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Gaijin 24-01-2006 18:27

[EvE] Legion Celestial Coordinate Project
EDIT: YOU DONT NEED TO PAY FOR THEM, but you are welcome to donate or help copying them.

Heya EvE folks,

steam, ramp and i have invested a bit of money to aquire bookmarks for gate to gate jumps in the following regions:

Minmatar Sovereignity:
- Metropolis
- Heimatar
- Molden Heath

Caldari sovereignity:
- The Forge
- The Citadel
- Lonetrek (not received yet)

Gallente Sovereignity:
- Sinq Laison (not received yet)
- Essence (not received yet)
- Everyshore

- Geminate

Funds spent: 120 million ISK

Distribution of bookmarks:
Bookmarks have the lowest server priority at the moment, which makes it a pain in the ass to copy them and we need everyone to help out to make every Legionnaire a copy of the bookmarks.

1) It will take up to 30 minutes just to load up the bookmarks in your hangar.
2) Copying them to your People and Places menu takes another hour or two depending on the amount of bookmarks. (e.g. Metropolis has 1063 bookmarks, while some other smaller regions only have 300)
3) Making a 2nd copy to pass them on requires a few more hours. To do so you need to SHIFT drag and drop the bookmarks back to your hangar and you can only do it in small batches, like 100 - 150 bookmarks at once or it will get stuck and you need to relog. Resulting in a bunch of broken bookmark set.
4) Always use folders or you will end up with a few thousand bookmarks in your Places menu without organisation.

Animoy 24-01-2006 21:31

I'll chip in later ^^

Atm BS > you :p

Leviathan 25-01-2006 00:23

lol @ Ani :P

Im still semi away from EVE for a few days till Frigate lvl 5 completes.. ill help towards the cause after (in ISK)

]x[ 25-01-2006 17:02

im interested you know that :) and ill chip in later cause atm i only got 400k ISK :/

Sabre 25-01-2006 17:17

Rofl, you paid money??? :(

I have every 'needed' bookmark on my character from from every decent trade route and mining area.

p.s. if you need a well equipped BS to help protect your worthless hides, gimme a poke and i'll resub for a month.

]x[ 25-01-2006 18:04

need Region Metropolis for sure :) other regions i dont know yet :)

steam 25-01-2006 19:36

Just a reminder,

the deal for the bookmarks will work as follows :

If you receive a set of bookmarks from any of us , you will copy those bookmarks into your p&p and then copy another set which you will hand back to either ramp gaijin or myself.

This way we can always hand out a set of bookmarks without us having to do the copying again all the time.

As making bookmarks takes a considerable amount of time i dont think that is to much to ask for, especially since you cannot do anything but copying bookmarks when you do the copying.

If you want to help us out and get the bookmarks distributed faster , you can always make another trial account alt and use him for bookmark copying while you play, this would be much appreciated.

]x[ 25-01-2006 23:46


If you want to help us out and get the bookmarks distributed faster , you can always make another trial account alt and use him for bookmark copying while you play, this would be much appreciated.
does it require a lot of system resources you think ? when you dual load and let a trial copy them while you play with your original account ?

steam 26-01-2006 07:38


Originally Posted by ]x[
does it require a lot of system resources you think ? when you dual load and let a trial copy them while you play with your original account ?

Ani is dual logged all day, seemingly it works just fine.

Anyways im having severe issues getting all the bookmarks copied atm, it is going very slow for me right now. So it will be some time till i can start distributing bookmarks.

Gaijin 26-01-2006 08:26

I started to copy metropolis last night before i went to bed, i hope it will start the copying process before the server go down for maintenance heh

Sabre 26-01-2006 10:20

Also, just so you know, they were talking about disabling gate-to-gate bookmarking sometime in the future when i was playing 6 months ago. I don't know if they are still going through with it. The idea was to introduce better gate approach points and security. They may have scrapped taht idea though.

Gaijin 26-01-2006 11:07

think their is too much resistance against scrapping it
there is a dev blog which states it was never intended but they have no clue how to resolve the problem, but with the new hardware going online in february i think copying bms wont be a bitch anymore

Animoy 26-01-2006 12:11


Originally Posted by ]x[
does it require a lot of system resources you think ? when you dual load and let a trial copy them while you play with your original account ?

dont notice any performance difference dual logged.

only thing to remember is:
- log in, enter char, let game load
- tab out and log in the other char, but dont switch back to first game while loading 2nd. have to let 2nd enetr game fully before u start switching or it will just poof

Sabre 26-01-2006 12:32

Run in windowed mode, it is much easier to do if you are dual logging, and keep the non active window minimised. I used to use this when dual logged for mining (BS and Freighter)

Mofto 26-01-2006 14:28

I can help copy, just lemmy know when you need me, will be on later tonight.

Leviathan 27-01-2006 10:34

This sounds difficult :P + It should be in the EVE forums :P

Xenius 27-01-2006 11:10

need minimatar space and caldari space. but not in a long while.

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