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goff 08-12-2011 21:59

Application for SWTOR
Hi, my name is Casey I have been playing mmo for the past 8ish years from SWG, FFXI, LOL, and of course WOW. I had a friend suggest I come and apply so I can run around with the folks that he does, his name is Roland/thug I think that is what you know him by. I ran around with him in SWG and I believe a few of your other guild members.

Radium 08-12-2011 22:38

hello :)

Thug 09-12-2011 03:39

Played with him in swg, he had a house in Neo Rome I believe. Known him in real life for longer than I've been gaming probably..... vouch

Imsdal 09-12-2011 04:10

Hey Goff, and welcome to the forums and to Legion.

If you add a little more about yourself, playtime, age, what you do etc, I'll fix your forum access.

goff 09-12-2011 21:28

Well lets see big sports fan almost any sport I'll watch or play I'm an assistant manager for a large retailer I'm 32 and my playtime will be mostly evenings and nights. And as far as what I'm going to roll is a toss up between a healer or tank I enjoy both classes. I have 2 kids

Thug 10-12-2011 00:11

Evenings US time....

Imsdal 11-12-2011 15:50

Seems like someone hooked you up with forum access, so enjoy :)

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