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atolla 03-03-2003 08:52

Your Comp/care broken ? No Prob !!!
Ehoy ! I Heard your car is broken , or maybe it's your computer ? You have NO TIME to send it for repairse or wait for a repairman ? Well i happen to have a perfect solution manual for you , with it's origins in Russia . O yes those people are great at finding fast and easy solutions . Here comes the manual for your car ... It can be also applied to any other broken thing in your house .

Your car doesn't start . You have tried everything .

Step A : Go out of the car and get a large hammer (small one will do as well , if no hammers are present in your car/house , take lifting jack instead ) .

Step B : Open your cowl , ( It's the door that is blocking access to your engine )

Step C : Take 30 steps away from your car . Take a good grip on the hammer/lifting jack and take a deep breath .

Step D : Lift the hammer/lifting jack above your head , put an insane grimace on your face and start running .

Step E : When your are about 10 steps away from your car start shouting out : START TO WORK U SOAB then hit your engine with the hammer .

Step F : Put the hammer away , take a deep breath again and smile to bypassers and your neighbours . Go inside your car and try to start it .

Step G : If it doesn't work repeat the whole operation from Step C . If it still doesn't work , your car is crap and you should by a new one or use a bicycle fs !

Def2K 03-03-2003 09:50

Stupid as this might seem, this actually CAN work..

Smacking a certain part of the engine (dont know the translation) can help to start the car. U basically slap the "coil" into motion producing a spark to start the engine..

Or something.. I've seen it a few times, just hit the "starter" thinghy :D

atolla 03-03-2003 13:50

yea ofc it works , otherwise u woudnt post it here , feel obsolutly free to use this method ppl :D

fantasy 03-03-2003 14:12

ur such a big sp4mm3r

/me slaps Atolla

]x[ 03-03-2003 15:21

Ever heard over starting cables |:p and 3000volts

atolla 03-03-2003 18:26


Originally posted by fantasy
ur such a big sp4mm3r

/me slaps Atolla

OOO Tank u tank u tank


Originally posted by ]x[
Ever heard over starting cables | and 3000volts
No , does it hurt ?

Ninja 03-03-2003 18:34

heh, nice steps

But i wouldn't put myself into that situation :p

Mini 03-03-2003 23:04

Amazing!!!! It works !!!!
I just tried it with my parents car and it worked !!!!

actually I did not do it by the book as I had no car who couldn't start. But I thought to myself... If I have a car without starting probs and did the reverse it would prove that the Theory holds. So I popped the hood to my fathers engine, took a large hammer and a few steps back. Then I charged the car screaming "STOP WORKING" and slammed the engine as hard as I could... And amazingly enough, it worked!!!
I couldnt start the car afterwards..

I did the neighbor/onlooker thing too, but most of them ran away even though i Waved and smiled.

Quinn 04-03-2003 00:03


Originally posted by Mini
Then I charged the car screaming "STOP WORKING" and slammed the engine as hard as I could... And amazingly enough, it worked!!!
I couldnt start the car afterwards..

I did the neighbor/onlooker thing too, but most of them ran away even though i Waved and smiled.

Just wait until tomorrow morning when your dad does the 'Fix-Mini-With-A-Large-Hammer-Thing'

Mini 04-03-2003 00:08


Originally posted by Quinn
Just wait until tomorrow morning when your dad does the 'Fix-Mini-With-A-Large-Hammer-Thing'
Hey Np...
I've printed this thread so he can do it tomorrow :)
this time for real :D

Poppa 04-03-2003 05:45


Originally posted by Mini
Hey Np...
I've printed this thread so he can do it tomorrow :)
this time for real :D

Iron Flemming with mad hammer!

Poppa 04-03-2003 05:46


Originally posted by Poppa
Iron Flemming with mad hammer!
Reminds me of Dresser in his younger days lol 8-O :D

Quinn 04-03-2003 09:34


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