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Xcalibur 06-11-2002 12:03

Hiyo all
Look im waiting for SWG to come out and am wondering if i should cancel my Pre-Order of Shadowbane or not cause i think its bloody ace and i know daffy might play it aswell ! but im wondering what u all think ?


have a look at it see what u think maybe it owuld be a good way for legion to get prepared for SWG ? Cause im thinking that SWG will Probably be Delayed yet again and again maybe to July or even so far as winter 2003 some reports say...

Anyway in shadowbane we can get some good kinks out of the way ! its very PVP oriented and City Building among PAs is the main thing ! U can train archers and wizards to defend ur cities and u can make Huge catapults and war tents outside an enemies town/city destroy tehre whole city now common LEGIOn will surely KICK all ass !! ??

Think about it it probably comming out in january if not before it! Ive been Waiting for shadowbane for months now and know pretty much all there is to know about it

Ask me

Xcalibur 06-11-2002 12:22

Look at the screen shots in the journals Hmmmm nices

i think teh gfx are lovely and even tho they arent mega mega uptdate that would reduce the lag and stuf

one journal of a beta tester:

After having created our guild and found friends in hard battles and fights, the time has come. We are looking for a new home for our community. But the world is big, the enemy's all over, and factors to think about are huntinggrounds for different levels and distances to other places.

Last but not least the guildmembers personal taste should be integrated in the planning before we plant our Tree of Life! Because we haven't got any sub-guilds and aren't connected to another nation, we only have one tree!

Finally we found the perfect place at the base of a hill near the ice desert in the north, a plateau. Kitae always thinking practical, he scouts the nearer area to find out if there is greater danger around. The mountains are the area of Bearkin's and Yeti's. In the ice there is a lot of Minotaurs and in the ruins to the south there are many wolves and their two feeted fellows.

The decision is made, we are going to build here. Now we are deciding which buildings we can build. Our goldpouches aren't endless and the Tree of Life has already taken a big part of our budget. Because of the dangerous area we will definitely need a barrack and guards.

A church, in which we can pray, sollicite for blessings and store our gold and loot, is essential. After long calculations and discussions we visit an architect. There we get the construction plans and hire the proper workers. Our gold flows away.

While the buildings are completing, I concentrate on the controls of the meanwhile active Tree. I pull the contract, which I have concluded with a Runemaster, out of my inventory and drop it in one of the empty NPC slots. And he turns up immediatly and does his duty. Now I have lots of possibilities in my controlwindow: upgrades, Condemn- (KOS) and Friendslist, maintenance costs, tranfer and destroy are available.

The Runemaster can be trained as well and has got individual functions, through him you can easily spread the healing energy of the Tree and define the tax rate on the different buildings. Because all buildings are belonging to the guild at the moment the default settings will be fine.

Other owners can bargain. The other workers will be spreaded the same way in their respective buildings and soon the place around the Tree of Life is filled.

Guards, who respond to their commander in rank and quantity, patrol around the buildings and guard our investments. The Burser of the church walks around his new home and the blacksmith waits for customers. Kitae who controls the blacksmith, orders his employee what to produce and sets a high profit margin - what a greedy bard... good that the prices for guild, nation and newcomers are different or I would have to have a serious talk to him.

there is more but u get the idea Sound ACe or what ?

daffy 06-11-2002 16:31

This game will rock too,according to me

A whole other environment ... Cities, Swords, Axes, Guards, Spells, what more do you want ;-)

Will certainly play this to get ready for SWG

Lantador 07-04-2003 21:11

A few of my friends are playing it, and I decided to get it as well.

As a PvP game it looks to be rocking. Hell, to me it looks like it might even beat the shit out of SWG.

DeEvil 07-04-2003 21:35

i heard of this game also from some friends who are playing it and they ordered me to buy it instantly

I guess i will :D

Looks like a nice game.

Johnny Rico 08-04-2003 20:51

I bought SB last weekend and have started playing. My computer, I have found, is in drastic need of updating, and I seem to crash frequently. I'm out to build a new computer tonight.

