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RS 27-01-2004 18:10

Holding myself to account
Well alot of you will have now seen our boards, and some of the things said. Ive been glined from the irc server, so i cant talk to people either, which sucks.

I have never been against legion, and the truth is my friends (yes, the suspects who didnt want to stay legion) considered me too loyal to legion.

My goal in organising the 'suspects' in swg was only ever one thing - and i can quote myself; The suspects will become the shining light within legion.

I have loved being legion for a long time, i have loved serving along side you, and i shall miss you dearly.

I dont blame Emohawk for what he did, i dont doubt his intention was good, but it was a situation i thought i could handle. Ironically i even resisted the calls for his access to be removed, but as we are, were, and always will be a group of friends, i did not. I feel a bit silly now eh ;)

There are people within the suspects who are happy at this event. There are people in legion who will be happy too. But i can tell you with unerring sincerity that i am not.

Anyone who is in a position to know the effort i have put in to try and get dj re-instated to legion will know what it meant to me - and hopefully why.

I would have liked the opportunity to have spoken to my friends about it, and held myself to account on a more personal level, but this is the only forum left to me, and i hope that maybe i can be let back on the irc server, but until that day comes, goodbye.

Victurus te Saluto.

Telmar 27-01-2004 18:28

I'd also like to wish you all a fond farewell. I obviously don't believe I did anything that unreasonable. But at the same time I don't disagree with the descision to kick me.

I'd like to apologise to anyone that I have upset by my actions or what I have said, and would hope that I am allowed back onto the irc server at some point to speak to my friends and explain why I'm no longer there to chat to them.

I am sorely dissapointed that I was kicked without warning as i would have liked to give people (whom I've been friends with for a long time) details of how to get hold of me.

I however have little choice in the matter now. Only regrets....

Victurus te Saluto.

razor 27-01-2004 18:55

Argh since this is always the first forum that i read on the boards i have no fking idea wots going on again.

But seemingly some other suspects have been banned from the server. Its sad, we are all friends and its a gaming community in which we enjoy ourselves in our spare time. Why does it always have to get this serious. :no:

[edit] after reading some proof im very surprised about some guys i trusted. very disappointed too

jung 27-01-2004 20:56

thieves > suspects

nuff said :D

Zhukov 27-01-2004 20:59

So what exactly have they done razor?

Icewolf 27-01-2004 22:47

they know the facts, HC knows the facts and i don't think it's a topic anyone of them wants to make mess about on the public boards.

As i said to Telmar: i lost respect to the suspects as a group and to some of their members, but not for all of them, even when i disagree with them. I don't know all the facts and details, but some ppl have really disappointed me (and i guess most other members in Legion) a lot.

Sad to see such things happen, as i thought that was burried when we left PA...

cu starside

d3c0y 28-01-2004 00:19

It saddens me to think that you guys think of the suspects like this. :(

Farewell everyone. I wish you all the best in the future.

I just wish i had been given a chance to say a proper farewell.

Axis_WLF 28-01-2004 00:57

I was pretty shocked when I was told this news. I had tried to get things back on track and clear the way for calm with the suspects but this did not help. I do not know what to say at the moment but the robbery statement was troubling and the talks about the mining corp.

d3c0y 28-01-2004 01:11


I do not know what to say at the moment but the robbery statement was troubling and the talks about the mining corp.
robbery statement, mining corp.....wtf?

RS 28-01-2004 01:16


Originally posted by d3c0y
robbery statement, mining corp.....wtf?
On our boards mate. there was a 'dossier' compiled from things said, oc selectively.

fierypies 28-01-2004 01:30

to be quite honest i have no idea what is on the private boards right now all i can say is yes i was planning to quite after the djc thing however i was going to do it on my own time and with no detriment to legion.

