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unimatrix 06-09-2004 03:59

hi all
im unimatrix and i tought lets see how th old legion is dooing. And not to my surprise they are dooing wel. But dont you miss the good old noobs bashing days of planetarion? i stopped playing it due to the low level of players and moved on to last-horizon and planetia .

I hope you guys have a lot of fun playing other games but it will never be the same without the Legion . As they were the so called evil but also where the most experianced players where ( and fury also ofc ) those 2 alliances where and always will be the core of planetarion . They were the core of honour and dignity that is now forever gone in the game. Thats a shame . Web based gaming is gooing downhill and thats a shame as it is fun to play these games but it takes so much time. I hope you guys can find some time to come back to web based gaming as they desperatly need The Legion there . Their organisation and dignity will always be a surplus to the game .

Most sincerly Unimatrix

unimatrix 06-09-2004 04:07


Leviathan 06-09-2004 05:20

Hallo :D

Icewolf 06-09-2004 06:32

Re: hi all

Originally posted by unimatrix
But dont you miss the good old noobs bashing days of planetarion?
for sure not :)

Except a few of us, Legion has left browser based games about 2 years ago already, and Planetarion is even a forbidden word on IRC *g*

I don't know if browser games are dead or not, but i know for sure i will never play games as intense again as i way playing at that time. I prefer Real Life meanwhile ;)

cu starside

PS: feel free to visit us on IRC sometimes

razor 06-09-2004 09:54

I think the dedication of many peeps in the big alliances made most of them grow totally tired of those kind of games. I couldnt imagine spending several hours a day on a browser game, actually any game anymore. In the old days i would check my planet everytime i could at work where i found a PC with inet access. We had to use a userid to auth against our proxy server and since i was new back then i didnt have full inet access yet. So i sneaked into offices where ppl left their PC unlocked to get a quick view of how my planet was doing and how attacks/defences went. After work id be on IRC all evening while checking my planet every 10 mins or so and trying to stay up for the launch times heh. The sleep i missed back then and i wasnt even that dedicated that id stay up or check my planet in the middle of the night while lots of others did. Im amazed that ppl stayed interested in the game for that long now when i look back at it.
We now moved on to MMORPGs like SWG and AO and doing well in them. Not playing either of them atm - just waiting for WoW bèta invitation :D
Like Ice said, feel free to stop by on IRC if you want. Link should be in the upper right corner of the main site if i recall correctly

Ninja 06-09-2004 11:28

It has been a year since I quitted browser based games, and surely I am enjoying my life without them. I don’t see legion has any plan to come back to any of those games again. We all play what it is called a proper game now, not just reading texts like PA :D

Eureka 07-09-2004 03:01

so true...

unimatrix 07-09-2004 03:56

sorry if i offended anyone ,

i just thought it WOULD be nice to see you guys back , and i am aware that you guys have stopped playing webbased games.

there is a diffirence in would and will and might and may

HobbieRogue4 07-09-2004 04:11

Hmm... it seems to me that if Legion was 'bashing noobs' then clearly all the 'other alliances' were just that: noobs.


razor 07-09-2004 07:28


Originally posted by HobbieRogue4
Hmm... it seems to me that if Legion was 'bashing noobs' then clearly all the 'other alliances' were just that: noobs.


point taken :)


Originally posted by unimatrix
sorry if i offended anyone
np we arent offended that easilly

Icewolf 07-09-2004 09:02


Originally posted by unimatrix
sorry if i offended anyone
as razor said, no one was offended - just amused ppl still want Legion back in PA, even when i can remember all the bitching about us :)

We moved on and no one in Legion regrets that - Legion has grown up.

cu starside

steam 07-09-2004 09:28

They all dream about giving us a revenge for all those burned planets :)

"How can they dare roiding me dry for 6 rounds and then leave "


Tbh it´s a RL decission , it´s either keep your job/get along with your studies/finish school or play PA and for most of us the decission is clear :)

Def2K 07-09-2004 17:05

Ye, almost wrecked my school heh :p

Seriously tho, PA was to time consuming to play really. I Guess you have to be a student of some sort to have that time.. or have inet acess everywhere :)

unimatrix 09-09-2004 01:49

there are new games with faster ticks


1 sec ticks
5sec ticks
30 sec ticks

those are less time consuming

Icewolf 09-09-2004 12:20


Originally posted by unimatrix
there are new games with faster ticks


1 sec ticks
5sec ticks
30 sec ticks

those are less time consuming

they destroy RL even more, or how are you supposed to keep working when you have to check every min instead of every hour?

All PA Clones etc. can burn in hell, i will never play such a game again. (And i'm pretty sure most of us never will)

cu starside

PS: if you want a nice browser game, try Kingdom of Loathing

Ninja 09-09-2004 12:46


Originally posted by unimatrix
there are new games with faster ticks


1 sec ticks
5sec ticks
30 sec ticks

those are less time consuming

I think most of us don’t like PA or PA clones is that it takes too much time and you have to be very consistency if you are to get anywhere in the game. Having 24 ticks a day is already too time consuming, never mind over 100+ ticks per day. That is very for those who really got nothing to do at home and can spend a great amount of time everyday on it. :p

unimatrix 09-09-2004 19:06


Originally posted by Icewolf
they destroy RL even more, or how are you supposed to keep working when you have to check every min instead of every hour?

All PA Clones etc. can burn in hell, i will never play such a game again. (And i'm pretty sure most of us never will)

cu starside

PS: if you want a nice browser game, try Kingdom of Loathing

the rounds dont take that long

pluto : 12 hours
neptune : 2 hours
jupiter :1 week

unimatrix 09-09-2004 19:08

there are resets every 12 hours on pluto

every 2 hours on neptune

every week on jupiter

so it does not take you all day and there is still time left for RL & work

montie 09-09-2004 22:03

GQ!!!! ;) .. give up uni, youll never convince "teh legio" to come back as a whole into any browser based games..

/me shouts GQ some more

Icewolf 09-09-2004 22:27

and give up trying to convince us to try a PA clone again, we won't :)

unimatrix 09-09-2004 23:38


Originally posted by Icewolf
and give up trying to convince us to try a PA clone again, we won't :)
i wasnt trying to convince you guys , just wanted a deeper view of how you guys felt towards the past and towards the games

Icewolf 10-09-2004 12:31


Originally posted by unimatrix
i wasnt trying to convince you guys , just wanted a deeper view of how you guys felt towards the past and towards the games
easy: we don't like PA and PA clones anymore ;)

edit: as already mentioned, join us on IRC and maybe try on of our current games *g*

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