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pistool 18-08-2003 11:06

So, now that SWG is released. What does the Legion think of the game? I am considering moving to SWG, but I need some impressions.



razor 18-08-2003 12:25

it rox - more and more ppl join in and the legion hunts like last night are so much fun (once everyone starts following orders heh)

we're all building up quite nicely - already have a legion town (alltho its far from every main city heh)

get the game - its worth it

Tjattras 18-08-2003 14:01

pistool, i'm also seriously considering quitting eve and start playing swg, which was my original idea but they kept postponing it.
I would also like to hear what the swg ppl has to say about it, both good and bad things (if there are any).

pistool 18-08-2003 17:09

How many players are there on the servers on a daily basis and what is Legion doing within SWG?

JC- 18-08-2003 18:35

I would also concider joining up SWG. It would be nice to play with you guys again, even if it is a totally different game!

razor 18-08-2003 19:03

a rough estimate id say that atm we have around 20 legion members playing and more joining soonish

we are kinda developping our chars rights now - the server (or galaxy how they call it in the game) we play on wasnt new so there were already lotsa ppl who are master in professions. we are kinda trying to catch up - building a city - going on hunts in group to get XP - kinda creating our different professions and eventually setting up a store of all elite stuff and joining in on battles against rebels

patsz 20-08-2003 11:45

ill be most likely joining this saturday and if not then it will be coming monday :), just need to put jornxs old compu stuff in my compu so mine will be able to run the game :D

i actually sat nxt to jornx couple o times and enjoyed myself watching it. the game is really kewl!!

till soon in the game,


Zhukov 20-08-2003 15:06

what kinda specs you need to play it?

AllFather 21-08-2003 10:08

i ponderd about playing it awhile ago, but i decided not to (for now anyways), cause im highly alergic to roleplaying.
One sniff of it,and i go completly bananas and shout out profanities to people close by like there is no tomorrow.

]x[ 21-08-2003 11:18


Originally posted by AllFather
i ponderd about playing it awhile ago, but i decided not to (for now anyways), cause im highly alergic to roleplaying.
One sniff of it,and i go completly bananas and shout out profanities to people close by like there is no tomorrow.

You that all the time , whats the difference ??

Xenius 22-08-2003 12:56

danger mode? 8)

Tiddy 23-08-2003 14:05

How is the PvP in SWG, or have your characters up to that level yet? If not, have you witnessed any PvP from the sidelines?

Is hunting in packs the ONLY way to efficiently gain XP? I usually keep VERY odd hours so if I start playing... I would have to hunt alone alot.

How long on average does it take to develop a character and are there macroing programs available since I am a lazy ass? Macroing isnt important, but if the PvP is awesome there is a slight chance I would power game a few characters to get involved sooner ;)

Thanks in advance...

AllFather 23-08-2003 17:38


Originally posted by ]x[
You that all the time , whats the difference ??
Say what?
I dont roleplay. I am like i always are,nomatter what game im playing or where i am in "rl" :)

if you ment "you do that all the time" that is :)

Valhalla 25-08-2003 08:54


Originally posted by AllFather
Say what?
I dont roleplay. I am like i always are,nomatter what game im playing or where i am in "rl" :)

Correct me if i'm wrong, but i think that's just a type of roleplaying :=)

AllFather 25-08-2003 19:37

just admit it you oreo clone, YOU LOVE ME :p

Xenius 26-08-2003 07:46

Swedish Royal Guard... sellout... your norwegian ... Swedish.. pfft

cvega 26-08-2003 15:25

Have no ph33r cuz in a few weeks i hope to be swg ready !


merle 26-08-2003 19:49

do you people go for imp or rebels? i now got enough fraction for rebel. also i am lost, need a better weapon, need advise and this game is buggy like hell.
i stil love it.
u playing on eclipse server right?

razor 26-08-2003 20:35

Re: help

Originally posted by merle
do you people go for imp or rebels? i now got enough fraction for rebel. also i am lost, need a better weapon, need advise and this game is buggy like hell.
i stil love it.
u playing on eclipse server right?

yeps eclipse is our home and we are all going imp off course ;)

lo merle btw - didnt know u also played

merle 26-08-2003 22:44

i wont play imperial no way :) (okay if there are any sweet guys in legion maybe...)
stil im sure well have much fun (i created a character today)
do i find you legion ppl somewhere?