After that good bye all you guys i hope you have a good time and i'll be around in various games(still spelling badly)

Razor i got no idea why you disappointed nothing we did hurt legion i not seen boards but to best of my knowledge)fairly wide) we have not hurt lego but anyway good bye and have fun i hope you all enjoy.

As to my already planning to leave all i have to say is i was going to leave due to certain indiscrepencys that even axis noted in his thread about gren cheating, and the fact that i told djc if he got kicked i'd leave well good bye and have fun hopefully i'll kick all your asses in WOW and maybe swg if i play long enough.

As ever have fun and keep your own appoinion (SP) :P

Icewolf 28-01-2004 01:30


Originally posted by RS
On our boards mate. there was a 'dossier' compiled from things said, oc selectively.
it may, or may be not selectivly - it's hard to believe some of those statements can be seen in a different light, but as i said to several members of the suspects and on this boards already: i only know the facts HC has shown us.

I would love to see the other/your side as well, but i really can't believe some of those statements can be misunderstood.
I still have respect for some suspect members, but some others have really really disappointed me and lost all respect.

I will never say every suspect member has betrayed Legion, but the things i've read were quite shocking, never thought members of Legion would act like that again after we left PA...

fare well to all those i still respect and will leave legion (or got kicked), maybe we'll meet again someday.

cu starside

fierypies 28-01-2004 01:33

O and anyone coming to the meet in march feel free to shoot me thats the point of paint ball :P

razor 28-01-2004 08:15


Originally posted by jung
thieves > suspects

nuff said :D

Word! ;)

ontopic, i havent lost respect for all of the suspects, just surprised about a few. ive always been 1 for taking djc back in coz i couldnt believe wot happened but i did believe in forgiving.

now I have trouble believing wot i read on the proof pages HC showed us. i just cant understand thats being said by the djc i grew to know :( Alltho i do like to hear the other side of teh story like Ice said.

since its (at least for me) just games for fun etc i dont understand all the betrayel going on. but its not new - we kinda had it thru all of our PC history too but i thought we grew stronger than that

i have no trouble with suspects splitting off and forming their own PA with their tight bunch of friends. you could have settled in NR and worked with legion on certain parts so it would be good for both of us. ive seen that idea but ive also seen less nicer stuff towards legion too

Valhalla 28-01-2004 10:06


Originally posted by fierypies
O and anyone coming to the meet in march feel free to shoot me thats the point of paint ball :P
Heh be carefull....i have a shocker here :P

Link 28-01-2004 13:49


Originally posted by fierypies
gren cheating
cheat in what way?, etc

fierypies 28-01-2004 16:11

Whilst its tempting i won't drag all this out again.

montie 28-01-2004 16:59


Originally posted by Valhalla
Heh be carefull....i have a shocker here :P
come get some! ;)

darmok 29-01-2004 15:46


Originally posted by fierypies
to be quite honest i have no idea what is on the private boards right now i hope you all enjoy.

Your postings in some of the threads 'at question' on the internal suspects board make this statement a bit ... unbelievable.

Def2K 29-01-2004 16:16

Nonetheless, knowing RS, I think this post was meant sincerely.

Mostly cause he doesnt get a fucking thing out of posting it here. He knows he wont be let back in so it aint helping annyone. Hes not attacking someone so its not damaging someone either.

Its just a goodbye. Where he wants to change the way some of us think about him a little. I doubt he would have done that if he didnt care at all.

heh :p

Not judging the situation here, done that already, just voicing my opinion ON HIS POST.

fierypies 29-01-2004 23:48


Originally posted by darmok
Your postings in some of the threads 'at question' on the internal suspects board make this statement a bit ... unbelievable.

Right i presuem to know which thread your posting on all i can say is only one person mentioned stealing from legion. And they had already had their access removed. I was planning on leaveing however i never even had access so... And tbh 90% of my postings are drunken.

Telmar 25-02-2004 03:15

for your info, if anyone needs to find us ask for our server address of someone in #vts

someone there will give u it heh

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