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Ronin 31-01-2006 14:50

Diablo II LOD
delete this

Animoy 31-01-2006 15:06

I deleted d2 years ago m8 :/

Emohawk 01-02-2006 08:56

I used to quite like it... not played it in ages tho...

LilMissSweden 18-05-2006 08:28

Delete d2????!!!!!... nope... nah... I refuse!!! Cuff me! Sell me to the lowest bidder... I'll never delete it *s*
The new patches are awesome! The uber-bosses are cool. One really has to costum-make ones characters now or they wont be able to defeat the uber's. cow'ing is old... uber'ing is fun... deadly but fun.
Nothing beats d2 on a rainy day like today :)
(but then again my computer can't really function with any other games) HAHA


Iminay 18-05-2006 09:20

i refuse to play it untill they finaly release a higher resolution then 800x600
still have it on my pc though, although my acounts are probably expired by now

zyrtec 19-05-2006 15:08

A friend of me have been without internet for 12 months and have 10++ lvl 90+ chars on single player :(

Def2K 30-06-2006 02:11

So, thats a week of work :p ... well, of not working, really but you get my point :)

HobbieRogue4 30-06-2006 03:46

Single player is so easy to manipulate. Really no challenge, and if you didn't manipulate it, well, you have no life.

I miss all my old 90 characters... :((((

Def2K 30-06-2006 13:29


Download char editor, get kickass gear. Skip all the crap :)

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