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LordLiberty 16-09-2003 08:09

SWG - Imperial Alliance - Eclipse
Greetings from The Glory of the Hunt. We are an imperial PA that is currently looking for some imperial allies to help us in our war against the rebellion. We are part of the Imperiall Alliance, with other 10 imperial PAs.

We organize imperial events (PvP or PvE), mainly on weekends. We also try to help all allied PAs against any rebel attack. If you are interested in this, please contact me, or Geglash, or Gunrok, or just post here:


And visit our website and forums if you want:


Xenius 16-09-2003 08:13

very nice webbie i must say :D

Icewolf 16-09-2003 09:22

talk to grendelus ingame (Darth Grendel *g*)

cu starside

LordLiberty 16-09-2003 10:19

Thanks :)

I have already sent a mail to Grendelus. Thanks for the help.

If you have any questions, the imperial allied PAs are the following:












Icewolf 16-09-2003 10:40

sounds nice for me, but i would love to have more informations - how many members at all has this alliance? Is there one leader (you?) or a head staff (one leader from each PA?).
Are there any allegiances for each alliance?

cu starside

LordLiberty 16-09-2003 10:46

All the leaders of each PA are the leaders of the Alliance. Nobody and no PA is forced to do anything against his/her/its will. We all propose events in the leader's boards (only PA leaders can see this forums) and every PA states if they are going to come to it or not.

When a PA is in need of help, we try to establish a communications channels with all the allied PAs to organize a defense.

I don't know the exact number of characters in the alliance, but it should be around 500-700 members.

Icewolf 16-09-2003 11:04

do you guys use IRC? (if not, and if we may join, we would be able to offer some IRC channels on our private network i guess)

Are there other priate boards for all members or only those leader boards?

cu starside

LordLiberty 16-09-2003 11:11

There are some public boards for alliance members (General and Trading), and then some private boards for PA leaders.

We are not using IRC at the moment, at least not officially, although some members use it, I believe. We use MSNM in GOTH, but each PA use their own communication programs.

When we are in events, we open an in-game communications channel in which all leaders participate. Every PA is in a group (or several groups if they are a big PA), and then the PA leader and maybe the group leader is in the leader's channel. We can coordinate then all the PA groups so that we can fight together. We have only participated in two events, so far (The Alliance was created three weeks ago), but we are getting better at it.

Icewolf 16-09-2003 11:14

start using IRC, helps a lot to get known to each other *g*

Sounds very interesting so far and i guess Legion can add a lot to such an alliance, as we have a lot of experience with alliance etc. from other games (Planetarion, Anarchy Online). I am sure Grendel will contact you soon - if he hasn't already.

cu starside

LordLiberty 16-09-2003 11:56

I asked somebody that was running through our city.

]x[ 16-09-2003 12:23

Did he/she touched your leg when you asked. Cause then you can better run and hide in a cave :p And don't try to get tempted by the hairy animals in here, they can be very nasty ;)

LordLiberty 16-09-2003 12:43



Icewolf 16-09-2003 12:47

/me hump0rz LordLibertys' leg all night long!

Leviathan 16-09-2003 12:52

Sounds good to me, 500+ Imperials Running down a Rebel base would be quite the Screenshot :D and not to forget the After party heh, lets see what the Legion HC's say about it :p

HobbieRogue4 16-09-2003 15:47

Nice to see GOTH and SK involved at least.

Lejo Honestus

Xenius 16-09-2003 16:47


Originally posted by Leviathonss
Sounds good to me, 500+ Imperials Running down a Rebel base would be quite the Screenshot :D and not to forget the After party heh, lets see what the Legion HC's say about it :p

pffft.. The Rebel`s are to strong for you..

500 is not enough :D

Valhalla 17-09-2003 09:11

I'll bring a haircutter...i want some cleanshaven rebel legs to play with....

Leghump the leader and his peons is at your command

Slayer 17-09-2003 09:24


Originally posted by Valhalla
I'll bring a haircutter...i want some cleanshaven rebel legs to play with....

Leghump the leader and his peons is at your command

hmmm.. i would have some use in haircuting... :yes:

Icewolf 17-09-2003 09:40

back on topic - the IA boards seem kinda dead atm?

cu starside

LordLiberty 17-09-2003 09:55

They are not. We have a LOT of posts, 5-7 posts each day. But you can't see them because they all take place in the private, leaders-only area. We have two events planned for this weekend.

Icewolf 17-09-2003 09:57

imho you need private boards for members too, not only leaders (i wouldn't be able to see those anyway - yet *g*)

cu starside

LordLiberty 17-09-2003 10:00

Ask Geglash , he is the webmaster.

Icewolf 17-09-2003 10:14

will ask if we join :)
And as said, we woul dbe able to host IRC channels etc. as well - nothing new for us *g*

cu starside

Leviathan 17-09-2003 12:32

an #ImperialAlliance Channel for all memebers of the alliance would surely help no doubt. Still yet to see what others have to say so far, only time will tell.

]x[ 17-09-2003 15:41

Time is irrelevant

Xenius 17-09-2003 17:51

master is irrelevant... #ImperialAlliance .. going to be public? or Private..?

Icewolf 17-09-2003 21:26

private for sure (we don't want rebels in there *g*)

Xenius 17-09-2003 21:28

im not going to be a rebel when i get the game in 10 months :rolleyes:

I will have my own little one house Village with a PA HQ for my OneManClan.. and i will be Imperial :D

Die Rebel scum!

Icewolf 18-09-2003 13:00

i wonder how long it takes to activate accounts on that Imperial Alliance boards...

Tjattras 18-09-2003 13:14

what's the use to register when only leaders can read anything...

LordLiberty 18-09-2003 14:21

Please be patient, this takes some time. Your leader has just been given access, you will be posting soon. Sorry for the dealy.

Leviathan 18-09-2003 14:29

What is this "Patience" thing everyone keeps talking about... and more to the pont let us read!


Slayer 20-09-2003 10:53

[QUOTE]Originally posted by LordLiberty
[B]Thanks :)

I have already sent a mail to Grendelus. Thanks for the help.

If you have any questions, the imperial allied PAs are the following:




Some dead links u know

LordLiberty 20-09-2003 11:44

They are not dead links, although they might not work at some times of the day. I visit and post on all of the websites daily.

Icewolf 21-09-2003 22:39

still not able to log in on those boards...

Rids 21-09-2003 23:13

Has Grendelus spoken to you about this yet, or do I need to give the fishing belgian a good kick in the ass?

Grendel 22-09-2003 01:25

Its all taken care of ridsy boy

Icewolf 22-09-2003 09:07

what i mean: i can't even post on their public boards, because they haven't activated it yet *g*

Lazy webmaster :p

cu starside

Xenius 26-09-2003 13:09


Originally posted by Icewolf

Lazy webmaster :p

lazy indeed :rolleyes: guess they have a RL too

RL is the Devils Tool to ruin your life!

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