35

Had some great times with this guy both in Eve and the game that cannot be mentioned.

Definately VOUCH.

Quindillar 21-12-2007 16:15

Since it's xmas and all..... vouch.


^sFw^ 21-12-2007 16:23

don't know this person cept from the forums, but has been hanging around for a long time and we definativly need some new active members in legion... so VOUCH ..fresh blood etc etc..

DodgyDave 21-12-2007 19:28

I have talked to him alot, i find him a good and decent player, who is very eager and i do consider that a bit annoying at times, but thats me :)
that he is not already legion, i find strange and a shame, so let him join, he got my Vouch.

]x[ 22-12-2007 09:40

He has more forum access then me fs, i demand the same !!!

Vouch for being the annoying fucker that he is :D

P.S. Only if he stick in my chan on Netgamers tho ;)

Leviathan 22-12-2007 13:19

Always liked this dude even in a trolling kinda way heh. Always been positive and friendly, vouch from me aswell :)

Xenius 05-01-2008 23:32

tnx for the vouches guys :) and only like 2 of 10 find me annoying :) quite an improvement of my general stats :)

Horus 06-01-2008 00:16


Originally Posted by Sc0rpi0 (Post 287042)
tnx for the vouches guys :) and only like 2 of 10 find me annoying :) quite an improvement of my general stats :)

you are annoying


does that help....?

Xenius 06-01-2008 01:19

hehe :P not really :) but tnx

Babbler 31-01-2008 20:17

4/12 :p

Yep that is my birthday!

Hi Sc0rpz

I dunno you but cheers!

steam 31-01-2008 22:22

Vouch i guess .... but only just :)

maxinox 28-02-2008 13:31

Most Deff A vouch

Xenius 28-02-2008 18:10

Tnx for the vouches guys :) Babbler, steam & maxinox :D

Xenius 27-04-2008 22:11

Am I formally in now? :P or do someone have to like "Accept" this application hehe :)

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