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-   -   Just saying hi to my old AO buddies... (http://www.legionhq.org/showthread.php?t=23091)

Tamiyana 24-02-2007 19:21

Just saying hi to my old AO buddies...
Sad to see that AO is dead near enough but thats life... i still mooch around these forums but just thought id say ho to everyone who knows me for old times sake.

I play wow now on Doomhammer ( euro ) and am a raid officer in a big guild called Serenity. ( level 70 rogue ).

Still wish you lot had waited and played on the euro servers but cant be helped, i just hope you dont fall foul of the new rules concerening playing out of territory thats all!! be such a shame if you all had to reroll :frown:

Anyway cya around!


Tobler 24-02-2007 19:48

Hi Tami :)

Trelf 24-02-2007 20:03

Hello! :)

Florisha 24-02-2007 22:19

Cybor me Tami!

Bociwen 25-02-2007 04:03

Heyyyyy Tami :)

Sammiches for youuuuu

Chirnovnik 25-02-2007 04:05

Hello there... miss those days myself.

Tamiyana 25-02-2007 15:22

Nice to see so many familiar faces!.....

Yeah the good old days of grinding those big rock things in penumbra! the midless tedium of a billion rocks per level! how did we ever leave!!

Saybel 25-02-2007 15:24

TamitamiTamitamiTamitami! :D

Soly 25-02-2007 17:23

hello old frand!

Dareefer 01-03-2007 02:19


phab 01-03-2007 11:50

heya Tami =)

Blach 29-03-2007 10:58

Hello Tami,

how are things?


Spydervenom 29-03-2007 17:23

Hiya Tami

skygod 29-03-2007 21:27

Why yelo thar Tami!
Ah yes, watching Pogobear tanking at Mercs, Letting Truwind get killed at Aces, I'll never forget.

Talsim 05-04-2007 13:53

hiya long time no see =)

Daxaphedra 28-04-2007 16:12


Originally Posted by Tamiyana (Post 268461)
Sad to see that AO is dead near enough but thats life... i still mooch around these forums but just thought id say ho to everyone who knows me for old times sake.

I play wow now on Doomhammer ( euro ) and am a raid officer in a big guild called Serenity. ( level 70 rogue ).

Still wish you lot had waited and played on the euro servers but cant be helped, i just hope you dont fall foul of the new rules concerening playing out of territory thats all!! be such a shame if you all had to reroll :frown:

Anyway cya around!


o.o i still don't get the draw of WoW......i mean.....its not the least bit challenging in terms of comparison to AO.....AO has one of the most complex game mechs i've ever seen......and it always keeps me coming back even when i'd like to stuff a NODROP item down Marius' throat in frustration >.< but yah......i have yet to find another game that keeps you challenged and is so versitile in character development and playstyles

^^ just my two cents

KrazieDragon 29-04-2007 02:37


Originally Posted by Daxaphedra (Post 273563)
o.o i still don't get the draw of WoW......i mean.....its not the least bit challenging in terms of comparison to AO.....AO has one of the most complex game mechs i've ever seen......and it always keeps me coming back even when i'd like to stuff a NODROP item down Marius' throat in frustration >.< but yah......i have yet to find another game that keeps you challenged and is so versitile in character development and playstyles

^^ just my two cents

Dax? dont i know u, if ur who i think my you have grown btw its StaticDragon. Hey to all old AO players, i was Staticdragon Leader of Lioness Rampant after Starblitzer and Eglin went to Legion

Daxaphedra 04-05-2007 17:18


Originally Posted by KrazieDragon (Post 273571)
Dax? dont i know u, if ur who i think my you have grown btw its StaticDragon. Hey to all old AO players, i was Staticdragon Leader of Lioness Rampant after Starblitzer and Eglin went to Legion

o.o duh you know me, you're the one who killed TK for me back when i was doing my pads quest....o.o holy hell that was a long time ago >.> Pads quest makes me think of sanitary pads......yah random thought....anyway its nice to see you back ^^ can't wait to team with static. this time i can help you do stuff :P

<3 Shani

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