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Hawkbane 26-06-2004 00:47

saw this and wondered if anyone esle had heard about it


.few_BLiTZ 30-06-2004 06:47

Yes I have heard of it. In all honesty I myslef once considerd joing the air force.

It is comman in many countries that military time is manditory.
As for me... hmm I do not agree with many things my country does; especially after seeing banded footage from Vietnam, Korea, Iraq and movies like Farenhiet 9/11. I dont agree with this either, but if it were to be put into play, id have to say I would sign up and do my part for the Red White and Blue.

z3n 02-07-2004 13:36

It was mandatory here, but it has been abolished. A professional millitary is so more efficient.

Emohawk 02-07-2004 14:21

lol, that's gotta be a joke or is America finally losing the plot...
How long before England starts taking American refugees???

Saybel 02-07-2004 15:01

obviously dumb :dead:

ramp 02-07-2004 17:21

GI Saybel!

atolla 26-07-2004 13:33


Leviathan 27-07-2004 00:54

I think mandatory Military service is step backwards and wont achieve anything of great enough signifigance to make it worth while.

Xenius 28-07-2004 02:28

mandatory Military service sucks.. :) like almost whole my class had to "join" the army :) not me.. im free aslong as i go to school :)

Valhalla 28-07-2004 07:59

Though it might suck a LOT of 18 year old guys need to get away from their mom and dad to get some experience.

I enjoyed the army. Served 12 month up north blowing shit up, shooting with AG-3 and laying/clearing mines.
Sit here today with a blue drivers license for a band wagon and a certificate of military explosives. Not the stuff i need every day but still ;)

Big Bada Boom!

Leviathan 28-07-2004 08:04


Originally posted by Valhalla
Though it might suck a LOT of 18 year old guys need to get away from their mom and dad to get some experience.

I enjoyed the army. Served 12 month up north blowing shit up, shooting with AG-3 and laying/clearing mines.
Sit here today with a blue drivers license for a band wagon and a certificate of military explosives. Not the stuff i need every day but still ;)

Big Bada Boom!

To be honest I would actually nto be that fussed it it was just the guys but the thing Hawk showed us is Males and Females heh -

I mean I know my sister couldnt handle 10 minutes of the army before she hung herself (speculation :p) - I dont really think a girl who wants to be a model or somthing really needs to do 2 years in the service possibly getting fucked up heh -

I dunno, lots of variables but It is pretty gimped if its somthing you dont want to do.

Sandsnake 28-07-2004 17:57

Not likely to pass, though interestingly the sponsor is a democrat.

The US has abandoned conscription due to it lowering the general quality of the armed forces as a whole.

While I think a couple years would do everybody a bit of good, I still think it's a tad daft.

As for the DRAFT, well, if we need it, we need it. That's another situation entirely.

Def2K 29-07-2004 10:55

Be it fun or not, if you're not gonna stay in the army its like a total waste of time.

I have btter things to do then run around carrying stuff and/ or shoot things. Like, earning more money in a real job.

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