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Quad 19-11-2003 01:37

It was due to a thread on the EVE-online boards that I had to think back of my time in The Legion (Planetarion round 4-7 or so).
For those who don't know EVE: it's a 6 months old breathtaking combat and politics oriented space-mmorpg. (http://www.eve-online.com)

So what happened? :D

I really miss an alliance in EVE with great spirit and an equally great command structure where everybody places the collective before him- or herself. ;)

P.S. Look at my siggie made by dirtball long ago:
Signature by Dirtball

Icewolf 19-11-2003 09:57

now you can click the link: Quads sig

Legion itself is playing AO and SWG with a lot of members each, so i am quite sure we won't start another MMORPG - maybe WoW when it comes out, but not sure *g*

If you want to see some old Legion spirit - play SWG and join our new city Neo Rome!

cu starside

Iminay 19-11-2003 12:58

more bugs

flying an Apoc worth 110 mil only to be shot out of it by some 13 year old Jump in point camper

Get a new Apoc, join the pirates

Shoot people, get rich, bored. Nothing much to do but shoot down people in 0.3 space to keep your negative security rating low.

crappy game

B|2bb3r 19-11-2003 13:45

I have been playing the game from the day it came out until 2 months ago. Still have a caracter under development.

The game EVE online has potentials, tough as it is today there is no point in the game except getting isk (money) and get you a big ship. So when you have battleships (the best ype of ships) then the point of the game is fullfilled. The developers CCP have promised several additions to the game that would make it far more fun. Until they come I see no reason to play it anymore.

Secondly the base of active gamers is relative small, at beggining of gamerelease it had a peak around 5k players, now it is around 3-4k players. So instead of getting more popular it is going slowly to a dead end. The universe the game is in can take far more players then that, and to have more P2P action more players are needed.

Quad 20-11-2003 14:53

I couldn't agree or disagree on your points since I've only been playing the game since 6 weeks now.

The only thing I can say about it atm is that the number of ships destroyed has been going up pretty fast the last weeks. Corporation battles are increasing and the war for territory is on. Jump-in camping and piracy seem to become less as pilots are being claimed for corporations duty.
If the developers are true to their promises, tech lvl2 will be introduced in the game in the next 2 months, followed shortly after by tech lvl3 and player owned stations, together with an advertising campaign to draw in christmas sales and new players.

I for one am still enjoying it immensily.

B|2bb3r 21-11-2003 10:38

True, if the developers, CCP, make playerbased stations avaliable the game will probably be more fun, as you can control and own stations as you see fit (or can afford)

Today the economy in the game is controled by the NPC's and not by the PC's, if this changes more fun would also come into the game. Yes i find economy very exiting.

Morden 24-11-2003 20:56

Im playing it myself, it can be quite fun in a smallish corporation, I had considered xanadu due to them being one of the most powerful, but power doesnt always mean fun in a game like eve.

there are quite a few ex-paers in the game just most are split up very eradictly.

but i must admit, it would be quite cool to see some decent military corps there, the current ones are rather dull and naive and have the political aptitude of a loaf of bread ;-)

Ogami 24-11-2003 21:19


Originally posted by Morden
Im playing it myself
quit it and come play swg with me fs

Morden 05-12-2003 10:48


Originally posted by Ogami
quit it and come play swg with me fs
I Might do eventually, but for now im quite taken to EVE, you ever thought of commin over an joinin me?

Galendil 07-12-2003 15:06

i played eve for a while, ended up quitting because the GMs refused to reimburse me for a battleship i lost due to a bug. bastards!

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