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Accura 30-11-2002 14:56

GF4 Ti 4600
I payed £194 for my Abit 128mb GF4 TI4600 and i have to say i dont feel that its worth the money. I had a 32mb TNT pro before that and yeah its a little faster but i dont feel its really worth the money. Does anyone agree with me or am i just blind?

Accura 30-11-2002 23:17

well someone must have something to say on the matter..........

Grendel 01-12-2002 00:21

There arent games out yet that can really show the potential of the gf4 ti4600 or the radeon 9700 for that matter.

I have a gf4 ti4600 myself and happy with it.

ramp 01-12-2002 00:33

Upgraded from a tnt2 ultra to a gf 4200 ti.
Havent really noticed much of a difference either, except abit of a speed increase. My bottleneck is mostlikely my processor tho.

Emohawk 01-12-2002 01:22

You wanna test it out, test it out with Unreal Tournament 2003...
That bitch game is wicked but I have to run it @ 800x600 (normal graphics across the board) and it's still a bit jerky ;(
That's on a GeForce 3 Ti200 (128MB)...

It's gonna get overclocked tommorow to see if I can get anything more from it...


Accura 01-12-2002 02:43

yes i've tested it with UT2003 it runs fine (good sign i guess) but i'd expected to see a big change and difference in gaming apart from speed. As Grendel said maybe the games just dont support that kind of power. What speed is your processor Rampage?

steam 01-12-2002 12:22

a big badass gfx card wont solve all your problems ..

the system needs to fit together .. for this card you need at least a proc speed of 1 GHz and above also you need a huge amount of fast ram (512mb) and finally you need a board that can supply your card with the amount of data it needs for full performance ( AGP port speed and other things )

I for myself did upgrade dfrom a geforce 2 mx to a gf4 Ti 4200 on my system and it resulted in a huge performance boost but that is mainly cause the old gfx card was way to weak for the rest of the syxstem ..

Accura 01-12-2002 13:17

well i'm running a AMD 1.4 Ghz system with only 256mb of DDR RAM. I also have an Abit motherboard as well as my abit gf4 ti4600, so i was under the impression these would work well together.

i do admit i can run any game on the maxium settings and the speed is fantasic, however maybe the MX or lower TI cards could do the same for less money. ???

Accura 01-12-2002 13:19

well i'm running a AMD 1.4 Ghz system with only 256mb of DDR RAM. I also have an Abit motherboard as well as my abit gf4 ti4600, so i was under the impression these would work well together.

i do admit i can run any game on the maxium settings and the speed is fantasic, however maybe the MX or lower TI cards could do the same for less money. ???

Accura 01-12-2002 13:21

i clicked new thread not post reply :( and i dont have access to delete this :(

gari 01-12-2002 13:32

nm :)
Why worry now. PC work as u expect...
i have some minor problems but I habe 30% slower machine ;(
so, dont think about that, just use ur machine ;)

gari 01-12-2002 13:36

I reply 2 u on other thread... ;(
can some with more rights to clean this "2 same thread situation"?

MonstaH 01-12-2002 14:43

i got a 1.2amd athlon but with 786mb ram and everything works uber fast :)

MonstaH 01-12-2002 14:44

mind u i only got a 32mb nvidia gfx card

Accura 01-12-2002 17:28


Accura 01-12-2002 17:31

i wish i had access to do so, but i'm just a target drone

MonstaH 01-12-2002 19:57

no your not... your going downhill :) lol

Emohawk 01-12-2002 21:32

guess who's abusing thier admin status :rolleyes: lol :=)


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