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Vaed Alriir 10-11-2011 14:13

Vaed Alriir's app for SWTOR

I am looking to apply for a spot within Legion for when SWTOR launches. A friend/co-worker of mine, whos also been a long time member of Legion(ingame nics are thug/Roland), referred Legion to me and said that I should join; or at least try to. Previous/current mmos I've played have been SWG, CoH/CoV, WoW, LotR, STO, and DCUO. I can't stand trolls, so I'm not one, and I don't care for elitists; just looking to have fun with a solid guild. I'm also down with any play style being pvp, pve, rp. Anyways that's about all I can think of for the moment. I look forward to a response.

Thank You,

Vaed Alriir

Gaijin 10-11-2011 14:24

Hi Vaed Alriir,

Welcome to our boards.

Sabre 10-11-2011 15:16

Welcome Vaed! Once thug has vouched for you, a member of command will sort out the paperwork ;)

Thug 10-11-2011 19:25


I've know him for a few years like he said... should have no problems fitting right in

Vaed Alriir 10-11-2011 20:58

Hello Gaijin, Sabre and thank you both for the welcomes. Also thanks to Thug for the vouch and I will be looking forward to playing with you all!

Vaed Alriir 11-11-2011 03:32


Imsdal 11-11-2011 10:49

Hey Vaed, and welcome aboard and to the forums :)

I'll sort out your forum access in a minute.

Imsdal 11-11-2011 10:55

Fixed! feel free to hop on irc anytime to chat or idle with us :)

sLak 11-11-2011 12:14

You claim to be up for Rp. Does that include French RP? Gren will want a talk with you!

Vaed Alriir 11-11-2011 13:45

Ummmm....french rp? I hope that doesn't include having to speak in french. Huge failure there for me. But yeah, I did some rp in swg and wow so I don't have a problem with it.

JRL 11-11-2011 13:59

you just need to fake it, thats what everyone else does.

Vaed Alriir 11-11-2011 14:50

Okay then good to know!

Niktorius 11-11-2011 16:00

Help!! an RPer... God help us all (if he exists that is)

Vaed Alriir 11-11-2011 16:54

I'm just sayin whatever gaming style you guys are into I'm goog to go with. I won't solo the rping; I find it really lame for a few people to rp. I'll only rp if the entire guild is participating.

Sorion 11-11-2011 17:09

I think RPing should be mandatory for Legion!!! ;p

Niktorius 11-11-2011 17:42

Mandatory? I'm sucha no hoper :( I didn't even get married in AO :(

Sorion 11-11-2011 17:51


Originally Posted by Niktorius (Post 318302)
Mandatory? I'm sucha no hoper :( I didn't even get married in AO :(

Hehe, you didn't miss all that much tbh! All I did after my marriage was cooking and cleaning! Fkn Misty!! :p

Vaed Alriir 11-11-2011 22:13

WOOT!! I finally got a beta invite!! FINALLY!!

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