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DeEvil 01-09-2006 19:50

Levi and the rest of you all!
a friend of mine is obssessed with all this about illuminate and he and his better half is about to move into their first apartment together ( even thou i have warned him, kissed his underware with lipstick, sprayed his clothes with my gf perfume, snt him love-text´s to his cell phone pretending to be his new lover) but she knows it me, so she just laughs..

well anyway..

ive been searching the net about this illuminate to find something to buy him, and something to buy to his gf aswell..

and i found this book: The Illuminatus! Trilogy: The Eye in the Pyramid, The Golden Apple, Leviathan (Paperback)
by Robert Shea, Robert Anton Wilson

first of all i wonder, Levi.. is this where you have gotten your nick or is it from that demon or something else ? just curios...

everybody else: any suggestions what else to buy about the subject illuminate or any real good info about it?

this friend of mine surf´s the net daily about this, so what im looking for should be somthing specially i hope..

Mvh as we say here in this godforsaken land, that should have summer right now but raining even worse then hole england together... :tongue:

Gaijin 01-09-2006 21:06

buy him books from immanuel kant

Icewolf 02-09-2006 00:33

those 3 books are insane, in a good and in a bad way - they aren't easy to read either. He prolly read the Dan Brown books already, so those are the best books available.
There is a german movie/DVD about a hacker who was obsessed about illuminati as well (movie is called "23"), it's not fiction, it's about karl Koch who hacked Pentagon in the 80s and sold it to the KGB, not sure if that is available in english tho.

cu starside

Toxi 02-09-2006 04:26

Angels and Demons (Dan Brown) is the only one that comes to mind :|

DeEvil 02-09-2006 10:07


Originally Posted by Icewolf
those 3 books are insane, in a good and in a bad way - they aren't easy to read either. He prolly read the Dan Brown books already, so those are the best books available.
There is a german movie/DVD about a hacker who was obsessed about illuminati as well (movie is called "23"), it's not fiction, it's about karl Koch who hacked Pentagon in the 80s and sold it to the KGB, not sure if that is available in english tho.

cu starside

if its on DVD perhaps they have text in swedish or english.. ill try to find it. thnx ice.

yeah he´s already have "änglar och demoner" and "da vinci code" by dan brown.. dont know if have any more from him, ill have a look next time im at his house.

immanuel kant? ill have a look around about this author.

thnx guys.

anyone else have or know anything ?

Leviathan 03-09-2006 12:33


n 1: the largest or most massive thing of its kind; "it was a leviathan among redwoods"; "they were assigned the leviathan of textbooks" 2: monstrous sea creature symbolizing evil in the Old Testament

The Christian interpretation of Leviathan is often considered to be a demon or natural monster associated with Satan or the Devil, and held by some to be the same monster as Rahab (Isaiah 51:9).

Some biblical scholars considered Leviathan to represent the pre-existent forces of chaos. In Psalm 74:13-14 it says "it was You who drove back the sea with Your might, who smashed the heads of the monsters in the waters; it was You who crushed the heads of Leviathan, who left him as food for the creatures of the wilderness. (JPS edition)" God drove back the waters of the pre-existent Earth (Genesis 1:2 "And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters."

Some interpreters suggest that Leviathan is a symbol of mankind in opposition to God, claiming that it and beasts mentioned in the books of Daniel and Revelation should be interpreted as metaphors. The usage of Leviathan in the Old Testament books (Isaiah 27:1) would seem to be a reference to a Semitic mythological beast mentioned in Ugaritic literature (of Ugarit, a city-state in North Syria). According to Canaanite myth, the Leviathan was an enemy of order in Creation and was slain by the Canaanite god Baal. The word Leviathan to the ancient Jews became synonymous with that which warred against God's kingdom. This especially included nations warring against Israel such as Assyria and Egypt. (The Bible Knowledge Commentary, Old Testament,1985, SP Publications Inc.)

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