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Landcast 17-10-2005 15:20

Dungeons and dragons

so anyone gonna play this game ?

Saybel 17-10-2005 16:03

*rolls a 20-sided dice* *shakes a magic-8ball* depends :p

Leviathan 17-10-2005 17:01

[NEW] Will there be Player vs. Player (PvP) Combat?
Not at release. Cooperative gameplay has always been the main focus of Dungeons & Dragons, and it is the main focus of DDO as well.

Can anybody say - FUCK OFF

Still signing up for Beta :p

Landcast 17-10-2005 18:18

i also have signed up... :D

Rateal 17-10-2005 18:25

was thinking about this game myself, sent in a beta application (or alpha can't remember) never heard from them but will see when it comes out. At this point a game really has to make me go wow for it to get me.

Loves, Hugs, and Doots

Icewolf 17-10-2005 19:57

No PvP makes me cry, but as i am playing D&D for a couple of years already, i will for sure take a closer look at it.

cu starside

Kyrealean 25-10-2005 01:16

PvP does nothing but fuck a game up imho. you cant balance a game if it has pvp in it, because people are 2 crafty and use the most powerful skills = nerf after nerf after nerf after fkin nerf.

SwG has been completely destroyed by the "PvP" community and their bitching and whining which has in turn brought about constant nerfs etc.

im good with a PvE online game, PvP can stay with PvP only servers imo.

Sandsnake 25-10-2005 02:06

nope. I'm watching Vanguard. Of the MMO's I've been watching, this one seems the most solid, less gimmicky, and less reliant on a name.

Also note that Turbine is developing the LOTR mmo. What do you think is going to happen to DDO dev-wise if it doesn't take off? (which it won't, due to the complete lack of PvP)

RobbyLuv 25-10-2005 02:20

this game is actually good for a mmo, initially anyway

Icewolf 25-10-2005 15:47

Dark and Light might be very nice as well, expecially as they open a free start before the actual release:

cu starside

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