What server are you playing on? I'm pretty sure that you are only able to play with people who live on the same continent as you (i.e., Europe, North America, etc.)

I am still totally newbie at SB, and if you can give me any guidance as always it will be very much appreciated.


Lantador 11-04-2003 11:25

I've started on the "Scorn" server in SB, and made it to level 23 so far.. Just find a group to level with on newbie island from 1-20, then when you hit 20 you are forced to leave the safe newbie island and move to the PvP-enabled continent.

Even though PvP is enabled fully anywhere, people don't really attack each other that much, since coorporation gets you levelled faster than what you can manage solo.

Also the huge guild/city/nation system means that highleves don't just attack any lowlevels they see, since getting people into your guild is wise long-term. Of course, solo PKs do exist, like they should, but this game is very well balanced and cleverly made. Full PvP anywhere, but the system in reality means it isn't just total chaos and carnage. Excellently made really.

Still, when a theif tries to steal from you, or if someone annoyes you, its extremely refreshing that you have the option to just flat out kill them.

For instance, I was out with a group, someone comes and starts attacking the mobs we pull, and loot them. What do we do? 1) ask him to stop 2) kill him. I just remember all the games you've played where you can't do shit about griefers. You can in SB. It pwns.

Also, the danger of being attacked, killed and looted when out hunting makes this game so refreshing and fun. I love it. :)

My char is named "Lantador", feel free to send me a /tell if you start on Scorn! :)

Blyr 11-04-2003 15:29

shadowbane sucks
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

Lantador 13-04-2003 02:45


Originally posted by Blyr
shadowbane sucks
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

Try it out?

Sexiness 15-04-2003 01:10

Im sorry but i thought Shadowbane was a joke :( It may have looked cool at the time (few years ago) when they said it was coming out... but it honestly was like a movie that was over hyped and it just plain wasn't what it was all said to be :(

Sorry i wasted my time with it :\

Sexiness 15-04-2003 01:10

Im sorry but i thought Shadowbane was a joke :( It may have looked cool at the time (few years ago) when they said it was coming out... but it honestly was like a movie that was over hyped and it just plain wasn't what it was all said to be :(

Sorry i wasted my money :\

Sorry i wasted my time on the beta team before i bought it :\

[M7] 15-04-2003 08:47

says it all... ;)
If you can read german, www.olnigg.de says even more.

Lantador 15-04-2003 20:00

What sucks is that you don't realize that l33t GFX doesn't make a good game. Just look at DAoC. Just look at AC2.

Shadowbane's engine is a bit old yes. However, in largescale PvP situations, you avoid massive lag, and thats what this game was made for. PvP.

It ownz, its like what early UO was, and what every game up till now should have been. Nothing more to it.

I don't care if you don't try it out, its your loss really! :D

[M7] 15-04-2003 20:58


Originally posted by Lantador
What sucks is that you don't realize that l33t GFX doesn't make a good game.
Hey i actually BOUGHT Moo3.. the mother of all gameplay-over-graphics game. 8)
I just dont believe that i can immerse myself in an game that features ole Squareface Pointyshoe... its just a good exaple where bad graphics actually hurt gameplay... Well, it DOES hurt gameplay when i have to put on welding goggles every time i talk to a dwarf.. :D

devildawg 15-04-2003 21:25

Yes it does suck, and yes I did play it....I was even in the beta.

Sad this is that even without the good graphics there is still lag worse than anything I've ever seen in AO. Not to mention the fact that if you get in good groups you can level to 50 in about two weeks. The pvp sucks, even on the beta boreds there were fucking nerf whiners.

Zhukov 15-04-2003 22:33

Can you try it out for free?

