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Zazeelu 04-03-2012 21:26

application for zazeelu
hey yall, you will have to forgive me if i forget something but i may have burned one too many braincells last night having a good time so i cant remember shit this "morning".

i am a florida girl. um i think im 27 i can do the math for you but i don't really care to atm honestly. just started playing swtor about a week ago i think but i have played my share of mmos, eq, eq2, wow, lotro... i feel like there are more, reference above statement. currently i am still raiding on eq2 but i only log in 3 nights a week for that so that will leave plenty of time to whore myself out on swtor after work and stuff. ummm lets see... primaris is my homie from back in my desert days. he is good people and said yall are of the same breed so here i am and there you are,
let's do this!

Primaris 04-03-2012 21:49

Hi Britni,
I'm glad you finally applied. Now get in game and on vent!

Consider this another premptive confirmation from me.
I've known her since... 2001(?). It's been a while. We met here in Tucson through a mutual friend. We used to play WoW together and she is an excelent player.
Unlike all the other people that I know, that have joined, she is on the east coast instead of out west where I am.
To help out her application process and fill in some of the gaps, she is employed (works for Volvo), enjoys bar hopping, dancing, bar-b-q, shooting pool, and hanging out with friends... long walks on short piers, her favorite color is clear, her favorite taste is water - Haha! I just couldn't resist the last line. Sorry my mind has wandered into sillyness...

-Mack (Primaris)

Imsdal 04-03-2012 21:55

Haha. Ok, I'll accept that. Think you forgot to add what she had for breakfast today, and her weight before and after, but we'll take that in /w later! :p

Forum access fixed, feel free to enjoy :) And PM me ingame and I'll sort out an guild invite!

Primaris 04-03-2012 22:06

Thank you Ims.

Zazeelu 04-03-2012 22:19

im touched you know me so well! i managed to avoid stripper polls last night, you would be proud of me :P ill get in vent after i get my voice back from all those shenanigans lol

Primaris 04-03-2012 22:57

I would have egged you on!

I would have started waiving dollars at you too!

hehe see you in game "muncia"

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