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-   -   hello and introduction of myself (http://www.legionhq.org/showthread.php?t=11971)

Furor 22-09-2004 01:38

hello and introduction of myself
hi, Im the new cat on the block.

I've heard alot about this org and one of my current org member and I was talking about joining another org, so Im just hangout around some forums. The main reason that we are considering joining another org is because our current org is a small/medium sized org and don't really do much of the high end content of the game. I feel that I have reached a point where I need to get out more often, I love the people and friends that I have met in this org and it has brought me many expieriences in AO, but unfortunatly as most of my real life friends have quit from AO because of SL/AI, they just dont have a high tolerance level for the whole grind/time sink design of this game.

Anyways, This is not an application but rather a introduction of myself and hope to be seeing you in some of the raids in the future and making some new friends. :D

see you in the grind field. :=)

Leviathan 22-09-2004 01:51

AO public forum next time bud :D - but hello.

razor 22-09-2004 18:06

Hi there

AO public is rather inactive Levi so he has a better chance someone reading this here as there

Icewolf 22-09-2004 21:37

last time i checked #ao wasn't restricted, so he should try his luck on IRC - much higher chance to meet AO Legionnaires *g*
Guess most of them only read the internal AO boards.

cu starside

z3n 23-09-2004 10:22

GREETINGS AND WELCOME (mental note: I should examin why Germans are grinning all the time).

Def2K 23-09-2004 12:12


Originally posted by z3n
GREETINGS AND WELCOME (mental note: I should examin why Germans are grinning all the time).
Ya, good question.. I mean, I wouldnt grin if I was a German :(

Icewolf 23-09-2004 13:32

germans grin because they are happy not to be dutch.

razor 23-09-2004 14:14

Germans remind me of that negro from the MTV commercial - Hans or wot was he called like ? :)

Gaijin 26-09-2004 22:14

ni hao furor, how is the weather in hong kong


germans grin because they are happy not to be dutch.
and austrians grin because they are happy not to be a pifke *g*

montie 27-09-2004 21:52

fkin foreigners the lot of ya!!! ;)


Wal 27-09-2004 22:48


stupid germans :(

Valhalla 28-09-2004 09:03

The world if full of filthy foreigners! :mad:

steam 28-09-2004 12:05


Originally posted by Valhalla
The world if full of filthy foreigners! :mad:
Yeah time to purge them from the world .. lets start with the DUTCH ..

Ill import lemmings to dutchland so they can destroy the dikes...
well the US did that already ..


Def2K 28-09-2004 16:06

Omg, dont touch my dikes :(

steam 28-09-2004 16:49


Originally posted by Def2K
Omg, dont touch my dikes :(
Ok then ill start changing the climate by releasing loads of Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere resulting in a general heating and as a result in the increase of the average sea level above netherlands dike height.....

Oh the US are already on it

Gogo Georg environmental warfare is the warfare of the 21st century :)

P.S On behalf of G.Bush i ask everyone to find out a solution how we can prevent getting our coast destroyed by hurricanes that just come out of nowhere and have nothing to do with the climate change.
His insurance company sponsors are debating with the oil company sponsors over the next speech he will give.

Def2K 28-09-2004 18:13

Well, its not proven that the hurricane was caused by climate changes, now is it? :p

Besides, if you flood dutchieland, we'll flock to germany etc. :)

steam 28-09-2004 22:45


Originally posted by Def2K
Well, its not proven that the hurricane was caused by climate changes, now is it? :p

True same as smoking is not linked to causing cancer, itīs a coincidance really.

dr.doug 29-09-2004 00:01


Originally posted by Icewolf
germans grin because they are happy not to be dutch.

To be honest it is a very good point :D

/me smirks at Nito and Def2k

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