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Tamed_G 19-12-2003 20:43

New Application - Joel-Griffin
Hi all,

Well here is my official application to join Legion/VTS in SWG.

My game name is Joel-Griffin and I have been playing SWG for about 3 months now. I am currently a Master Pistoleer and I am finishing up my second holo-profession of 'Master Entertainer' :D

I've already completed Master Creature Handler, Master Armorsmith, Master Medic and Master Marksman so feel like I have got a good start toward my Jedi slot. I also have an alt account for lots and secondary support complete with a Master Dancer profession.

I was responsible for the creation of Elite City on Dantooine and used to be co-leader of Elite-Force alongside Rijomika the Master Weaponsmith who unfortunately quit the game due to boredom and lack of content. After Rijomika's demise I decided to move on as the guild was losing all of it's serious players and seemed to be bubbling over with noobs who didn't have a concept of teamwork. :mad:

I'd been aware of VTS for a while now as a fellow IMP guild and had discussed with BiggDogg/Nanik the possibilities of an Alliance back in the stronger days of Elite Force.

I consider myself very team-oriented and I am looking for a guild that has plenty of people online during my playing hours which tend to be a little later than most as I am in California. I typically play about 3-5 hours a day from 7pm to 12am PST.

I was extremely impressed with Neo-Rome when I visited about a week ago - nice to see that there is a strong plan in place regarding city layout - something I pushed very hard for at Elite City.

I've also been very impressed with the attitude of BiggDogg/Nanik who has gone out of his way many times to help me, he seems very happy in VTS and that has lead me to have great interest in the guild.

My game-play experience these days is a little too solitary and I would like to change that as SWG's success relies heavily on the interaction of groups. I'm currently filling my time hunting holocrons and running overt around Rebel cities looking for PVP like a drunk guy with a problem - LOL :yes: .

Thanks for reading this far.


Hoellsen 20-12-2003 01:37

I am against picking people up that are obviously just going FSCS. I dunno if that is true for Tamed_G, it is just something I want to remark and a person telling me, they are going towards their FSCS slot generally means I can't put trust in whatever profession they have at any moment.

Jatr 20-12-2003 03:57

Well many people in vts are going for jedi, so why is it a problem that a applicant does it? In any case, I suggest hanging around our city for a bit tamed_g, join hunts and get to know the members a bit :) .

Tamed_G 20-12-2003 07:52

Fair comments regarding the force sensitive slot - maybe I should have been a bit clearer.

If there is any grinding to be done for holo-professions I try to do it outside my normal gaming time and not let in intrude into my regular gameplay. I intend to always keep Master Pistoleer and use my other skill points to move around the trees as needed. I was one of the first people to comment in Elite Force when people were obviously just pursuing their grinds without taking part in the community part of the game - so I understand your concern.

Thanks for the invite to hang with you guys - I will do that.


Hoellsen 20-12-2003 09:56


I intend to always keep Master Pistoleer and use my other skill points to move around the trees as needed.
Okay, I can live with that. :)
Dont get me wrong, my comment was not a antivouch or anything like that. It just expressed a thought I have about all this FSCS bs. :)

^sFw^ 28-02-2004 16:56

heh not much has been done to this app..neither vouches or antivouches..
is this cause we lack interest of swg or just forgot bout it?

Maddix 25-03-2004 20:49

Never seen him around or heard from him, so assuming application is now void.

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