SBS 16-04-2003 00:46


Originally posted by [M7]
Hey i actually BOUGHT Moo3.. the mother of all gameplay-over-graphics game. 8)
I just dont believe that i can immerse myself in an game that features ole Squareface Pointyshoe... its just a good exaple where bad graphics actually hurt gameplay... Well, it DOES hurt gameplay when i have to put on welding goggles every time i talk to a dwarf.. :D

instead of Moo3... you should try Galactic Civilizations.. it rocks

Lantador 18-04-2003 01:28


Originally posted by devildawg
Yes it does suck, and yes I did play it....I was even in the beta.

Sad this is that even without the good graphics there is still lag worse than anything I've ever seen in AO. Not to mention the fact that if you get in good groups you can level to 50 in about two weeks. The pvp sucks, even on the beta boreds there were fucking nerf whiners.

How does the PvP suck?

And lag, yes, a bit, but not worse than any other game I've seen around - And its already far, far better than it was a few weeks ago, since they updated their servers, as demanded by the players...

And yea, you can level to 50 in two weeks, which is cool.. Soft cap is 60 now, 70 is possible with current mobs. Whatever the case, the central element in this game is large scale PvP and guild warfare, which I so far think the game rocks at.

And nerf whiners? Where don't you see those... At least in this game you can kill them on sight.

Poppa 22-04-2003 09:40

But wheres the roleplay?

Johnny Rico 22-04-2003 23:46

Hey Lant.

Unfortunately I haven't been playing on scorn. I'll make a new character right now and try to level him to 20 asap on newbie island. What type of character are you playing?

I tried a human crusader first.

Then started an elf thief.

What guild are you in?


Lantador 24-04-2003 11:15

Since no one from Legion was playing I joined a guild called "The Regulators" on Scorn, they are oldschool PKs that I know from Atlantic/UO 5-6 years ago.

The Regulators are sworn as a sub-guild to the nation Rolling 30's (R30s), led by Bone Dancer, which is the main PK Nation on the server, also having SUN, TheMercs and a lot of the other most hardcore PvP guilds out there under their wings.

As opponents we have House of Sagacious (HoS) and a lot of other topnotch antis. Scorn so far has been the server with most pvp, quickest levelling, and most city sieges already.

We recently raided Baishi, one of HoS main towns with around 200 vs 200 people in the battle, including Siege Engies and shit. It was awsome.

But, no doubt, R30s u wanna get in. They got the best town, best location, and control the best levelling spots.

When cross-server raiding opens, it will be really interesting to see what happens! :)

As for myself, I made a Mage/Assassin, and went for the Blood Prophet Discipline Rune.

I can stealth, hide, backstab for insane damage, cast 3 different DoTs one with snare and one with stam drain, one excellent DD with Stun, I can recall, teleport, shield myself, heal myself, and have a health regen spell. Furthermore I can black mantle enemies so they cannot be healed, and I got stun immunity.

Downsides are not too many hitpoints, and weak in melee (dont do much damage when not backstabbing). On the other hand I have an insane defense rating, and I am hard as hell to hit for warriors. I believe my template is the best in the game. Oh and I also get a Darkspawn pet at level 50! (Still only level 47).

Lantador 24-04-2003 11:16

Btw you wanna visit http://sb.catacombs.com. They have an excellent character builder/planner, and excellent maps. Make sure you plan your points on your character all the way to level 60, sucks to have wasted points on skills/powers you dont need in the endgame, cuz ur character will be weaker from it.

Also dont forget to save around 30-40 ability points for around level 40-50, to use on INT/DEX discs whatever you wanna raise your cap on.

Lantador 24-04-2003 11:18


Originally posted by Poppa
But wheres the roleplay?
Non existing more or less. If you want boring o.Oing find another game. Shadowbane is all out PvP as soon as you hit level 20 and leave newbie island.

All I can say I haven't felt like this about a game since early UO in 1997. If I continue to like it this much, then screw SWG, screw WoW.

Graphics in SB aren't l33t, but who cares, the gameplay and PvP is so nice, it utterly owns.

Lantador 24-04-2003 11:21

Give me a private Shadowbane forum for me and Rico!!!!!!!!! :D

Lantador 24-04-2003 11:23

Btw we need to figure out what to do, go for a Legion sub-guild to R30s, or just have you join The Regulators as well...

