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AllFather 04-08-2003 01:35

howdy chaps.
im orderd planetside some days ago,and it got shipped on 2/8/03.
Downloaded 7 day trail yesterday,and been mocking around ever since then 2-3h aday, level 5 or something now.

Anyways,i was wondering what you chaps thing of it,and if many of you bums play it yourself.

I tried to talk to people in the game,but only 1 person replied,kinda sad :no:

just want to know where i can meet and kill borric 8)

Valhalla 04-08-2003 09:14

I think killing borric at lvl 5 will be kinda hard...he's been heavy breathing in this game since the beta :P

i'd like to try it out though, but i'm afraid AO will take more time than planetside will get.....must lvl...must.....lvl....shadowlands...must lvl....lvl.....*foamy mouth*

AllFather 04-08-2003 11:39

i tried AO,i thought it was rather wank overall:
wank battlesystem.
wank graffic.
wank in general.


Valhalla 04-08-2003 13:13

Don't flip this on to me...you're the one thinking of Wank when i mention AO.....i think you missed the point in the game... :P

AllFather 04-08-2003 13:37

i just find it rather dull.
you know why?
i dont need a second life,i need entertainment 8-O

djcomplex 04-08-2003 16:12

borric dont play it much atm since he has SWG.

after a while PS becomes quite boring im br 15 now and cba to play

Wal 04-08-2003 16:33

ao > ps! :p

ps gets old fast :( you'll prolly be bored before 7 days are up luckily

AllFather 04-08-2003 19:38

djcomplex, GIMME UR FIGURE IN PS!!!


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