Leviathan 27-08-2003 04:38

Somebody like, shoot the Australian Game importers. So rediculous trying to get games over here when they actually launch. I wanna give Swg a try but atm i gotta look at shipping in Ao:Shadowlands and if I want Swg im sure ill have to ship that in too :no:

razor 27-08-2003 07:36


Originally posted by merle
i wont play imperial no way :) (okay if there are any sweet guys in legion maybe...)
stil im sure well have much fun (i created a character today)
do i find you legion ppl somewhere?

merle, we are all sweet ;)

mm we hang around kadaara a lot - we all got <VtS> behind our names so that way u can recognize us

our PA hall is near theed and the lake retreat (all on naboo)

u can always do a /tell to Razza coz thats me - only online in the evenings (cet) tho coz of work ;(

Icewolf 27-08-2003 09:39


Originally posted by merle
i wont play imperial no way :) (okay if there are any sweet guys in legion maybe...)
stil im sure well have much fun (i created a character today)
do i find you legion ppl somewhere?

raz is right, we have only sweet guys in Legion :)

just watch out for VtS - and if you are a rebel, run *g*

cu starside

avelon 29-08-2003 01:42

Re: Swg

Originally posted by pistool
So, now that SWG is released. What does the Legion think of the game? I am considering moving to SWG, but I need some impressions.



omg yordi u phuck.. come join us, we need more pe0ns serving for us:) good to see u again m8:p

avelon 29-08-2003 01:46


Originally posted by cvega
Have no ph33r cuz in a few weeks i hope to be swg ready !


and it's about time u do get it, now we're just missin RS, Piro, Sat, Telmar, Izac, trig, fiery.. hm.. not alot.. heh, did I miss any1?

anywayz, hurreh up and get it!

DeEvil 30-08-2003 08:25

Starting to get abit tired of Diablo and was thinking of something completly different.

So...why not SWG...

Just gonna need to find somewhere to buy it from... :yes:

Hmm... yeah.. updates coming :D

sigrid 10-09-2003 21:34


Originally posted by AllFather
i ponderd about playing it awhile ago, but i decided not to (for now anyways), cause im highly alergic to roleplaying.
One sniff of it,and i go completly bananas and shout out profanities to people close by like there is no tomorrow.

so you act like you always do ...even in rpg's

sigrid 10-09-2003 21:36

Re: Re: Swg

Originally posted by avelon
omg yordi u phuck.. come join us, we need more pe0ns serving for us:) good to see u again m8:p
Ill do ANYTHING to prevent the twat joining legion in swg....and i think he knows why.

avelon 12-09-2003 12:09

Re: Re: Re: Swg

Originally posted by sigrid
Ill do ANYTHING to prevent the twat joining legion in swg....and i think he knows why.
l0l, but I dont.. Care to tell me why?:p

Xenius 12-09-2003 13:25

8-O Conflict 8-O weee

^sFw^ 13-09-2003 03:45

ey where did i see that nick b4.. was it elysium maybe?
or maybe ur not the same i'm thinking of?:\

Zak 13-09-2003 13:13


Originally posted by Tiddy

Is hunting in packs the ONLY way to efficiently gain XP? I usually keep VERY odd hours so if I start playing... I would have to hunt alone alot.

Hunting alone is perfectly viable....and a lot of people (especially when they first start the game) do nothing but solo hunt.


Originally posted by Allfather
Oh and Hello Tom you hobo - long time no see :yes: :yes:

D3st0r 21-09-2003 02:20

SWG is great =o) even if I'm not on the same server as you guys

Master Pistoleer - Master Creature Handler

DiabZ 21-09-2003 10:07


Originally posted by merle
i wont play imperial no way :) (okay if there are any sweet guys in legion maybe...)
stil im sure well have much fun (i created a character today)
do i find you legion ppl somewhere?

Guess who's playing SWG for Legion :D \o/

Leviathan 21-09-2003 12:18

Swg = sweeet. Love it.

DiabZ 21-09-2003 20:57

Swg loves me :|

Xenius 21-09-2003 20:58


Originally posted by DiabZ
Swg loves me :|

only cuz your Norwegian....

]x[ 21-09-2003 23:30


Originally posted by DiabZ
Swg loves me :|
You wish

Leviathan 22-09-2003 03:48


Originally posted by DiabZ
Swg loves me :|
its a vicious circle of love, it has consumed me too :D

Xenius 26-09-2003 22:10

SWG wont love me... :no: just cuz i got modem.. fishy

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