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Kaunette 23-02-2006 04:18

My apologies
First off I'd like to apologize if I offended anyone with my recent post of the Mannoroth forums looking for an Onyxia raid. For those that don't know me very well I'll try and explain a bit.

I've always been a headstrong person that likes to do things on my own. Rather than come to VtS and try to acquire a Trans helm with your help I took matters into my own hands. Maybe the post made me look like a loot whore. That's not really who I am though. My mindset was more or less that I didn't want to waste your time with it. I wasn't trying to steal the item from another guild either. Onyxia strikes many as one of those time filler instances that EVERYONE has on farm status now. Most of the people that are walking around with epics have tier 2 helms. I wouldn't have even bothered asking for something that dropped in an instance like BWL. A few days ago Free Beer and Chicken asked me to come on a MC raid without joining the guild. In exchange I was free to roll on an item of my choice. I sort of looked at the Onyxia raid the same way. I still stand by my post from a certain angle. I think that anyone that comes on a raid is entitled to something out of it if he can use it.

When I made that post I was a week and a half into my app with VtS. I had run one instance with you all. That's not your fault. I said in my app that I was a pvp'er first and foremost. Let's face it, guilds don't recruit priests for pvp purposes. I doubt many of you even noticed I was in the app channel. Again, that's not your fault, it's mine. I had it in my mind that I was going to continue with a bit of random pvp with the VtS I saw in the battlegrounds. That's what I do. If it's not enough to get into a guild I can live with that.

Loot really isn't what I'm about. I've got one piece left in game that I want. I was really just looking for a new community of friends to call home. I'm sorry things didn't work out with my application. I feel it would be better that I withdraw it at this time though. I have a feeling if I was accepted that it might not sit well with some. So rather than rattle your community I'll just move on. I really appreciate the time I got to spend with some of you though. It was nice meeting the select few. You're a class bunch that I respect.

Take care,

Uuisa 23-02-2006 06:26


Icewolf 23-02-2006 12:56

No one really cares about loot, but reading something like this

I'm not really looking for a guild. The only reason one will recruit me is because they need priests for a high level instance. Unfortunately, I don't play the game to run instances anymore. I pvp and that's pretty much it. I'm looking for an Onyxia raid til I get my helm. That's all.
made it an easy decision kinda, sorry...

cu starside

Kaunette 23-02-2006 14:23

Icewolf that was at the point where I had given up on my app. Let's face it. I wasn't going to get in on pvp acolades alone. I stand by that statement. The helm is the only thing I want left from pve. If a guild isn't interested in me from a pvp stand point then I should probably move on as well. No harm, no foul.

Iminay 23-02-2006 15:58

best of luck and take care kaun :smile:

HobbieRogue4 23-02-2006 17:06

Is a "Trans helm" comparable to say, oh, "Harelquin Shako" or a "Biggin's Bonnet" from Diablo II?

Basically, is it "good?"

Ogami 23-02-2006 17:25

Hobbie Is My Hero

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