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CrAzYsPoOn 10-06-2006 01:19

Hello everyone
Hello everyone that remembers me from back in the Planetarion days. It has been a while since I have been here and it is good to see a lot of familiar faces around still. I have been wasting a lot of time with school, work and a carclub I run these days. But since a few weeks I finally tried WoW on Codeservers. But Gona buy the real game soon. The game is great and worth the money. So maybe I will meet some of you someday soon in the real world of Warcraft!

Gona check back here more often from now on.

- Spoon

Molotov 10-06-2006 09:58


long time no see frend.

CrAzYsPoOn 10-06-2006 14:06

Hey Molotov!

patsz 11-06-2006 21:53

ola :smile:

Horus 11-06-2006 22:18

its just a spoon

welcome back!

Axis_WLF 11-06-2006 22:39

Hey dude how are ya!

Fist 12-06-2006 00:22

howdy spoon :smile:

CrAzYsPoOn 13-06-2006 13:16

Thnxie thnxie :)

Lvling as much as I can in a 10 day Trial atm. Then I will activate. Or sooner if I hit the lvl 20 border faster then 10 days wich I assume. So in some time you will see me walk around! And whats the ingame Legion tag for the guild? Havnt seen any yet. Could be the place I am in now atm :biggrin:

C ya all ingame :cool:

rokstar 13-06-2006 13:26

you can hit 60 in a 10 day trial :)

tag = VtS

CrAzYsPoOn 13-06-2006 13:32

No lvl 60 aint possible. There is a cap at lvl 20 :biggrin: I would need the full game to be able to get higher then 20.

rokstar 13-06-2006 13:42

pretty lame if you ask me.

BDB 13-06-2006 14:11

HEY spoon activate your act ill help u lvl etc your playing on manno right ?

CrAzYsPoOn 13-06-2006 14:23

Yup I am m8. What times are you on? I keep playing till like 3-4am GMT time a lot. Ingame nick is Janielle. :biggrin:

Maddix 13-06-2006 15:15

Bob sucks cock for cash :biggrin:

Shev 13-06-2006 22:30

Hey Spoon :tongue:

ramp 15-06-2006 02:35

Hya spoon :p

Carpeia 25-06-2006 12:50

heya m8 :P

Aquila 01-07-2006 03:09

Hey spoon, what car club? that's what i've been doing the last 3 years :D

Ninja 07-07-2006 00:54

hello, welcome back

razor 07-07-2006 08:45

your nick also rings a bell for me

PA has been ages it seems (im getting old :/)

steam 07-07-2006 08:50


Originally Posted by razor
your nick also rings a bell for me

PA has been ages it seems (im getting old :/)

you are getting so old you forget to log into the boards once in a while and say hi to the few that you left behind!

Bad razor :(

razor 07-07-2006 09:16

*sobs* you never log onto MSN anymore either

are there many new faces in legion these days ? i see alot of the oldtime gang is still around

HobbieRogue4 07-07-2006 15:25

Roll a paladin!

Hiya cs. ;)

Gaijin 14-07-2006 05:21


Originally Posted by razor
*sobs* you never log onto MSN anymore either

are there many new faces in legion these days ? i see alot of the oldtime gang is still around

razor, are you still harassing ppl with veccna?
if so kill vescomo a bit think he is a lvl 30ish druid on the alliance side on hellscream, eu

razor 17-07-2006 15:44

yep, still abusing ppl as veccna

ill have a look for vescomo :)

sepa 17-07-2006 19:03


Originally Posted by Maddix
Bob sucks cock for cash :biggrin:

we've known this for years. :/

]x[ 19-07-2006 13:41

Ohno the p00p sc00per is back again, and i bet he's gonna idle again aswel

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