The problem is we wont be allowed to make a 2-man guild under R30s, they dont care about just 2 guys. And not being in R30s is not an option, trust me....

Zhukov 24-04-2003 13:58

and whats PvP ?

Johnny Rico 24-04-2003 15:42

Pvp = Player versus Player. (fighting each other)

Lant, at this point I don't think its worth having a Legion sub-guild, because it is only the two of us. However, Moltov is seriously considering the game and may be on as early as tonight.

I'm hoping that if he likes the game as much as the two of us we can convince so other Legionnaires to join the cause and then we can talk about sub-guild. I don't think it makes any sense at all, unless Legion decides to enter SB in full force to break away from your guild.

BTW, I leveled my last character up to 19 over the last two days. Unfortunately, I just read your post, and now realize that I probably gimped him already lol. If Mol gets on (or even if he doesn't) I think I'm going to start another character so that I'm not a worthless leecher.


Johnny Rico 25-04-2003 05:51

Well after gimping my 3rd character out of impatience, I'm gonna make my 4th, and follow your model. I like the way you think!!!

Mage assasin it is.


Lantador 26-04-2003 03:59

Make sure you make him an Irekei then so you can get the Blood Prophet Discipline later on - Thats what you will get your healing powers from and an excellent DoT with Fire/Stam drain.

Also, if in doubt, save the points, both ability points and skill points, for later on...

Read up skills/powers for your class on message boards like the ones at sbvault.ign.com, sb.catacombs.com or chronicle.ubi.com, lots of info waiting out there.

Anyway, let me and Rico have our private Legion Only SB forum please so we can discuss our l33t templates! :D

Lantador 26-04-2003 04:02

Also make sure you think about what kind of character you wanna play.. I designed my Mage/Assassin so that he would not be truly excellent at one or a few things, but instead rather good at nearly everything - An allround mage-type character with a few rogue-style skills.

If you want a really, really badass warrior type, go Minotaur Barbarian. They get around 4 times as many hitpoints as a Mage/Assassin, and hit for insane damage.

I'm considering one as a secondary character sometime when my Mage/Assassin hits 60. :)

Johnny Rico 26-04-2003 15:44

Hey Lant, what do you think of Shades?

I'm really digging stealth modes and am starting to think that I may enjoy playing the role of the recon scout. Too much fun standing in the middle of the enemy's base without them knowing.

My question to you is if it is possible to become profficient enough with sneak so that you are undetectable by Shades and by other scouts or if they will always be able to trump your invisibility powers. If this is the case, it semms like a Scout is automatically gimped by a Shade/scout and therefore virtually useless.

Another question:

I was wondering what types of skills are needed by the R30s. You guys need pure warriors, or are you in need of support personnel, i.e., healers, scouts, or even possibly thiefs?

I'll /tell you when I'm on.





Johnny Rico 27-04-2003 20:32

Jesus Lant,

In order for me to be able to get Sneak with the mage assasin, I need like 73K just to get to level 16, and I need to get to level 18. How many more levels will i need before the price come down?

I'm hoping 25. We will see.


I put 100% in dagger mastery 50% in Shadow Mastery

What else should I be putting my points in?


Lantador 28-04-2003 02:06


Originally posted by Johnny Rico
Hey Lant, what do you think of Shades?

I'm really digging stealth modes and am starting to think that I may enjoy playing the role of the recon scout. Too much fun standing in the middle of the enemy's base without them knowing.

My question to you is if it is possible to become profficient enough with sneak so that you are undetectable by Shades and by other scouts or if they will always be able to trump your invisibility powers. If this is the case, it semms like a Scout is automatically gimped by a Shade/scout and therefore virtually useless.

Another question:

I was wondering what types of skills are needed by the R30s. You guys need pure warriors, or are you in need of support personnel, i.e., healers, scouts, or even possibly thiefs?

