Legion Forums

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-   -   The whole shebang? (http://www.legionhq.org/showthread.php?t=18987)

Shawn 03-04-2006 07:00

The whole shebang?
Hello there,

My name is Shawn, and I suspect my post here may be coming from a direction you're not used to. I don't play in any one game with The Legion currently. What I am looking for is a gaming community...

You see, I want a place to call home, no matter what I am playing. On those days where WoW makes me twitch and EVE is too sleepy - I want to have options. I play most games at least some, and I'd love to make the one commonality of all those games my guild/clan/friends/community/whatever.

About me - I am 32 years old and reside in the USA. I started my real online gaming with Ultima Online, then as games came out I got in the habit of trying them. I love seeing the designs and systems and worlds. It's rare to find a big online title I haven't at least sampled.

Anyways, I don't want to ramble so much as test the waters. Is it an option to join The Legion without coming in under a specific game's banner? I look forward to hearing y'alls reply to this. Hit me up with any questions you please. Thanks!

- Shawn

Animoy 03-04-2006 10:55

Welcome to the boards ^^

Still playing EVE or quit?

Chaosengine 03-04-2006 11:25

Welcome to the boards :)

Shawn 03-04-2006 18:55

Thanks for the welcomes :)


Still playing EVE or quit?
I played EVE for a couple months about a year ago. Then I kinda let it drop off. Lately I keep trying to get back in from scratch, but I get confused and bored. It has to be one of the prettiest games ever! While I love how complex it is, it's that same complexity that keeps me out. I hope to get figured out and set myself up in a nice mining/manufacturing situation for a while... someday.

Gaijin 04-04-2006 22:31

welcome to legion

skygod 05-04-2006 16:37

Hai Shawn!

Shawn 05-04-2006 18:44

I am curious to hear what a next step may be. Do I prove my worth in some regard? Maybe chat it up with an officer of some sort?

I'm looking forward to seeing the forums beyond these Enlistment ones. The activity there is a far better indication of the group than the rest of the site.

Thank you everyone for the welcomes and I'll wait to hear on my next step!


Molotov 05-04-2006 18:48

You currently play world of warcraft? which server and faction are you playing etc? Mannoroth alliance side is what the majority of legion players play on, may be a good way to get to know a few people, alternatively join our irc server, irc.legionhq.org and hang around in #vts getting to know a few more people that way too.

Gaijin 05-04-2006 18:50

or join the "legio victor" channel in EvE

and joining irc helps as well. there are quite a few folks with a xbox 360 live and poking the right ppl on irc is always good for a game of CS or other shooters

Shawn 08-04-2006 06:40


You currently play world of warcraft? which server and faction are you playing etc? Mannoroth alliance side is what the majority of legion players play on
I have plenty of WoW time put into Alliance on Hyjal, but I'm more than willing to give another server a go. I was considering starting up a Horde character, or Alliance on a non-pvp server. Are there servers other than Mannoroth that y'all are active on?

]x[ 12-04-2006 12:51


join our irc server, irc.legionhq.org and hang around in #vts getting to know a few more people that way too.
Hmmm we need more people to spice up #vts cause lately its as dead as a piece of roadkill :p

HobbieRogue4 13-04-2006 01:50

What part of Cali may I ask?

Santa Barbara myself. :)

Tiddy 13-04-2006 22:40


Originally Posted by ]x[
Hmmm we need more people to spice up #vts cause lately its as dead as a piece of roadkill :p

That is the legion way though.

Just notice the channel with INCOMING! and watch everyone have a heart attack heh.

Tiddy 13-04-2006 22:41

Wait, dont do that on second thought. Gren will bitch slap you for organizing defense in a public channel.... and then call you a muppet.

Waywatcher 13-04-2006 23:07

I, in no way, shape, or form, speak for the recruitment of Legion as a whole (I'm only a WoW recruitment officer), but anyone who approaches joining us based simply on the premise of joining our community already gets a golden star by their name. =D

I'd say we're a unique bunch and function like a large family - including the occasional spat. ;) But it's a group I consider myself fortunate to have been able to join since the first day I became a member. =)

That said, I wish you luck! You already sound like you have a solid head on your shoulders. =D

The watcher.

Zjozz 14-04-2006 00:33


Originally Posted by Waywatcher
I'd say we're a unique bunch and quite the large disfunctional family


The Zjozz.

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