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-   -   The King has spoken..... (http://www.legionhq.org/showthread.php?t=24965)

Molotov 24-05-2008 21:01

The King has spoken.....

....and we have listened!

King Conan has made the call for all those with strong arms and hearts to gather themselves and help defend his kingdom. Legion has answered this call and from the far flung corners of WoW, EVE, SWG, AO and Planetarion has amassed a noble horde (well noble ish) to do battle with those that threaten the world of Hyboria.

The server Dagon will be our new home, both to our friends and to our foes, we look forward to seeing you on the battlefields.

Victuri te Salutant!

Iminay 25-05-2008 17:31

molo.. how come I dont have long hair like that :(

Saybel 30-05-2008 15:28

Molo, should have put "and we have listened" at the end :tongue: Hurrah!

Molotov 02-06-2008 19:41


Originally Posted by Saybel (Post 293240)
Molo, should have put "and we have listened" at the end :tongue: Hurrah!

Haha well according to some i should have put "whore ish" instead of noble ish too :tongue:

Saybel 03-06-2008 16:01

I likes :p

Precursors 10-06-2008 23:42

Why oh why PVE server!?

Icewolf 11-06-2008 13:42

because it makes more sense - too bored to repeat the discussions again, just read the threads in the AoC forums. PvE makes more sense in AoC.

greybowsky 12-06-2008 19:26

I guess noone will remember the Colognes ...been a long time ....

Welcome, greybowsky.
You last visited: 21-09-2005 at 17:17

After my Bday and the yearly legion email i decided to visit legionhq and take a look how u guys have been.

I became a casual during the last 3 years playing WoW. .. having fun with TBC and the Sunwell patch. 3 Lvl. 70 chars are enough for now and i guess i need a new game. So i gonna take a look into AOC i guess.

Hope to c u soon.



Spydervenom 24-09-2008 00:05

I was playing on a RP-PVP US server, Cimmeria, got to level 80, and realized there was nothing to do. We had 200 people in our guild, guess about 50 out of those 200 still play.

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