Legion Forums

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Sirque 17-12-2011 09:52


My name is Christoffer, 26 years old. I live in Norway (the land with no butter) and are a good friend of Ixion and Micaila.

Why I want to join The Legion:
From what I've been told by Ixion, he played with many of you in AO and WoW (for a shorter time). I am told that you have a good community where people help each other out and enjoy teaming up. Mixed in a friendly atmospher and who wouldnt want to join?

I play quite alot. Put me in the range of "semi-hardcore". I like to raid and pvp.

I have a girlfriend and a dog, so no kids to take me away from the computer for "bedtime stories". :)

I am terrible at writing applications - but I hope this is sufficient. ^^

- Sirque - (Imperial Agent)

Imsdal 17-12-2011 09:55

Heya Christoffer, and welcome to the forums and to us :)

Forum access sorted, invited to guild.

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