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BlueTiger 27-06-2003 21:33

Hi all, i was told to make a thread here by sigrid, as i am playing a game called DoM( dawn of myth) i know some of u play it. Well i am ressurecting an old alliance and am recruiting some l33t. I know u all are very skilled and active in these kind of games so i was hoping some of u would find my proposal interesting and contact me.

Some info bout Invictus

The origin of Invictus dates back to round 3 when some coms allied eachother and dominated the round. Some was lucky enough to experience that round, other only heard tales.

The motive behind naming the alliance Invictus springs from the name itself, which in latin means Invincible, and that we are. Totally dominating round 3, remebering things like the battle @ TeppDaddy, when 1 single person got more incomes then any person in DoM's history.
Sadly that was the one and only round Invictus played in that name, the alliance broke and ppl were spread to severeal other alliances, such as LDK, Vikings, Templar and others. But Invictus are ressurected and returning to DoM.

Invictus members have priority every step of the way. Officers and high commanders are there to serve the needs and wishes of these members in any way possible. They will be our life, our blood, the very makeup of Invictus and we shall continue to strive to make sure that Invictus fame in the area of total domination, and that the game remains as fun as possible, never forgetting that FUN is what this is all about.

Before approaching an officer, please have following personal information available:

*Present DoM Score/Past scores from Previous rounds.
*Average amount of time spent active daily on irc
*Personal alliance history
*Personal DoM history
*special skills (ie. Gfx, coding etc…)
*Officer skills (example BC)

Our temporary Public channel will be on irc.netgamers.org, channel name: #Invictus

Be honoured to be Invictus

Ps. Since i will be away in july, u can contact "Rahvin" or u can wait till i return, as there will be enough time to organize
e-mail: kolovi@online.no

Icewolf 27-06-2003 21:42

PA clone? never ever again :)

cu starside

Eureka 28-06-2003 09:59


i think Xanadu are into DoM aswell...

]x[ 02-07-2003 15:52

Still looking for a g00d ally in DoM :)

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