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Grendel 15-04-2004 00:58

Happy Birthday Legion
Today The Legion as a gaming community thrives in games like Anarchy Online and Star Wars Galaxies where legionnaires have build a solid reputation of being amongst the best.
They carry with them a legacy started 4 years ago, one that is based on loyalty towards the alliance we call home, strength and above all honor.

It is hard to believe that the small alliance founded by 7 people that long ago is still standing proud while it left those that tried to compete with us in its tracks.
As one of those original 7 it has been my privilege to have met so many devoted members who sacrificed their time for the greater good of the alliance, be it in the old planetarion alliance or one of our divisions.

To me Legion has always been more then just another alliance/guild, I think one of the old legionnaires way back when we still played planetarion said it best, "There is something in the walls, its hard to describe but being part of the Legion gives people that sense to belong to something greater." I believe this is our greatest strength and its amazing to see that the feeling has carried on to our divisions like AO Legion where most people werent even part of the original planetarion alliance.

Of course we have seen dark times and through our entire history we have seen enough drama to make a long lasting soap opra heh. But we survived, cut our losses and carried on.

The future of Legion looks bright with more great games to come where we will prove our worth, where the Legion Eagle will soar high.

Happy 4th birthday Legion, may there be many more!

Victuri te Salutant!


Carpeia 15-04-2004 07:29

Happy birthday to us!!!!! :)

Been a privelege to be a part of this community for all these years!

/salute everyone

Ogami 15-04-2004 07:40

congrats all :D

z3n 15-04-2004 08:54

I DEMAND CAKE AT INCE !!!!!!1112233

razor 15-04-2004 09:15

Im proud we made it this far. Where as most of us seen the turbulent past of alliances which come and go, this one survived it all and grew to something bigger, something with more meaning, something where ppl nowadays want to be part of long after our origional goal of 1 game called PA.

Happy birthday legion

I hope there will be more years to come and more games in which we can rule but mostly have fun. I for one am sticking around as this is where i spent most of my online time and got to know cool ppl from all around the world. It kinda feels like 1 big family.


Cyprux 15-04-2004 09:26

Happy Birthday!

Wallpaper = best present ever!

Nice Work to whoever made it =)

Tobler 15-04-2004 09:38

Happy B'day and good work one and all.

Icewolf 15-04-2004 10:31

happy bday to all of us - everyone has done his part to get us this far...

i'm proud to be still a part of it after all those years.


cu starside

PS: Greetings from Perkeo to everyone, i mailed with him a few days ago.

Rids 15-04-2004 12:17

I've known you degenerates 4 years?


Carpeia 15-04-2004 12:25


Originally posted by Rids
I've known you degenerates 4 years?



Even had beer's with many of us as well mate!!! :)

Chaosengine 15-04-2004 13:40

If only I was 4 years old in rl :p

happy Birthday all :)

Saybel 15-04-2004 14:20

wewt! :yes: grats :)

Sandsnake 15-04-2004 15:09

While I haven't been legion for four years, I've known about you or been involved with (read "at war with") for a good bit of that.

Congrats, Legion. It's a good bunch of people we have here.

Eb 15-04-2004 16:57

Someone said I should call back round for some birthday cake... Any left for a starving ex-legionnaire?


razor 15-04-2004 17:19


Originally posted by Eb
Someone said I should call back round for some birthday cake... Any left for a starving ex-legionnaire?


sure, /me tosses Eb a piece

Icewolf 15-04-2004 17:33

EB!!! we miss you, come back and play some stuff with us :p

Eb 15-04-2004 23:31

Hhehe, I came on IRC a few weeks back and noone even said hi :(


Watson 15-04-2004 23:33


Originally posted by Rids
I've known you degenerates 4 years?



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