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Khaz 17-12-2011 17:05


My name is Kim, I'm 26 years old and live right outside of Oslo in Norway.

I'm good friends with Sirque and Ixion and play together with them pretty often. They told me about joining this guild in SW:ToR recently and that you seemed like a nice bunch of people who likes having fun and helping each other out - so that's why I'm applying.

I'm working full time as an IT consultant so my play time varies greatly according to how demanding work is, but I get at least some hours in-game every night. Usually I spend the weekends playing as much as I can (the whole day if my girlfriend allows me to ;)). I usually love everything Bioware throws my way so I'm hoping there'll be lots of hours in SW in the coming weeks/months (who knows, maybe even years)

I like to play PvP and do some raids, but for the most part I enjoy grouping up and just do regular quests together with friends and guildies.

I hope this is sufficient for an application, feel free to ask me anything.

Khaz (Sith Warrior)

Imsdal 18-12-2011 09:35

Heya Khaz, and welcome to the forums and to Legion.

Once you get your sponsor to confirm this, we'll fix your access and invite you ingame.

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