I'll /tell you when I'm on.





The shades detect power is useless, sneak or hide above level 20 is undetectable by the power they have.

A scout with GMed detect WILL have a fair chance to detect a GM sneak/hide, but it will be hard for him.

In R30s all kinds are viable, but if you want an easier time getting XP groups, pure tanks (barbarians or warriors) and especially healers with summon ability are the way to go.

However I wouldnt worry too much about whats needed or whats easiest in terms of getting into good groups, but instead pick the class you feel comfortable with, and preferably one that will pwn in PvP, not PvE.

For PvP, Human Confessor, Irekei Mage/Assassin, Minotaur Barbarian, and Warlocks are the way to go IMO. You will aso need a healer in a good PvP group, but hell if I'll play a support char. Thats someone elses job! :D

Lantador 28-04-2003 02:10


Originally posted by Johnny Rico
Jesus Lant,

In order for me to be able to get Sneak with the mage assasin, I need like 73K just to get to level 16, and I need to get to level 18. How many more levels will i need before the price come down?

I'm hoping 25. We will see.


I put 100% in dagger mastery 50% in Shadow Mastery

What else should I be putting my points in?


Never train skills/powers when they start costing more than 5k IMO, not untill after level 40 when you have the cash for it.

Wait a level or two, and the prize will drop. The system is made that way to make it really hard and expensive to get powers to a level higher than whats "normal" for your characters level.

Don't pump dagger higher, you won't need more for backstab, and theres a few levels till you get dagger mastery.

Max out Shadow Mastery though, its your main class focus skill.

Also max out Shadow Bolt and Steal Breath as soon as you can, they are your main damage dealing spells.

Shielding and the Shadowmastery line defense buff (forgot the name, but its the one that adds cold resistance as well) you wanna max out too.

Save the rest of the points for later.

Lantador 28-04-2003 02:11

PS: Im not on IRC atm, its my home comp that you see online there, I'm currently at work! :D

Lantador 28-04-2003 02:12


Originally posted by Poppa
But wheres the roleplay?
Btw hows Neverboring Nights and A Land I Will Get Bored In going?


razor 28-04-2003 07:31

I will look at the cost of this game, its sounding interesting to me ;)
I might join in on this fun to prepare for SWG - i never played these kinds of games before

Lantador 28-04-2003 08:57

Sounds like a good idea. I can't guarantee that you will like it, it can be a bit harsh, but many people like Shadowbane and the freedom you have ingame to do as you please. Few rules, few regulations - Just like a medieval fantasy world should be IMO!

Johnny Rico 28-04-2003 13:17

I am terribly addicted at this point played for 12 hours yesterday and 10 the day before.

I have my character up to 26 atm. Just got backstab. Hopefull I'll have enough time after work the next few days to get r3. Just trained backstab to journeyman. But am out of $$.

Met some r30s guy named Kofi. He punked me and a substantial part of King's Cross yesterday. Was /info ing that a group was looking for help, and summoned me when I answered, only when I accepted I was summoned into a world of hate and death, and was left to respawn with no $$. LOL Only lost about 3K. Then I started talking to the guy, and at 1st he was ready for me to go on a rant about how I would get him etc., but instead I started chatting him up.

To all out there who are bored with whatever game you are playing, although I am b no means claiming that SB is the best game that ever was or ever will be, I definitely think you all should check it out. Over the weekend there was a huge guild war between the members of Lantador's guild the R30s and virtually everyone else on the server. From what I've been told they punked the R30s on Saturday, so yesterday there was a little R30s style retribution and they destroyed an entire player city. Burned it to the ground literally after slaughtering the entire town.

Any questions post them here (until we get our own private forum of course)

That was another attempt to get one for us in case you hadn't guessed!


Lantador 28-04-2003 22:50

I'm at work currently and really won't have that much time during the week to play but send me a hollar sometime and I'll see if I can drop by Khar or Kings Cross to 1) Pass you 100k .. and .. 2) PK everyone in sight ... :D

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